Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/admin-sharing.js

/* global sharing_loading_icon */

( function( $ ) {
	$( document ).ready( function() {
		function enable_share_button() {
			$( '.preview a.sharing-anchor' )
				.unbind( 'mouseenter mouseenter' )
					function() {
						if ( $( this ).data( 'hasappeared' ) !== true ) {
							var item = $( '.sharing-hidden .inner' );
							var original = $( this ).parents( 'li' );

							// Create a timer to make the area appear if the mouse hovers for a period
							var timer = setTimeout( function() {
								$( item )
									.css( {
										left: $( original ).position().left + 'px',
										top: $( original ).position().top + $( original ).height() + 3 + 'px',
									} )
									.slideDown( 200, function() {
										// Mark the item as have being appeared by the hover
										$( original )
											.data( 'hasappeared', true )
											.data( 'hasoriginal', true )
											.data( 'hasitem', false );

										// Remove all special handlers
										$( item )
											.mouseleave( handler_item_leave )
											.mouseenter( handler_item_enter );
										$( original )
											.mouseleave( handler_original_leave )
											.mouseenter( handler_original_enter );

										// Add a special handler to quickly close the item
										$( original ).click( close_it );
									} );

								// The following handlers take care of the mouseenter/mouseleave for the share button and the share area - if both are left then we close the share area
								var handler_item_leave = function() {
									$( original ).data( 'hasitem', false );

									if ( $( original ).data( 'hasoriginal' ) === false ) {
										var timer = setTimeout( close_it, 800 );
										$( original ).data( 'timer2', timer );

								var handler_item_enter = function() {
									$( original ).data( 'hasitem', true );
									clearTimeout( $( original ).data( 'timer2' ) );

								var handler_original_leave = function() {
									$( original ).data( 'hasoriginal', false );

									if ( $( original ).data( 'hasitem' ) === false ) {
										var timer = setTimeout( close_it, 800 );
										$( original ).data( 'timer2', timer );

								var handler_original_enter = function() {
									$( original ).data( 'hasoriginal', true );
									clearTimeout( $( original ).data( 'timer2' ) );

								var close_it = function() {
									item.slideUp( 200 );

									// Clear all hooks
									$( original )
										.unbind( 'mouseleave', handler_original_leave )
										.unbind( 'mouseenter', handler_original_enter );
									$( item )
										.unbind( 'mouseleave', handler_item_leave )
										.unbind( 'mouseenter', handler_item_leave );
									$( original ).data( 'hasappeared', false );
									$( original ).unbind( 'click', close_it );
									return false;
							}, 200 );

							// Remember the timer so we can detect it on the mouseout
							$( this ).data( 'timer', timer );
					function() {
						// Mouse out - remove any timer
						clearTimeout( $( this ).data( 'timer' ) );
						$( this ).data( 'timer', false );

		function update_preview() {
			var button_style = $( '#button_style' ).val();

			// Clear the live preview
			$( '#live-preview ul.preview li' ).remove();

			// Add label
			if (
				$( '#save-enabled-shares input[name=visible]' ).val() ||
				$( '#save-enabled-shares input[name=hidden]' ).val()
			) {
				$( '#live-preview ul.preview' ).append(
					$( '#live-preview ul.archive .sharing-label' ).clone()

			// Re-insert all the enabled items
			$( 'ul.services-enabled li' ).each( function() {
				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'service' ) ) {
					var service = $( this ).attr( 'id' );
					$( '#live-preview ul.preview' ).append(
						$( '#live-preview ul.archive li.preview-' + service ).clone()
			} );

			// Add any hidden items
			if ( $( '#save-enabled-shares input[name=hidden]' ).val() ) {
				// Add share button
				$( '#live-preview ul.preview' ).append(
					$( '#live-preview ul.archive .share-more' )

				$( '.sharing-hidden ul li' ).remove();

				// Add hidden items into the inner panel
				$( 'ul.services-hidden li' ).each( function(/*pos, item*/) {
					if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'service' ) ) {
						var service = $( this ).attr( 'id' );
						$( '.sharing-hidden .inner ul' ).append(
							$( '#live-preview ul.archive .preview-' + service ).clone()
				} );


			$( '#live-preview div.sharedaddy' ).removeClass( 'sd-social-icon' );
			$( '#live-preview li.advanced' ).removeClass( 'no-icon' );

