Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/infinite-scroll/
Upload File :
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Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/infinite-scroll/infinity.js

/* globals infiniteScroll, _wpmejsSettings, ga, _gaq, WPCOM_sharing_counts */
( function( $ ) {
	// Open closure
	// Local vars
	var Scroller, ajaxurl, stats, type, text, totop;

	// IE requires special handling
	var isIE = -1 != navigator.userAgent.search( 'MSIE' );
	if ( isIE ) {
		var IEVersion = navigator.userAgent.match( /MSIE\s?(\d+)\.?\d*;/ );
		IEVersion = parseInt( IEVersion[ 1 ] );

	// HTTP ajaxurl when site is HTTPS causes Access-Control-Allow-Origin failure in Desktop and iOS Safari
	if ( 'https:' == document.location.protocol ) {
		infiniteScroll.settings.ajaxurl = infiniteScroll.settings.ajaxurl.replace(

	 * Loads new posts when users scroll near the bottom of the page.
	Scroller = function( settings ) {
		var self = this;

		// Initialize our variables
		this.id = settings.id;
		this.body = $( document.body );
		this.window = $( window );
		this.element = $( '#' + settings.id );
		this.wrapperClass = settings.wrapper_class;
		this.ready = true;
		this.disabled = false;
		this.page = 1;
		this.offset = settings.offset;
		this.currentday = settings.currentday;
		this.order = settings.order;
		this.throttle = false;
		this.handle =
			'<div id="infinite-handle"><span><button>' +
			text.replace( '\\', '' ) +
		this.click_handle = settings.click_handle;
		this.google_analytics = settings.google_analytics;
		this.history = settings.history;
		this.origURL = window.location.href;
		this.pageCache = {};

		// Footer settings
		this.footer = $( '#infinite-footer' );
		this.footer.wrap = settings.footer;

		// Core's native MediaElement.js implementation needs special handling
		this.wpMediaelement = null;

		// We have two type of infinite scroll
		// cases 'scroll' and 'click'

		if ( type == 'scroll' ) {
			// Bind refresh to the scroll event
			// Throttle to check for such case every 300ms

			// On event the case becomes a fact
			this.window.bind( 'scroll.infinity', function() {
				this.throttle = true;
			} );

			// Go back top method

			setInterval( function() {
				if ( this.throttle ) {
					// Once the case is the case, the action occurs and the fact is no more
					this.throttle = false;
					// Reveal or hide footer
					// Fire the refresh
					self.determineURL(); // determine the url
			}, 250 );

			// Ensure that enough posts are loaded to fill the initial viewport, to compensate for short posts and large displays.
			this.body.bind( 'post-load', { self: self }, self.checkViewportOnLoad );
		} else if ( type == 'click' ) {
			if ( this.click_handle ) {
				this.element.append( this.handle );

			this.body.delegate( '#infinite-handle', 'click.infinity', function() {
				// Handle the handle
				if ( self.click_handle ) {
					$( '#infinite-handle' ).remove();

				// Fire the refresh
			} );

		// Initialize any Core audio or video players loaded via IS
		this.body.bind( 'post-load', { self: self }, self.initializeMejs );

	 * Check whether we should fetch any additional posts.
	Scroller.prototype.check = function() {
		var container = this.element.offset();

		// If the container can't be found, stop otherwise errors result
		if ( 'object' !== typeof container ) {
			return false;

		var bottom = this.window.scrollTop() + this.window.height(),
			threshold = container.top + this.element.outerHeight( false ) - this.window.height() * 2;

		return bottom > threshold;

	 * Renders the results from a successful response.
	Scroller.prototype.render = function( response ) {
		this.body.addClass( 'infinity-success' );

		// Check if we can wrap the html
		this.element.append( response.html );
		this.body.trigger( 'post-load', response );
		this.ready = true;

	 * Returns the object used to query for new posts.
	Scroller.prototype.query = function() {
		return {
			page: this.page + this.offset, // Load the next page.
			currentday: this.currentday,
			order: this.order,
			scripts: window.infiniteScroll.settings.scripts,
			styles: window.infiniteScroll.settings.styles,
			query_args: window.infiniteScroll.settings.query_args,
			query_before: window.infiniteScroll.settings.query_before,
			last_post_date: window.infiniteScroll.settings.last_post_date,

	 * Scroll back to top.
	Scroller.prototype.gotop = function() {
		var blog = $( '#infinity-blog-title' );

		blog.attr( 'title', totop );

		// Scroll to top on blog title
		blog.bind( 'click', function( e ) {
			$( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast' );
		} );

	 * The infinite footer.
	Scroller.prototype.thefooter = function() {
		var self = this,

