Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/actioncivile/pre-auth/.4cc3a2e1590a4463a5f392ddcc26929e/static/node_modules/@mui/base/Modal/
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import { unstable_ownerWindow as ownerWindow, unstable_ownerDocument as ownerDocument, unstable_getScrollbarSize as getScrollbarSize } from '@mui/utils';
// Is a vertical scrollbar displayed?
function isOverflowing(container) {
  const doc = ownerDocument(container);
  if (doc.body === container) {
    return ownerWindow(container).innerWidth > doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
  return container.scrollHeight > container.clientHeight;
export function ariaHidden(element, show) {
  if (show) {
    element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
  } else {
function getPaddingRight(element) {
  return parseInt(ownerWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element).paddingRight, 10) || 0;
function isAriaHiddenForbiddenOnElement(element) {
  // The forbidden HTML tags are the ones from ARIA specification that
  // can be children of body and can't have aria-hidden attribute.
  // cf. https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#docconformance
  const forbiddenTagNames = ['TEMPLATE', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE', 'LINK', 'MAP', 'META', 'NOSCRIPT', 'PICTURE', 'COL', 'COLGROUP', 'PARAM', 'SLOT', 'SOURCE', 'TRACK'];
  const isForbiddenTagName = forbiddenTagNames.indexOf(element.tagName) !== -1;
  const isInputHidden = element.tagName === 'INPUT' && element.getAttribute('type') === 'hidden';
  return isForbiddenTagName || isInputHidden;
function ariaHiddenSiblings(container, mountElement, currentElement, elementsToExclude, show) {
  const blacklist = [mountElement, currentElement, ...elementsToExclude];
  [].forEach.call(container.children, element => {
    const isNotExcludedElement = blacklist.indexOf(element) === -1;
    const isNotForbiddenElement = !isAriaHiddenForbiddenOnElement(element);
    if (isNotExcludedElement && isNotForbiddenElement) {
      ariaHidden(element, show);
function findIndexOf(items, callback) {
  let idx = -1;
  items.some((item, index) => {
    if (callback(item)) {
      idx = index;
      return true;
    return false;
  return idx;
function handleContainer(containerInfo, props) {
  const restoreStyle = [];
  const container = containerInfo.container;
  if (!props.disableScrollLock) {
    if (isOverflowing(container)) {
      // Compute the size before applying overflow hidden to avoid any scroll jumps.
      const scrollbarSize = getScrollbarSize(ownerDocument(container));
        value: container.style.paddingRight,
        property: 'padding-right',
        el: container
      // Use computed style, here to get the real padding to add our scrollbar width.
      container.style.paddingRight = `${getPaddingRight(container) + scrollbarSize}px`;

      // .mui-fixed is a global helper.
      const fixedElements = ownerDocument(container).querySelectorAll('.mui-fixed');
      [].forEach.call(fixedElements, element => {
          value: element.style.paddingRight,
          property: 'padding-right',
          el: element
        element.style.paddingRight = `${getPaddingRight(element) + scrollbarSize}px`;
    let scrollContainer;
    if (container.parentNode instanceof DocumentFragment) {
      scrollContainer = ownerDocument(container).body;
    } else {
      // Improve Gatsby support
      // https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/force-vertical-scrollbar/
      const parent = container.parentElement;
      const containerWindow = ownerWindow(container);
      scrollContainer = (parent == null ? void 0 : parent.nodeName) === 'HTML' && containerWindow.getComputedStyle(parent).overflowY === 'scroll' ? parent : container;

    // Block the scroll even if no scrollbar is visible to account for mobile keyboard
    // screensize shrink.
      value: scrollContainer.style.overflow,
      property: 'overflow',
      el: scrollContainer
    }, {
      value: scrollContainer.style.overflowX,
      property: 'overflow-x',
      el: scrollContainer
    }, {
      value: scrollContainer.style.overflowY,
      property: 'overflow-y',
      el: scrollContainer
    scrollContainer.style.overflow = 'hidden';
  const restore = () => {
    }) => {
      if (value) {
        el.style.setProperty(property, value);
      } else {
  return restore;
function getHiddenSiblings(container) {
  const hiddenSiblings = [];
  [].forEach.call(container.children, element => {
    if (element.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true') {
  return hiddenSiblings;
 * @ignore - do not document.
 * Proper state management for containers and the modals in those containers.
 * Simplified, but inspired by react-overlay's ModalManager class.
 * Used by the Modal to ensure proper styling of containers.
export default class ModalManager {
  constructor() {
    this.containers = void 0;
    this.modals = void 0;
    this.modals = [];
    this.containers = [];
  add(modal, container) {
    let modalIndex = this.modals.indexOf(modal);
    if (modalIndex !== -1) {
      return modalIndex;
    modalIndex = this.modals.length;

    // If the modal we are adding is already in the DOM.
    if (modal.modalRef) {
      ariaHidden(modal.modalRef, false);
    const hiddenSiblings = getHiddenSiblings(container);
    ariaHiddenSiblings(container, modal.mount, modal.modalRef, hiddenSiblings, true);
    const containerIndex = findIndexOf(this.containers, item => item.container === container);
    if (containerIndex !== -1) {
      return modalIndex;
      modals: [modal],
      restore: null,
    return modalIndex;
  mount(modal, props) {
    const containerIndex = findIndexOf(this.containers, item => item.modals.indexOf(modal) !== -1);
    const containerInfo = this.containers[containerIndex];
    if (!containerInfo.restore) {
      containerInfo.restore = handleContainer(containerInfo, props);
  remove(modal, ariaHiddenState = true) {
    const modalIndex = this.modals.indexOf(modal);
    if (modalIndex === -1) {
      return modalIndex;
    const containerIndex = findIndexOf(this.containers, item => item.modals.indexOf(modal) !== -1);
    const containerInfo = this.containers[containerIndex];
    containerInfo.modals.splice(containerInfo.modals.indexOf(modal), 1);
    this.modals.splice(modalIndex, 1);

    // If that was the last modal in a container, clean up the container.
    if (containerInfo.modals.length === 0) {
      // The modal might be closed before it had the chance to be mounted in the DOM.
      if (containerInfo.restore) {
      if (modal.modalRef) {
        // In case the modal wasn't in the DOM yet.
        ariaHidden(modal.modalRef, ariaHiddenState);
      ariaHiddenSiblings(containerInfo.container, modal.mount, modal.modalRef, containerInfo.hiddenSiblings, false);
      this.containers.splice(containerIndex, 1);
    } else {
      // Otherwise make sure the next top modal is visible to a screen reader.
      const nextTop = containerInfo.modals[containerInfo.modals.length - 1];
      // as soon as a modal is adding its modalRef is undefined. it can't set
      // aria-hidden because the dom element doesn't exist either
      // when modal was unmounted before modalRef gets null
      if (nextTop.modalRef) {
        ariaHidden(nextTop.modalRef, false);
    return modalIndex;
  isTopModal(modal) {
    return this.modals.length > 0 && this.modals[this.modals.length - 1] === modal;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0