Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/theme-tools/site-logo/js/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/theme-tools/site-logo/js/site-logo-control.js

 * JS for handling the Site Logo Customizer control.
( function( wp, $ ) {
	// nice shortcut
	var api = wp.customize;
	 * The Customizer looks for wp.customizer.controlConstructor[type] functions
	 * where type == the type member of a WP_Customize_Control
	api.controlConstructor.site_logo = api.Control.extend( {
		 * This method is called when the control is ready to run.
		 * Do all of your setup and event binding here.
		ready: function() {
			// this.container is a jQuery object of your container

			// grab the bits of data from the title for specifying this control
			var data = this.container.find( '.customize-control-title' ).data();

			// Use specific l10n data for this control where available
			this.l10n = data.l10n;
			// Grab mime type
			this.mime = data.mime;

			// Set up image container and button elements. Cache for re-use.
			this.$imgContainer = $( '#customize-control-site_logo .current' );
			this.$btnContainer = $( '#customize-control-site_logo .actions' );
			this.$img = $( '<img class="site-logo-thumbnail" />' ).prependTo( this.$imgContainer );
			this.$placeholder = $( '<span>' + this.l10n.placeholder + '</span>' ).prependTo(
			this.$btnAdd = $(
				'<button type="button" class="button new">' + this.l10n.upload + '</button>'
			).prependTo( this.$btnContainer );
			this.$btnChange = $(
				'<button type="button" class="button change">' + this.l10n.change + '</button>'
			).prependTo( this.$btnContainer );
			this.$btnRemove = $(
				'<button type="button" class="button remove">' + this.l10n.remove + '</button>'
			).prependTo( this.$btnContainer );

			// handy shortcut so we don't have to us _.bind every time we add a callback
			_.bindAll( this, 'removeImg', 'upload', 'render', 'pick' );

			this.$btnAdd.on( 'click', this.upload );
			this.$btnChange.on( 'click', this.upload );
			this.$btnRemove.on( 'click', this.removeImg );

			// Call render method whenever setting is changed.
			this.setting.bind( 'change', this.render );
			// Do initial rendering.
		 * Remember that _.bind was used to maintain `this` as the control
		 * object rather than the usual jQuery way of binding to the DOM element.
		upload: function( event ) {

			if ( ! this.frame ) {

		 * Set the media frame so that it can be reused and accessed when needed.
		initFrame: function() {
			this.frame = wp.media( {
				// The title of the media modal
				title: this.l10n.choose,
				// restrict to specified mime type
				library: {
					type: this.mime,
				// Customize the submit button.
				button: {
					// Set the text of the button.
					text: this.l10n.set,
				// Just one, thanks.
				multiple: false,
			} );

			// When an image is selected, run a callback.
			this.frame.on( 'select', this.pick );
		 * Fired when an image is selected in the media modal. Gets the selected
		 * image information, and sets it within the control.
		pick: function() {
			// get the attachment from the modal frame
			var attachment = this.frame
				.get( 'selection' )
			if ( 'image' === attachment.get( 'type' ) ) {
				// set the setting - the callback will take care of rendering
				this.setting( this.reduceMembers( attachment.toJSON() ) );
		 * Reduces the attachment object to just the few desired members.
		 * @param  {object} attachment An attachment object provided by the
		 *                             medial modal.
		 * @return {object}            A reduced media object.
		reduceMembers: function( attachment ) {
			var desired = [ 'id', 'sizes', 'url' ],
				output = {};
			$.each( desired, function( i, key ) {
				output[ key ] = attachment[ key ];
			} );
			return output;
		 * Called on init and whenever a setting is changed. Shows the thumbnail
		 * when there is one or the upload button when there isn't.
		render: function() {
			var value = this.setting();

			if ( value && value.url ) {
				if ( ! value.sizes || ! value.sizes.medium ) {
					this.$img.attr( 'src', value.url );
				} else {
					this.$img.attr( 'src', value.sizes.medium.url );
			} else {
		 * Called when the "Remove Image" link is clicked. Sets thes setting back
		 * to its default state.
		 * @param  {object} event jQuery Event object from click event
		removeImg: function( event ) {
			this.setting( {
				url: '',
				id: 0,
			} );
	} );
} )( this.wp, jQuery );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0