Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/backup-guard-platinum/com/lib/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/backup-guard-platinum/com/lib/SGArchive.php


interface SGArchiveDelegate
	public function getCorrectCdrFilename($filename);
	public function didExtractFile($filePath);
	public function didCountFilesInsideArchive($count);
	public function didFindExtractError($error);
	public function warn($message);
	public function didExtractArchiveMeta($meta);
	public function didStartRestoreFiles();

class SGArchive
	const VERSION = 5;
	const CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576; //1mb
	private $filePath = '';
	private $mode = '';
	private $fileHandle = null;
	private $cdrFileHandle = null;
	private $cdrFilesCount = 0;
	private $cdr = array();
	private $fileOffset = 0;
	private $delegate;
	private $ranges = array();
	private $state = null;
	private $rangeCursor = 0;

	private $cdrOffset = 0;

	public function __construct($filePath, $mode, $cdrSize = 0)
		$this->filePath = $filePath;
		$this->mode = $mode;
		$this->fileHandle = @fopen($filePath, $mode.'b');

		if ($cdrSize) {
			$this->cdrFilesCount = $cdrSize;

		if ($mode == 'a') {

			$cdrPath = $filePath.'.cdr';

			$this->cdrFileHandle = @fopen($cdrPath, $mode.'b');

	public function setDelegate(SGArchiveDelegate $delegate)
		$this->delegate = $delegate;

	public function getCdrFilesCount()
		return $this->cdrFilesCount;

	public function addFileFromPath($filename, $path)
		$headerSize = 0;
		$len = 0;
		$zlen = 0;
		$start = 0;

		$fp = fopen($path, 'rb');
		$fileSize = backupGuardRealFilesize($path);

		$state = $this->delegate->getState();
		$offset = $state->getOffset();

		if (!$state->getInprogress()) {
			$headerSize = $this->addFileHeader();
			$headerSize = $state->getHeaderSize();
			$this->fileOffset = $state->getFileOffsetInArchive();

		$this->ranges = $state->getRanges();
		if (count($this->ranges)) {
			$range = end($this->ranges); //get last range of file

			$start += $range['start'] + $range['size'];
			$zlen = $start; // get file compressed size before reload

		fseek($fp, $offset); // move to point before reload
		//read file in small chunks
		while ($offset < $fileSize)
			$data = fread($fp, self::CHUNK_SIZE);
			if ($data === '') {
				//When fread fails to read and compress on fly
				if ($zlen == 0 && $fileSize != 0 && strlen($data) == 0) {
					$this->delegate->warn('Failed to read file: '.basename($filename));

			$data = gzdeflate($data);
			$zlen += strlen($data);
			$sgArchiveSize = backupGuardRealFilesize($this->filePath);
			$sgArchiveSize += strlen($data);

			if($sgArchiveSize > SG_ARCHIVE_MAX_SIZE_32) {


			array_push($this->ranges, array(
				'start' => $start,
				'size' => strlen($data)
			$offset = ftell($fp);

			$start += strlen($data);

			$shouldReload = $this->delegate->shouldReload();
			if ($shouldReload) {
				$this->delegate->saveStateData(SG_STATE_ACTION_COMPRESSING_FILES, $this->ranges, $offset, $headerSize, true, $this->fileOffset);

				if (backupGuardIsReloadEnabled()) {


		if ($state->getInprogress()) {
			$headerSize = $state->getHeaderSize();



		$this->addFileToCdr($filename, $zlen, $len, $headerSize);

	public function addFile($filename, $data)
		$headerSize = $this->addFileHeader();

		if ($data)
			$data = gzdeflate($data);

		$zlen = strlen($data);
		$len = 0;

		$this->addFileToCdr($filename, $zlen, $len, $headerSize);

	private function addFileHeader()
		//save extra
		$extra = '';

