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{"errors":{"maxLoginAttemptsReached":"Too many login attempts. Please try again later.","unknownError":"Unknown error","directDebit":{"valueFormatInvalid":"Value format is incorrect","valueLengthExceeded":"Value too long","valueOutOfRange":"Value out of range","valueRequired":"Value is required","unpaidInvoices":"Unpaid invoices found.","agreementNotFound":"Recurring Direct Debit agreement not found.","strongAuthNeeded":"Strong identification needed.","accountNumberNotSupportedForCountry":"Account number from this country is not supported.","invalidBankAccount":"The bank account entered is invalid. Please double check and correct it.","deliveryAddressNotValid":"Delivery address is invalid, please double check and correct it.","billingAddressNotValid":"Billing address is invalid, please double check and correct it.","addressMismatch":"Billing and delivery address must be the same.","paymentMethodUnavailable":"Sorry, the payment method is currently not available. Please choose another payment method.","customerTooYoung":"Sorry, the age you entered does not meet the minimum requirement (18 years), please choose a different payment method or reenter your date of birth."}},"general-ok":"Ok","directDebit":{"termsError":"Accept the T&Cs to continue.","setUp":"Set up Direct Debit","confirmDetails":"Confirm your details","errorMessage2":"Try again or choose a different payment method.","emailNote":"Invoices will be sent here","acceptTerms":"Accept the T&Cs","successMessage":"Direct Debit with Riverty set up successfully.","errorMessage1":"Failed to set up Direct Debit.","termsAndConditions":"I accept the <1>Terms & Conditions</1> and <2>Privacy Policy</2> for Riverty Consolidated Direct Debit. Further I allow Riverty GmbH to collect payments from my bank account by Direct Debit. I instruct my bank to honor the Direct Debits drawn by Riverty GmbH. I understand that I can demand reimbursement of the debited amount within eight weeks, beginning with the debit date, in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed with my bank.","iban":"IBAN"},"streetName":"Street name","streetNumber":"Street number","getAppClickHere":"Click here to get the EasyPark app!","getAppTitle":"Get the EasyPark app!","getAppDescription":"Make parking simpler, faster and more convenient with the EasyPark app. Install it and start parking right away!","form-validator":{"oneRetryLeft":"License plate is invalid. 1 attempt remaining.","cooldown":"License plate is invalid. Try again in $cooldown","retriesLeft":"License plate is invalid. $retriesLeft attempts remaining.","length":"$label must be $length digits long","labelIsRequired":"$label is required","isRequired":"is required","pattern":"Incorrect pattern","max-length":"Inserted word is too long","min-length":"Inserted word is too small","required":"This field cannot be empty","organization-number-not-valid":"Company registration number is not valid","organization-number-in-use":"Company registration number is already in use","exists":"Phone number is in use","password-mismatch":"The passwords don't match, please re-type the password"},"resetPassword":{"additionalVerification":{"cannotVerifyTitle":"Your account can’t be verified","cannotVerifyDescription":"You can contact customer care on +XXXXXXXXX for help. But the fastest way to get your parking started is to create a new account.","create":"Create","loseInfoWarning":"You will lose access to the information stored on the old account.","cantRememberLicensePlane":"If you can’t remember any previously used license plates, you can contact customer care for help.","contactCustomerCareOn":"Contact customer care on","optionToCreateNewAccount":"You also have the option to create a new account with the same phone number. You will lose access to the information stored on the old account.","verify":"Verify","customerCarePhone":"+XXXXXXXXXXXX","additionalVerificationRequired":"Additional verification required","enterPreviousLicensePlate":"Enter any previously used license plate on this account to reset your password.","forgotLicensePlate":"Forgot license plate","contactCustomerCare1":"If you can't remember any previously used license plates, you can contact customer care on ","contactCustomerCare2":"for help.","offerNewAccount":"You also have the option to create a new account. You will lose the information stored on the old account.","createNewAccount":"Create new account"},"codeResent":"Verification code resent","usernameNotFound":"An account with this username could not be found.","phoneNotFound":"An account with this phone number could not be found. Please try another one.","error":{"missingEmail":"No email address on your account. Try sending your code via SMS or contact customer care for help.","missingPhone":"No phone number on your account. Try sending your code via email or contact customer care for help."},"verificationCode":{"recoveryViaEmail":{"p1":"You will shortly receive a 4-digit verification code via email to the email address linked to $phone.","p2":"Please allow up to two minutes to receive the email before resending it."