			// Button style
			if ( 'icon' === button_style ) {
				$( '#live-preview ul.preview div span, .sharing-hidden .inner ul div span' )
					.html( ' ' )
					.addClass( 'no-text' );
				$( '#live-preview div.sharedaddy' ).addClass( 'sd-social-icon' );
			} else if ( 'official' === button_style ) {
				$( '#live-preview ul.preview .advanced, .sharing-hidden .inner ul .advanced' ).each(
					function(/*i*/) {
						if (
							! $( this ).hasClass( 'preview-press-this' ) &&
							! $( this ).hasClass( 'preview-email' ) &&
							! $( this ).hasClass( 'preview-print' ) &&
							! $( this ).hasClass( 'preview-telegram' ) &&
							! $( this ).hasClass( 'preview-jetpack-whatsapp' ) &&
							! $( this ).hasClass( 'share-custom' ) &&
							! $( this ).hasClass( 'share-deprecated' )
						) {
							$( this )
								.find( '.option a span' )
								.html( '' )
								.removeClass( 'sd-button' )
								.attr( 'class', 'option option-smart-on' );
			} else if ( 'text' === button_style ) {
				$( '#live-preview li.advanced' ).addClass( 'no-icon' );

		window.sharing_option_changed = function() {
			var item = this;

			// Loading icon
			$( this )
				.parents( 'li:first' )
				.css( 'backgroundImage', 'url("' + sharing_loading_icon + '")' );

			// Save
			$( this )
				.parents( 'form' )
				.ajaxSubmit( function( response ) {
					if ( response.indexOf( '<!---' ) >= 0 ) {
						var button = response.substring( 0, response.indexOf( '<!--->' ) );
						var preview = response.substring( response.indexOf( '<!--->' ) + 6 );

						if ( $( item ).is( ':submit' ) === true ) {
							// Update the DOM using a bit of cut/paste technology

							$( item )
								.parents( 'li:first' )
								.replaceWith( button );

							'#live-preview ul.archive li.preview-' +
								$( item )
									.parents( 'form' )
									.find( 'input[name=service]' )
						).replaceWith( preview );

					// Update preview

					// Restore the icon
					$( item )
						.parents( 'li:first' )
						.removeAttr( 'style' );
				} );

			if ( $( item ).is( ':submit' ) === true ) {
				return false;
			return true;

		function showExtraOptions( service ) {
			jQuery( '.' + service + '-extra-options' )
				.css( { backgroundColor: '#ffffcc' } )

		function hideExtraOptions( service ) {
			jQuery( '.' + service + '-extra-options' ).fadeOut( 'slow' );

		function save_services() {
			$( '#enabled-services h3 img' ).show();

			// Toggle various dividers/help texts
			if ( $( '#enabled-services ul.services-enabled li.service' ).length > 0 ) {
				$( '#drag-instructions' ).hide();
			} else {
				$( '#drag-instructions' ).show();

			if ( $( '#enabled-services li.service' ).length > 0 ) {
				$( '#live-preview .services h2' ).hide();
			} else {
				$( '#live-preview .services h2' ).show();

			// Gather the modules
			var visible = [],
				hidden = [];

			$( 'ul.services-enabled li' ).each( function() {
				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'service' ) ) {
					// Ready for saving
					visible[ visible.length ] = $( this ).attr( 'id' );
					showExtraOptions( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) );
			} );

			$( 'ul.services-available li' ).each( function() {
				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'service' ) ) {
					hideExtraOptions( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) );
			} );

			$( 'ul.services-hidden li' ).each( function() {
				if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'service' ) ) {
					// Ready for saving
					hidden[ hidden.length ] = $( this ).attr( 'id' );
					showExtraOptions( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) );
			} );

			// Set the hidden element values
			$( '#save-enabled-shares input[name=visible]' ).val( visible.join( ',' ) );
			$( '#save-enabled-shares input[name=hidden]' ).val( hidden.join( ',' ) );


			// Save it
			$( '#save-enabled-shares' ).ajaxSubmit( function() {
				$( '#enabled-services h3 img' ).hide();
			} );

		$( '#enabled-services .services ul' ).sortable( {
			receive: function(/*event, ui*/) {
			stop: function() {
				$( 'li.service' ).enableSelection(); // Fixes a problem with Chrome
			over: function(/*event, ui*/) {
				$( this )
					.find( 'ul' )
					.addClass( 'dropping' );

				// Ensure the 'end-fix' is at the end
				$( '#enabled-services li.end-fix' ).remove();
				$( '#enabled-services ul' ).append( '<li class="end-fix"></li>' );
			out: function(/*event, ui*/) {
				$( this )
					.find( 'ul' )
					.removeClass( 'dropping' );