		// Check if we have an id for the page wrapper
		if ( $.type( this.footer.wrap ) === 'string' ) {
			width = $( 'body #' + this.footer.wrap ).outerWidth( false );

			// Make the footer match the width of the page
			if ( width > 479 ) {
				this.footer.find( '.container' ).css( 'width', width );

		// Reveal footer
		if ( this.window.scrollTop() >= 350 ) {
			self.footer.animate( { bottom: 0 }, 'fast' );
		} else if ( this.window.scrollTop() < 350 ) {
			self.footer.animate( { bottom: '-50px' }, 'fast' );

	 * Controls the flow of the refresh. Don't mess.
	Scroller.prototype.refresh = function() {
		var self = this,

		// If we're disabled, ready, or don't pass the check, bail.
		if ( this.disabled || ! this.ready || ! this.check() ) {

		// Let's get going -- set ready to false to prevent
		// multiple refreshes from occurring at once.
		this.ready = false;

		// Create a loader element to show it's working.
		if ( this.click_handle ) {
			loader = '<span class="infinite-loader"></span>';
			this.element.append( loader );

			loader = this.element.find( '.infinite-loader' );
			color = loader.css( 'color' );

			try {
				loader.spin( 'medium-left', color );
			} catch ( error ) {}

		// Generate our query vars.
		query = $.extend(
				action: 'infinite_scroll',

		// Inject Customizer state.
		if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && wp.customize && wp.customize.settings.theme ) {
			customized = {};
			query.wp_customize = 'on';
			query.theme = wp.customize.settings.theme.stylesheet;
			wp.customize.each( function( setting ) {
				if ( setting._dirty ) {
					customized[ setting.id ] = setting();
			} );
			query.customized = JSON.stringify( customized );
			query.nonce = wp.customize.settings.nonce.preview;

		// Fire the ajax request.
		jqxhr = $.post( infiniteScroll.settings.ajaxurl, query );

		// Allow refreshes to occur again if an error is triggered.
		jqxhr.fail( function() {
			if ( self.click_handle ) {

			self.ready = true;
		} );

		// Success handler
		jqxhr.done( function( response ) {
			// On success, let's hide the loader circle.
			if ( self.click_handle ) {

			// Check for and parse our response.
			if ( ! response || ! response.type ) {

			// If we've succeeded...
			if ( response.type == 'success' ) {
				// If additional scripts are required by the incoming set of posts, parse them
				if ( response.scripts ) {
					$( response.scripts ).each( function() {
						var elementToAppendTo = this.footer ? 'body' : 'head';

						// Add script handle to list of those already parsed
						window.infiniteScroll.settings.scripts.push( this.handle );

						// Output extra data, if present
						if ( this.extra_data ) {
							var data = document.createElement( 'script' ),
								dataContent = document.createTextNode(
									'//<![CDATA[ \n' + this.extra_data + '\n//]]>'

							data.type = 'text/javascript';
							data.appendChild( dataContent );

							document.getElementsByTagName( elementToAppendTo )[ 0 ].appendChild( data );

						// Build script tag and append to DOM in requested location
						var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
						script.type = 'text/javascript';
						script.src = this.src;
						script.id = this.handle;

						// If MediaElement.js is loaded in by this set of posts, don't initialize the players a second time as it breaks them all
						if ( 'wp-mediaelement' === this.handle ) {
							self.body.unbind( 'post-load', self.initializeMejs );

						if ( 'wp-mediaelement' === this.handle && 'undefined' === typeof mejs ) {
							self.wpMediaelement = {};
							self.wpMediaelement.tag = script;
							self.wpMediaelement.element = elementToAppendTo;
							setTimeout( self.maybeLoadMejs.bind( self ), 250 );
						} else {
							document.getElementsByTagName( elementToAppendTo )[ 0 ].appendChild( script );
					} );

				// If additional stylesheets are required by the incoming set of posts, parse them
				if ( response.styles ) {
					$( response.styles ).each( function() {
						// Add stylesheet handle to list of those already parsed
						window.infiniteScroll.settings.styles.push( this.handle );

						// Build link tag
						var style = document.createElement( 'link' );
						style.rel = 'stylesheet';
						style.href = this.src;
						style.id = this.handle + '-css';

						// Destroy link tag if a conditional statement is present and either the browser isn't IE, or the conditional doesn't evaluate true
						if (
							this.conditional &&
							( ! isIE || ! eval( this.conditional.replace( /%ver/g, IEVersion ) ) )
						) {
							style = false;

						// Append link tag if necessary
						if ( style ) {
							document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ].appendChild( style );
					} );