},"recoveryViaSMS":{"phoneLogIn":{"p1":"You will shortly receive a 4-digit verification code via SMS to $phone."},"usernameLogIn":{"p1":"You will shortly receive a 4-digit verification code via SMS to the phone number linked to $phone."},"p2":"Please allow up to two minutes to receive the SMS before resending it."}},"resetWith":"Reset with","verificationCodePlaceholder":"Verification code","verifyCode":"Verify","title":"Reset password","description":"Enter your phone number or username and receive a code to reset your password via SMS or email (if you’ve added one to your account).","enterVerificationCode":"Enter verification code","resendCode":"Resend code"},"migration":{"directDebit":{"authorizationMissing":"Please agree to the conditions above to continue","firstOrLastNameMissing":"Please use the edit button to provide your first name and last name","authorization":"I authorize EasyPark GmbH to collect outstanding money via direct debit directly from my bank account. Furthermore, I instruct my bank to execute direct debit payments, which have been initiated by EasyPark GmbH, and to allow a transfer of € 0.01 for a safe and correct verification of my account number.","title":"Confirm your payment method","edit":"Edit direct debit"},"directDebitFailed":{"title":"We couldn’t transfer your payment method","description":"Please try again or add a payment method later. Please be advised employees will not be able to park using this account until a payment method is set up."},"creditCard":{"subtitle":"You can change the payment method later <br> in the Payment Groups section"},"addLater":"Add later","redirecting":"Redirecting to migration...","setPassword":{"title":"Set a new password","description":"Your password will be changed for all devices.","newPassword":"New password","passwordMust":"Your password must","requirement1":"Have at least 10 characters","confirm":"Set password","back":"Back a step"},"success":{"title":"You’re ready to go !","description":"Your account is complete now and ready to be used in EasyPark.","intro":"Here’s a quick intro","info":"You can always access information about our main features in the Help Section","done":"Done","downloadGuide":"DOWNLOAD GUIDE"},"welcome":{"title":"Welcome to EasyPark, $name!","description":"Your account has been successfully transferred. Go to the EasyPark portal to set up your account.","nextSteps":"Next Steps","firstStep":"Set a new password","secondStep":"Confirm your payment method","thirdStep":"See a short tutorial and get going","bottomText":"The $link1 and $link2 to the EasyPark services","termsAndConditions":"Terms and Conditions","privacyPolicy":"Privacy Policy"}},"tryAgain":"Try again","countryCode":{"AT":"Austria","DE":"Germany","CH":"Switzerland","FR":"France"},"edit":"Edit","cancel":"Cancel","save":"Save","general-next":"Next","sepaFirstName":"First name","sepaLastName":"Last name","sepaEmail":"Email","sepaIban":"IBAN","sepaBic":"BIC (SWIFT code)","button-consent":"I consent to receive marketing communication from EasyPark","general-pec-email":"PEC Email","general-sdi-code":"SDI Code","signup":{"paymentMethodSelection":{"finish":"Finish","skip":"Skip for now","description":"Your subscription starts as soon as you <br> set up payment","title":"Set up your payment"},"packageSelection":{"vatExcluded":"All prices are excluding VAT.","parkingCostExcluded":"Prices exclude parking costs.","text1":"Park in all EasyPark supported areas","text2":"Monthly billing","text3":"Automatic receipt send-out","text4":"Split business and leisure parkings","text5":"$fee service fee per parking","title":"Decide what's best for you","proDescription":"Recommended for those <br> who park infrequently","premiumDescription":"Recommended for those <br> who park frequently","priceSpecifier":"per user per month","selectButtonText":"Select"}},"signUpTabPersonal":"Personal","general-confirm":"Confirm","general-payment-method-add-later":"I'll Add details later","signupBusinessRegistrationCompleteHeader":"Your account has been registered!","signupBusinessRegistrationCompleteText":"You can now access our services via mobile and web. We have sent you an SMS to download our app to make it easier for you to get started with Easypark business.","signupBusinessInviteHeader":"Invite your colleagues","signupBusinessInviteText":"Add users to your account to unify parking expenses, split by payment group, project notes and make the most of Easypark business.","general-not-now":"Not now, Thank You!","general-add-users":"Add Users","packageFirst":{"1":"When you park occasionally (<5 times per month)","2":"per month & user","3":"service fee per parking","4":"activation fee per user"},"street":"Street","postalCode":"Postal code","city":"City","sweet-alert":{"sorry":"SORRY","account-blocked":"Your account is blocked until ","vat-number-exists":"Good news! Your company already has an account! Please contact your account holder to get yourself added as a user or call $call-us and we'll help you out.","invalid-vat-number":"Invalid VAT number format","fleet-login-text":"We see that you're a happy fleet customer! Since we bill your fleet company directly, we've restricted some functionalities once you're signed in. Please contact us if you have questions!","invalid-sms-token":"The code was incorrect. Please re-check your SMS and try again.","invalid-email-token":"The code was incorrect. Please re-check your email and try again.","try-again":"Oops! Please try again in some time","user-exist":"A user already exists with this phone number.","low-attempts":"You are running low on attempts.","remaining-attempts":"Number of remaining attempts: "},"helpSignin":"<p>If you have a private account, your username will be the same as your <strong>phone number.