				// Ensure the 'end-fix' is at the end
				$( '#enabled-services li.end-fix' ).remove();
				$( '#enabled-services ul' ).append( '<li class="end-fix"></li>' );
			helper: function( event, ui ) {
				ui.find( '.advanced-form' ).hide();

				return ui.clone();
			start: function(/*event, ui*/) {
				// Make sure that the advanced section is closed
				$( '.advanced-form' ).hide();
				$( 'li.service' ).disableSelection(); // Fixes a problem with Chrome
			placeholder: 'dropzone',
			opacity: 0.8,
			delay: 150,
			forcePlaceholderSize: true,
			items: 'li',
			connectWith: '#available-services ul, #enabled-services .services ul',
			cancel: '.advanced-form',
		} );

		$( '#available-services ul' ).sortable( {
			opacity: 0.8,
			delay: 150,
			cursor: 'move',
			connectWith: '#enabled-services .services ul',
			placeholder: 'dropzone',
			forcePlaceholderSize: true,
			start: function() {
				$( '.advanced-form' ).hide();
		} );

		// Accessibility keyboard shortcurts
		$( '.service' ).on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
			// Reposition if one of the directional keys is pressed
			switch ( e.keyCode ) {
				case 13:
					keyboardDragDrop( $( this ) );
					break; // Enter
				case 32:
					keyboardDragDrop( $( this ) );
					break; // Space
				case 37:
					keyboardChangeOrder( $( this ), 'left' );
					break; // Left
				case 39:
					keyboardChangeOrder( $( this ), 'right' );
					break; // Right
					return true; // Exit and bubble

		} );

		function keyboardChangeOrder( $this, dir ) {
			var thisParent = $this.parent(),
				thisParentsChildren = thisParent.find( 'li' ),
				thisPosition = thisParentsChildren.index( $this ) + 1,
				totalChildren = thisParentsChildren.length - 1,

			// No need to be able to sort order for the "Available Services" section
			if ( thisParent.hasClass( 'services-available' ) ) {

			if ( 'left' === dir ) {
				if ( 1 === thisPosition ) {

				// Find service to left
				var prevSibling = $this.prev();

				// Detach this service from DOM
				thisService = $this.detach();

				// Move it to the appropriate area and add focus back to service
				prevSibling.before( thisService );

				// Add focus

			if ( 'right' === dir ) {
				if ( thisPosition === totalChildren ) {

				// Find service to left
				var nextSibling = $this.next();

				// Detach this service from DOM
				thisService = $this.detach();

				// Move it to the appropriate area and add focus back to service
				nextSibling.after( thisService );

				// Add focus

			//Save changes

		function keyboardDragDrop( $this ) {
			var dropzone,
				thisParent = $this.parent();

			// Rotate through 3 available dropzones
			if ( thisParent.hasClass( 'services-available' ) ) {
				dropzone = 'services-enabled';
			} else if ( thisParent.hasClass( 'services-enabled' ) ) {
				dropzone = 'services-hidden';
			} else {
				dropzone = 'services-available';

			// Detach this service from DOM
			var thisService = $this.detach();

			// Move it to the appropriate area and add focus back to service
			$( '.' + dropzone )
				.prepend( thisService )
				.find( 'li:first-child' )

			//Save changes

		// Live preview 'hidden' button
		$( '.preview-hidden a' ).click( function() {
			$( this )
				.find( '.preview' )
			return false;
		} );

		// Add service
		$( '#new-service form' ).ajaxForm( {
			beforeSubmit: function() {
				$( '#new-service-form .error' ).hide();
				$( '#new-service-form img' ).show();
				$( '#new-service-form input[type=submit]' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
			success: function( response ) {
				$( '#new-service-form img' ).hide();

				if ( '' + response === '1' ) {
					$( '#new-service-form .inerror' )
						.removeClass( 'inerror' )
						.addClass( 'error' );
					$( '#new-service-form .error' ).show();
					$( '#new-service-form input[type=submit]' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
				} else {
		} );

		function init_handlers() {
			$( '#services-config a.remove' )
				.unbind( 'click' )
				.click( function() {
					var form = $( this )

					// Loading icon
					$( this )
						.parents( 'li:first' )
						.css( 'backgroundImage', 'url("' + sharing_loading_icon + '")' );

					// Save
					form.ajaxSubmit( function(/*response*/) {
						// Remove the item
						form.parents( 'li:first' ).fadeOut( function() {
							$( this ).remove();

							// Update preview
						} );
					} );

					return false;
				} );

		$( '#button_style' )
			.change( function() {
				return true;
			} )

		$( 'input[name=sharing_label]' ).blur( function() {
			$( '#live-preview h3.sd-title' ).text(
				$( '<div/>' )
					.text( $( this ).val() )
		} );

	} );
} )( jQuery );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0