		$extraLengthInBytes = 4;
		$this->write($this->packToLittleEndian(strlen($extra), $extraLengthInBytes).$extra);

		return $extraLengthInBytes+strlen($extra);

	private function addFileToCdr($filename, $zlen, $len, $headerSize)
		//store cdr data for later use
		$this->addToCdr($filename, $zlen, $len);

		$this->fileOffset += $headerSize + $zlen;

	public function finalize()



	private function addFooter()
		$footer = '';

		//save version
		$footer .= $this->packToLittleEndian(self::VERSION, 1);

		$tables = SGConfig::get('SG_BACKUPED_TABLES');

		if ($tables) {
			$table = json_encode($tables);
		else {
			$tables = "";

		$multisitePath = "";
		$multisiteDomain = "";

			// in case of multisite save old path and domain for later usage
			if (is_multisite()) {
				$multisitePath = PATH_CURRENT_SITE;
				$multisiteDomain = DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE;

		//save db prefix, site and home url for later use
		$extra = json_encode(array(
			'siteUrl' => get_site_url(),
			'home' => get_home_url(),
			'dbPrefix' => SG_ENV_DB_PREFIX,
			'tables' => $tables,
			'method' => SGConfig::get('SG_BACKUP_TYPE'),
			'multisitePath' => $multisitePath,
			'multisiteDomain' => $multisiteDomain,
			'selectivRestoreable' => true,
			'phpVersion' => phpversion()

		//extra size
		$footer .= $this->packToLittleEndian(strlen($extra), 4).$extra;

		//save cdr size
		$footer .= $this->packToLittleEndian($this->cdrFilesCount, 4);


		//save cdr
		$cdrLen = $this->writeCdr();

		//save offset to the start of footer
		$len = $cdrLen+strlen($extra)+13;
		$this->write($this->packToLittleEndian($len, 4));

	private function writeCdr()

		$cdrLen = 0;
		$fp = @fopen($this->filePath.'.cdr', 'rb');

		while (!feof($fp))
			$data = fread($fp, self::CHUNK_SIZE);
			$cdrLen += strlen($data);


		return $cdrLen;

	private function clear()
		$this->cdr = array();
		$this->fileOffset = 0;
		$this->cdrFilesCount = 0;

	private function addToCdr($filename, $compressedLength, $uncompressedLength)
		$rec = $this->packToLittleEndian(0, 4); //crc (not used in this version)
		$rec .= $this->packToLittleEndian(strlen($filename), 2);
		$rec .= $filename;
		// file offset, compressed length, uncompressed length all are writen in 8 bytes to cover big integer size
		$rec .= $this->packToLittleEndian($this->fileOffset, 8);
		$rec .= $this->packToLittleEndian($compressedLength, 8);
		$rec .= $this->packToLittleEndian($uncompressedLength, 8); //uncompressed size (not used in this version)
		$rec .= $this->packToLittleEndian(count($this->ranges), 4);

		foreach ($this->ranges as $range) {
			// start and size all are writen in 8 bytes to cover big integer size
			$rec .= $this->packToLittleEndian($range['start'], 8);
			$rec .= $this->packToLittleEndian($range['size'], 8);

		fwrite($this->cdrFileHandle, $rec);


	private function isEnoughFreeSpaceOnDisk($dataSize)
		$freeSpace = @disk_free_space(SG_APP_ROOT_DIRECTORY);

		if ($freeSpace === false || $freeSpace === null) {
			return true;

		if ($freeSpace < $dataSize) {
			return false;

		return true;

	private function write($data)
		$isEnoughFreeSpaceOnDisk = $this->isEnoughFreeSpaceOnDisk(strlen($data));
		if (!$isEnoughFreeSpaceOnDisk) {
			throw new SGExceptionIO('Failed to write in the archive due to not sufficient disk free space.');