				// stash the response in the page cache
				self.pageCache[ self.page + self.offset ] = response;

				// Increment the page number

				// Record pageview in WP Stats, if available.
				if ( stats ) {
					new Image().src =
						document.location.protocol +
						'//pixel.wp.com/g.gif?' +
						stats +
						'&post=0&baba=' +

				// Add new posts to the postflair object
				if ( 'object' === typeof response.postflair && 'object' === typeof WPCOM_sharing_counts ) {
					WPCOM_sharing_counts = $.extend( WPCOM_sharing_counts, response.postflair ); // eslint-disable-line no-global-assign

				// Render the results
				self.render.apply( self, arguments );

				// If 'click' type and there are still posts to fetch, add back the handle
				if ( type == 'click' ) {
					if ( response.lastbatch ) {
						if ( self.click_handle ) {
							$( '#infinite-handle' ).remove();
							// Update body classes
							self.body.addClass( 'infinity-end' ).removeClass( 'infinity-success' );
						} else {
							self.body.trigger( 'infinite-scroll-posts-end' );
					} else {
						if ( self.click_handle ) {
							self.element.append( self.handle );
						} else {
							self.body.trigger( 'infinite-scroll-posts-more' );
				} else if ( response.lastbatch ) {
					self.disabled = true;
					self.body.addClass( 'infinity-end' ).removeClass( 'infinity-success' );

				// Update currentday to the latest value returned from the server
				if ( response.currentday ) {
					self.currentday = response.currentday;

				// Fire Google Analytics pageview
				if ( self.google_analytics ) {
					var ga_url = self.history.path.replace( /%d/, self.page );
					if ( 'object' === typeof _gaq ) {
						_gaq.push( [ '_trackPageview', ga_url ] );
					if ( 'function' === typeof ga ) {
						ga( 'send', 'pageview', ga_url );
		} );

		return jqxhr;

	 * Core's native media player uses MediaElement.js
	 * The library's size is sufficient that it may not be loaded in time for Core's helper to invoke it, so we need to delay until `mejs` exists.
	Scroller.prototype.maybeLoadMejs = function() {
		if ( null === this.wpMediaelement ) {

		if ( 'undefined' === typeof mejs ) {
			setTimeout( this.maybeLoadMejs, 250 );
		} else {
				.getElementsByTagName( this.wpMediaelement.element )[ 0 ]
				.appendChild( this.wpMediaelement.tag );
			this.wpMediaelement = null;

			// Ensure any subsequent IS loads initialize the players
			this.body.bind( 'post-load', { self: this }, this.initializeMejs );

	 * Initialize the MediaElement.js player for any posts not previously initialized
	Scroller.prototype.initializeMejs = function( ev, response ) {
		// Are there media players in the incoming set of posts?
		if (
			! response.html ||
			( -1 === response.html.indexOf( 'wp-audio-shortcode' ) &&
				-1 === response.html.indexOf( 'wp-video-shortcode' ) )
		) {

		// Don't bother if mejs isn't loaded for some reason
		if ( 'undefined' === typeof mejs ) {

		// Adapted from wp-includes/js/mediaelement/wp-mediaelement.js
		// Modified to not initialize already-initialized players, as Mejs doesn't handle that well
		$( function() {
			var settings = {};

			if ( typeof _wpmejsSettings !== 'undefined' ) {
				settings.pluginPath = _wpmejsSettings.pluginPath;

			settings.success = function( mejs ) {
				var autoplay = mejs.attributes.autoplay && 'false' !== mejs.attributes.autoplay;
				if ( 'flash' === mejs.pluginType && autoplay ) {
						function() {

			$( '.wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode' )
				.not( '.mejs-container' )
				.mediaelementplayer( settings );
		} );

	 * Trigger IS to load additional posts if the initial posts don't fill the window.
	 * On large displays, or when posts are very short, the viewport may not be filled with posts, so we overcome this by loading additional posts when IS initializes.
	Scroller.prototype.ensureFilledViewport = function() {
		var self = this,
			windowHeight = self.window.height(),
			postsHeight = self.element.height(),
			aveSetHeight = 0,
			wrapperQty = 0;

		// Account for situations where postsHeight is 0 because child list elements are floated
		if ( postsHeight === 0 ) {
			$( self.element.selector + ' > li' ).each( function() {
				postsHeight += $( this ).height();
			} );

			if ( postsHeight === 0 ) {
				self.body.unbind( 'post-load', self.checkViewportOnLoad );