</strong></p><p>If you have a business account, your username start with <strong>ba-</strong> or <strong>cu-</strong> but can also be the same as your <strong>phone number</strong> or another <strong>name</strong> depending on what you decided.</p>","cookies":{"":"Cookies"},"forgot-password-success-text":"Your password has been successfully reset","privacy-policy":"Privacy Policy","terms-of-service":"Terms of Service","tcs":"T&Cs","contactUs":"Contact us","email-us":"Email","call-us":"Call","header-business":"Business","business-tcs":"Business T&Cs","auth":{"login":{"wrongUsernameOrPassword":{"p1":"Wrong username or password. Try again or click “Can’t log in” to reset your password.","p2":"Your username is likely to be the same as your phone number, but for business accounts, your username could also start with “ba-” or “customer-”.","":"Wrong username or password. Try again or click “Can’t log in” to reset your password. Your username is likely to be the same as your phone number, but for business accounts, your username could also start with “ba-” or “customer-”."},"wrongPhoneOrPassword":"Wrong phone number or password. Try again or click \"Can't log in\" to reset your password.","registerWithEasyPark":"Register with EasyPark","parkingOperatorLogIn":"Log in as parking operator","selectAccountCountry":"Account country","cantLogIn":"Can't log in?","selectLanguage":"Language","logInWith":"Log in with","titleMessage":"Access your personal or business account","backToLogin":"Back to login","title":"Log in","new-to-easypark":"New to EasyPark?","login-button":"Log in"},"logout":{"go-to-admin":"Go to admin","logout-button":"Sign out","you-are-logged-in":"You are logged in as $userName"},"resend-otp":"Resend code"},"setNewPassword":{"placeholder":"New password","button":"Set password","description":"Your password will be changed for all devices.","title":"Set a new password"},"signUpTitle":"Welcome to EasyPark","email":"Email","signupBusinessDone":"Done","signupBusinessBilling":"Billing","signupBusinessSelectPlan":"Select plan","signupBusinessCredentials":"Credentials","signup-ep-highlight":"Research shows an average of 30% overpayment when paying in advance using cards or coins. EasyPark takes 15% so you get both convenience and saves money at the same time","b2c-package-small":"EasyPark Small","agree":{"part4":"Privacy Policy","part3":"of Service and","part2":"Terms","part1":"By continuing, you agree to EasyPark’s"},"general-continue":"Continue","reEnterPassword":"Re-enter password","organizationName":"Company name","vatNumber":"Company registration number","signupBusinessSelectPlanText":"Are you currently parking for work on a weekly basis?","general-yes":"Yes","general-no":"No","general-back":"Back","general-get-in-touch":"Do you have any questions? Get in touch","general-recommended-for-you":"Recommended for you","general-already-have-account":"Already have an account?","sign-in":"Sign In","signUpTabBusiness":"Business","general-firstname":"First name","general-lastname":"Last name","error":{"required":"Field is required","valid-email":"Please enter valid email","enter-username":"We couldn’t find an account with this username. Please try another one.","password-strength":"Passwords must be at least 7 characters with one lowercase, one upper case and a digit","missing-phone":"We couldn't find a phone number related to this account. Please try to reset through email or ","missing-email":"We couldn't find an email related to this account. Please try to reset through SMS or ","password-mismatch":"The passwords don't match, please re-type the password"},"confirm-password-placeholder":"Re-type your password","reset-password-placeholder":"Type your new password","rest-password-helpText":"Choose a new password for your account. Please note that the password will be changed for all your devices.","contact-support":"Contact support","email-sent":"You should have received an email with a code. Please enter your 4 digit code below.","sms-sent":"You should have received an SMS with a code. Please enter your 4 digit code below.","signUpInfoPrivate":{"second":"Multi-award winning app with more than <b>5.000.000 users</b>"},"password":"Password","username":"Username","signInUsernameRegflow":"Phone number","verify-your-mobile":"Enter your username and reset your password either via SMS or Email. If you don’t know your username, please contact support.","send-code":"Send SMS","send-email":"Send e-mail","forgot-password":"Forgot Password?"}

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0