		$result = fwrite($this->fileHandle, $data);
		if ($result === FALSE) {
			throw new SGExceptionIO('Failed to write in archive');

	private function read($length)
		$result = fread($this->fileHandle, $length);
		if ($result === FALSE) {
			throw new SGExceptionIO('Failed to read from archive');
		return $result;

	private function packToLittleEndian($value, $size = 4)
		if (is_int($value))
			$size *= 2; //2 characters for each byte
			$value = str_pad(dechex($value), $size, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
			return strrev(pack('H'.$size, $value));

		$hex = str_pad($value->toHex(), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

		$high = substr($hex, 0, 8);
		$low  = substr($hex, 8, 8);

		$high = strrev(pack('H8', $high));
		$low = strrev(pack('H8', $low));

		return $low.$high;

	public function getArchiveHeaders()
		return $this->extractHeaders();

	public function getFilesList()
		$list = array();
		$cdrSize = hexdec($this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(4), 4));
		$this->cdrOffset = ftell($this->fileHandle);

		for($i = 0; $i < $cdrSize; $i++) {
			$el = $this->getNextCdrElement($this->cdrOffset);
			array_push($list, $el[0]);
		return $list;

	public function getTreefromList($list, $limit = "")
		$tree = array();
		if(end($list) == "./sql") {
		for($i=0; $i < count($list); $i++) {
			if(!backupGuardStringStartsWith($list[$i], $limit)) {
			$path = substr($list[$i], strlen($limit));
			$path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
			$exists = false;
			foreach($tree as $el) {
				if ($path[0] == $el->name) {
					$exists = true;
			if(!$exists) {
				$node = new stdClass();
				$node->name = $path[0];
				if(count($path) > 1){
					$node->type = "folder";
					$node->type = "file";

		return $tree;

	public function extractTo($destinationPath, $state = null)
		$this->state = $state;
		$action = $state->getAction();

		else {

	private function extractHeaders()
		//read offset
		fseek($this->fileHandle, -4, SEEK_END);
		$offset = hexdec($this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(4), 4));

		//read version
		fseek($this->fileHandle, -$offset, SEEK_END);
		$version = hexdec($this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(1), 1));
		SGConfig::set('SG_CURRENT_ARCHIVE_VERSION', $version);

		//read extra size (not used in this version)
		$extraSize = hexdec($this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(4), 4));

		//read extra
		$extra = array();
		if ($extraSize > 0) {
			$extra = $this->read($extraSize);
			$extra = json_decode($extra, true);

			SGConfig::set('SG_OLD_SITE_URL', $extra['siteUrl']);
			SGConfig::set('SG_OLD_DB_PREFIX', $extra['dbPrefix']);

			if (isset($extra['phpVersion'])) {
				SGConfig::set('SG_OLD_PHP_VERSION', $extra['phpVersion']);

			SGConfig::set('SG_BACKUPED_TABLES', $extra['tables']);
			SGConfig::set('SG_BACKUP_TYPE', $extra['method']);

			SGConfig::set('SG_MULTISITE_OLD_PATH',  $extra['multisitePath']);
			SGConfig::set('SG_MULTISITE_OLD_DOMAIN', $extra['multisiteDomain']);

		$extra['version'] = $version;
		return $extra;

	private function extract($destinationPath)
		$extra = $this->extractHeaders();
		$version = $extra['version'];


		$isMultisite = backupGuardIsMultisite();
		$archiveIsMultisite = $extra['multisitePath'] != '' || $extra['multisiteDomain'] != '';

			if ($archiveIsMultisite && !$isMultisite) {
				throw new SGExceptionMigrationError("In order to restore this archive you should set up Multisite WordPress!");
			elseif (!$archiveIsMultisite && $isMultisite) {
				throw new SGExceptionMigrationError("In order to restore this archive you should set up a Standard instead of Multisite WordPress!");