		// Calculate average height of a set of posts to prevent more posts than needed from being loaded.
		$( '.' + self.wrapperClass ).each( function() {
			aveSetHeight += $( this ).height();
		} );

		if ( wrapperQty > 0 ) {
			aveSetHeight = aveSetHeight / wrapperQty;
		} else {
			aveSetHeight = 0;

		// Load more posts if space permits, otherwise stop checking for a full viewport
		if ( postsHeight < windowHeight && postsHeight + aveSetHeight < windowHeight ) {
			self.ready = true;
		} else {
			self.body.unbind( 'post-load', self.checkViewportOnLoad );

	 * Event handler for ensureFilledViewport(), tied to the post-load trigger.
	 * Necessary to ensure that the variable `this` contains the scroller when used in ensureFilledViewport(). Since this function is tied to an event, `this` becomes the DOM element the event is tied to.
	Scroller.prototype.checkViewportOnLoad = function( ev ) {

	function fullscreenState() {
		return document.fullscreenElement ||
			document.mozFullScreenElement ||
			document.webkitFullscreenElement ||
			? 1
			: 0;

	var previousFullScrenState = fullscreenState();

	 * Identify archive page that corresponds to majority of posts shown in the current browser window.
	Scroller.prototype.determineURL = function() {
		var self = this,
			windowTop = $( window ).scrollTop(),
			windowBottom = windowTop + $( window ).height(),
			windowSize = windowBottom - windowTop,
			setsInView = [],
			setsHidden = [],
			pageNum = false,
			currentFullScreenState = fullscreenState();

		// xor - check if the state has changed
		if ( previousFullScrenState ^ currentFullScreenState ) {
			// If we just switched to/from fullscreen,
			// don't do the div clearing/caching or the
			// URL setting. Doing so can break video playback
			// if the video goes to fullscreen.

			previousFullScrenState = currentFullScreenState;
		previousFullScrenState = currentFullScreenState;

		// Find out which sets are in view
		$( '.' + self.wrapperClass ).each( function() {
			var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ),
				setTop = $( this ).offset().top,
				setHeight = $( this ).outerHeight( false ),
				setBottom = 0,
				setPageNum = $( this ).data( 'page-num' );

			// Account for containers that have no height because their children are floated elements.
			if ( 0 === setHeight ) {
				$( '> *', this ).each( function() {
					setHeight += $( this ).outerHeight( false );
				} );

			// Determine position of bottom of set by adding its height to the scroll position of its top.
			setBottom = setTop + setHeight;

			// Populate setsInView object. While this logic could all be combined into a single conditional statement, this is easier to understand.
			if ( setTop < windowTop && setBottom > windowBottom ) {
				// top of set is above window, bottom is below
				setsInView.push( { id: id, top: setTop, bottom: setBottom, pageNum: setPageNum } );
			} else if ( setTop > windowTop && setTop < windowBottom ) {
				// top of set is between top (gt) and bottom (lt)
				setsInView.push( { id: id, top: setTop, bottom: setBottom, pageNum: setPageNum } );
			} else if ( setBottom > windowTop && setBottom < windowBottom ) {
				// bottom of set is between top (gt) and bottom (lt)
				setsInView.push( { id: id, top: setTop, bottom: setBottom, pageNum: setPageNum } );
			} else {
				setsHidden.push( { id: id, top: setTop, bottom: setBottom, pageNum: setPageNum } );
		} );

		$.each( setsHidden, function() {
			var $set = $( '#' + this.id );
			if ( $set.hasClass( 'is--replaced' ) ) {

			self.pageCache[ this.pageNum ].html = $set.html();

				.css( 'min-height', this.bottom - this.top + 'px' )
				.addClass( 'is--replaced' )
		} );

		$.each( setsInView, function() {
			var $set = $( '#' + this.id );

			if ( $set.hasClass( 'is--replaced' ) ) {
				$set.css( 'min-height', '' ).removeClass( 'is--replaced' );
				if ( this.pageNum in self.pageCache ) {
					$set.html( self.pageCache[ this.pageNum ].html );
					self.body.trigger( 'post-load', self.pageCache[ this.pageNum ] );
		} );

		// Parse number of sets found in view in an attempt to update the URL to match the set that comprises the majority of the window.
		if ( 0 == setsInView.length ) {
			pageNum = -1;
		} else if ( 1 == setsInView.length ) {
			var setData = setsInView.pop();

			// If the first set of IS posts is in the same view as the posts loaded in the template by WordPress, determine how much of the view is comprised of IS-loaded posts
			if ( ( windowBottom - setData.top ) / windowSize < 0.5 ) {
				pageNum = -1;
			} else {
				pageNum = setData.pageNum;
		} else {
			var majorityPercentageInView = 0;