			if( !SGBoot::isFeatureAvailable('BACKUP_WITH_MIGRATION') ) {
				if ($extra['method'] != SG_BACKUP_METHOD_MIGRATE) {
					if ($extra['siteUrl'] == SG_SITE_URL) {
						if ($extra['dbPrefix'] != SG_ENV_DB_PREFIX) {
							throw new SGExceptionMigrationError("Seems you have changed database prefix. You should keep it constant to be able to restore this backup. Setup your WordPress installation with ".$extra['dbPrefix']." datbase prefix.");
					else {
						throw new SGExceptionMigrationError("You should install <b>BackupGuard Pro</b> to be able to migrate the website. More detailed information regarding features included in <b>Free</b> and <b>Pro</b> versions you can find here: <a href='".SG_BACKUP_SITE_URL."'>".SG_BACKUP_SITE_URL."</a>");
				else {
					throw new SGExceptionMigrationError("You should install <b>BackupGuard Pro</b> to be able to restore a package designed for migration.More detailed information regarding features included in <b>Free</b> and <b>Pro</b> versions you can find here: <a href='".SG_BACKUP_SITE_URL."'>".SG_BACKUP_SITE_URL."</a>");
		else {
			throw new SGExceptionBadRequest('Invalid SGArchive file');

		//read cdr size
		$this->cdrFilesCount = hexdec($this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(4), 4));


		// $this->extractCdr($cdrSize, $destinationPath);
		$this->cdrOffset = ftell($this->fileHandle);

	private function continueExtract($destinationPath)
		$this->fileOffset = $this->state->getOffset();
		fseek($this->fileHandle, $this->fileOffset);

	private function getNextCdrElement($offset)
		fseek($this->fileHandle, $this->cdrOffset);
		//read crc (not used in this version)

		//read filename
		$filenameLen = hexdec($this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(2), 2));
		$filename = $this->read($filenameLen);
		$filename = $this->delegate->getCorrectCdrFilename($filename);

		//read file offset
		$fileOffsetInArchive = $this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(8), 8);
		$fileOffsetInArchive = hexdec($fileOffsetInArchive);

		//read compressed length
		$zlen = $this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(8), 8);
		$zlen = hexdec($zlen);

		//read uncompressed length (not used in this version)

		$rangeLen = hexdec($this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(4), 4));

		$ranges = array();
		for ($i=0; $i < $rangeLen; $i++) {
			$start = $this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(8), 8);
			$start = hexdec($start);

			$size = $this->unpackLittleEndian($this->read(8), 8);
			$size = hexdec($size);

			$ranges[] = array(
				'start' => $start,
				'size' => $size

		$this->cdrOffset = ftell($this->fileHandle);
		return array($filename, $zlen, $ranges, $fileOffsetInArchive);

	private function extractFiles($destinationPath)
		$action = $this->state->getAction();
			$inprogress = false;
			fseek($this->fileHandle, 0, SEEK_SET);
		else {
			$inprogress = $this->state->getInprogress();
			$this->cdrFilesCount = $this->state->getCdrSize();
			$this->cdrOffset = $this->state->getCdrCursor();

		$sqlFileEnding = $this->state->getBackupFileName().'/'.$this->state->getBackupFileName().'.sql';
		$restoreMode = $this->state->getRestoreMode();
		$restoreFiles = $this->state->getRestoreFiles();

		while ($this->cdrFilesCount) {

			$warningFoundDuringExtract = false;

			if ($inprogress) {
				$row = $this->state->getCdr();
			else {
				$row = $this->getNextCdrElement($this->cdrOffset);

				fseek($this->fileHandle, $this->fileOffset);

				//read extra (not used in this version)

			$path = $destinationPath . $row[0];
			$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
			$restoreCurrentFile = false;

			if ($restoreMode == SG_RESTORE_MODE_FILES && $restoreFiles != NULL && count($restoreFiles) > 0) {
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($restoreFiles); $j++) {
					if ($restoreFiles[$j] == "/" || backupGuardStringStartsWith($row[0], $restoreFiles[$j])) {
						$restoreCurrentFile = true;