			// Identify the IS set that comprises the majority of the current window and set the URL to it.
			$.each( setsInView, function( i, setData ) {
				var topInView = 0,
					bottomInView = 0,
					percentOfView = 0;

				// Figure percentage of view the current set represents
				if ( setData.top > windowTop && setData.top < windowBottom ) {
					topInView = ( windowBottom - setData.top ) / windowSize;

				if ( setData.bottom > windowTop && setData.bottom < windowBottom ) {
					bottomInView = ( setData.bottom - windowTop ) / windowSize;

				// Figure out largest percentage of view for current set
				if ( topInView >= bottomInView ) {
					percentOfView = topInView;
				} else if ( bottomInView >= topInView ) {
					percentOfView = bottomInView;

				// Does current set's percentage of view supplant the largest previously-found set?
				if ( percentOfView > majorityPercentageInView ) {
					pageNum = setData.pageNum;
					majorityPercentageInView = percentOfView;
			} );

		// If a page number could be determined, update the URL
		// -1 indicates that the original requested URL should be used.
		if ( 'number' === typeof pageNum ) {
			self.updateURL( pageNum );

	 * Update address bar to reflect archive page URL for a given page number.
	 * Checks if URL is different to prevent pollution of browser history.
	Scroller.prototype.updateURL = function( page ) {
		// IE only supports pushState() in v10 and above, so don't bother if those conditions aren't met.
		if ( ! window.history.pushState ) {
		var self = this,
			pageSlug = self.origURL;

		if ( -1 !== page ) {
			pageSlug =
				window.location.protocol +
				'//' +
				self.history.host +
				self.history.path.replace( /%d/, page ) +

		if ( window.location.href != pageSlug ) {
			history.pushState( null, null, pageSlug );

	 * Pause scrolling.
	Scroller.prototype.pause = function() {
		this.disabled = true;

	 * Resume scrolling.
	Scroller.prototype.resume = function() {
		this.disabled = false;

	 * Ready, set, go!
	$( document ).ready( function() {
		// Check for our variables
		if ( 'object' !== typeof infiniteScroll ) {

		$( document.body ).addClass( infiniteScroll.settings.body_class );

		// Set ajaxurl (for brevity)
		ajaxurl = infiniteScroll.settings.ajaxurl;

		// Set stats, used for tracking stats
		stats = infiniteScroll.settings.stats;

		// Define what type of infinity we have, grab text for click-handle
		type = infiniteScroll.settings.type;
		text = infiniteScroll.settings.text;
		totop = infiniteScroll.settings.totop;

		// Initialize the scroller (with the ID of the element from the theme)
		infiniteScroll.scroller = new Scroller( infiniteScroll.settings );

		 * Monitor user scroll activity to update URL to correspond to archive page for current set of IS posts
		if ( type == 'click' ) {
			var timer = null;
			$( window ).bind( 'scroll', function() {
				// run the real scroll handler once every 250 ms.
				if ( timer ) {
				timer = setTimeout( function() {
					timer = null;
				}, 250 );
			} );

		// Integrate with Selective Refresh in the Customizer.
		if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && wp.customize && wp.customize.selectiveRefresh ) {
			 * Handle rendering of selective refresh partials.
			 * Make sure that when a partial is rendered, the Jetpack post-load event
			 * will be triggered so that any dynamic elements will be re-constructed,
			 * such as ME.js elements, Photon replacements, social sharing, and more.
			 * Note that this is applying here not strictly to posts being loaded.
			 * If a widget contains a ME.js element and it is previewed via selective
			 * refresh, the post-load would get triggered allowing any dynamic elements
			 * therein to also be re-constructed.
			 * @param {wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.Placement} placement
			wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.bind( 'partial-content-rendered', function( placement ) {
				var content;
				if ( 'string' === typeof placement.addedContent ) {
					content = placement.addedContent;
				} else if ( placement.container ) {
					content = $( placement.container ).html();

				if ( content ) {
					$( document.body ).trigger( 'post-load', { html: content } );
			} );

			 * Add partials for posts added via infinite scroll.
			 * This is unnecessary when MutationObserver is supported by the browser
			 * since then this will be handled by Selective Refresh in core.
			if ( 'undefined' === typeof MutationObserver ) {
				$( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function( e, response ) {
					var rootElement = null;
					if ( response.html && -1 !== response.html.indexOf( 'data-customize-partial' ) ) {
						if ( infiniteScroll.settings.id ) {
							rootElement = $( '#' + infiniteScroll.settings.id );
						wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.addPartials( rootElement );
				} );
	} );
} )( jQuery ); // Close closure

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0