			// check if file should be restored according restore mode selected by user
			if($restoreMode == SG_RESTORE_MODE_FULL || ($restoreMode == SG_RESTORE_MODE_DB && backupGuardStringEndsWith($path,$sqlFileEnding)) || ($restoreMode == SG_RESTORE_MODE_FILES && !backupGuardStringEndsWith($path,$sqlFileEnding) && $restoreCurrentFile)) {

				if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != '/') {//it's not an empty directory
					$path = dirname($path);

				if (!$inprogress) {
					if (!$this->createPath($path)) {
						$ranges = $row[2];

						//get last range of file
						$range = end($ranges);
						$offset = $range['start'] + $range['size'];

						// skip file and continue
						fseek($this->fileHandle, $offset, SEEK_CUR);
						$this->delegate->didFindExtractError('Could not create directory: ' . dirname($path));

				$path = $destinationPath . $row[0];
				$tmpPath = $path . ".sgbpTmpFile";

				if (!$inprogress) {

					if (!is_writable(dirname($tmpPath))) {
						$this->delegate->didFindExtractError('Destination path is not writable: ' . dirname($path));

				if (!$inprogress) {
					$tmpFp = @fopen($tmpPath, 'wb');
				else {
					$tmpFp = @fopen($tmpPath, 'ab');

				$zlen = $row[1];
				$ranges = $row[2];

				if ($inprogress) {
					$this->rangeCursor = $this->state->getRangeCursor();
				else {
					$this->rangeCursor = 0;

				for ($i = $this->rangeCursor; $i < count($ranges); $i++) {
					$start = $ranges[$i]['start'];
					$size = $ranges[$i]['size'];

					$data = $this->read($size);
					$data = gzinflate($data);

					//If gzinflate() failed to uncompress, skip the current file and continue extraction
					if (!$data) {
						$warningFoundDuringExtract = true;
						$this->delegate->didFindExtractError('Failed to extract path: ' . $path);

						//Assume we've extracted the current file
						for ($idx = $i + 1; $idx < count($ranges); $idx++) {
							$start = $ranges[$idx]['start'];
							$size = $ranges[$idx]['size'];

							fseek($this->fileHandle, $size, SEEK_CUR);

						$inprogress = false;


					else {
						$inprogress = true;
						if (($i + 1) == count($ranges)) {
							$inprogress = false;
						if (is_resource($tmpFp)) {
							$isEnoughFreeSpaceOnDisk = $this->isEnoughFreeSpaceOnDisk(strlen($data));
							if (!$isEnoughFreeSpaceOnDisk) {
								throw new SGExceptionIO('Failed to write in the archive due to not sufficient disk free space.');

							fwrite($tmpFp, $data);

							$shouldReload = $this->delegate->shouldReload();

							//restore with reloads will only work in external mode
							if ($shouldReload && SGExternalRestore::isEnabled()) {

								if (!$inprogress) {

								$token = $this->delegate->getToken();
								$progress = $this->delegate->getProgress();

								$this->fileOffset = ftell($this->fileHandle);

								$this->state->setRangeCursor($i + 1);





				if (is_resource($tmpFp)) {

				if (!$warningFoundDuringExtract) {
					@rename($tmpPath, $path);
				else {

				$this->fileOffset = ftell($this->fileHandle);
			else {
				//if file should not be restored skip it and go to the next file
				$ranges = $row[2];

				for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($ranges); $idx++) {

					$size = $ranges[$idx]['size'];

					fseek($this->fileHandle, $size, SEEK_CUR);
				$this->fileOffset = ftell($this->fileHandle);


	private function unpackLittleEndian($data, $size)
		$size *= 2; //2 characters for each byte

		$data = unpack('H'.$size, strrev($data));
		return $data[1];

	private function createPath($path)
		if (is_dir($path)) return true;
		$prev_path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/', -2) + 1);
		$return = $this->createPath($prev_path);
		if ($return && is_writable($prev_path))
			if (!@mkdir($path)) return false;

			@chmod($path, 0777);
			return true;

		return false;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0