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Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/wp-edit/langs/wpedit-sr_RS.po

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Edit\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-08 12:06-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-07-20 18:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Borisa Djuraskovic <borisad@webhostinghub.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Josh Lobe <joshlobe@joshlobe.com>\n"
"Language: English\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: ..\n"

#: ../functions.php:41 ../main.php:203 ../main.php:1007
msgid "WP Edit"
msgstr "WP Edit"

#: ../functions.php:49 ../functions.php:52 ../main.php:1015
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "Tasteri"

#: ../functions.php:58 ../functions.php:61 ../main.php:1016
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Globalno"

#: ../functions.php:67 ../functions.php:70 ../main.php:1017
msgid "General"
msgstr "Opšte"

#: ../functions.php:76 ../functions.php:79 ../main.php:1018
msgid "Posts/Pages"
msgstr "Postovi/Stranice"

#: ../functions.php:85 ../functions.php:88 ../main.php:1019
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Uređivač"

#: ../functions.php:94 ../functions.php:97 ../main.php:1020 ../main.php:1765
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Fontovi"

#: ../functions.php:103 ../functions.php:106
msgid "Widgets"
msgstr "Widget-i"

#: ../functions.php:112 ../functions.php:115 ../main.php:1022
msgid "User Specific"
msgstr "Specifičan korisnik"

#: ../functions.php:121 ../functions.php:124 ../main.php:1023
msgid "Extras"
msgstr "Dodaci"

#: ../functions.php:130 ../functions.php:133 ../main.php:1024
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Baza podataka"

#: ../functions.php:172
msgid "WP Edit Excerpt"
msgstr "Odlomak WP Uređivača"

#: ../functions.php:204
msgid "Wp Edit Excerpt"
msgstr "Odlomak Wp Uređivača"

#: ../functions.php:235
msgid "Biographical Info"
msgstr "Biografski podaci"

#: ../functions.php:242
msgid ""
"Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile. This may "
"be shown publicly."
msgstr ""
"Podelite neke biografske podatke da biste popunili svoj profil. Može biti "
"javno prikazan."

#: ../functions.php:279
msgid "Arbitrary text, HTML, or PHP Code"
msgstr "Poizvoljan tekst, HTML ili PHP kod"

#: ../functions.php:281
msgid "WP Edit PHP Widget"
msgstr "WP Edit PHP Widget"

#: ../functions.php:316
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Naziv"

#: ../functions.php:321
msgid "Automatically add paragraphs."
msgstr "Automatski dodaj paragrafe"

#: ../functions.php:487
msgid "Select which post types have the option to disable the wpautop filter."
msgstr ""
"Odaberi koje vrste post-ova imaju opciju deaktiviranja wpautop filtera."

#: ../functions.php:542
msgid "Disable wpautop:"
msgstr "Deaktiviraj wpautop:"

#: ../functions_user.php:125
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: ../functions_user.php:147
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr "Sličica"

#: ../functions_user.php:169
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nijedna"

#: ../functions_user.php:214
msgid "WP Edit Pro RSS Feed"
msgstr "WP Edit Pro RSS Feed"

#: ../functions_user.php:257
msgid "Number of posts to show:"
msgstr "Broj post-ova za prikazivanje:"

#: ../main.php:296
msgid "User specific options saved."
msgstr "Specifične opcije korisnika sačuvane"

#: ../main.php:316
msgid "Additional options saved."
msgstr "Dodatne opcije sačuvane"

#: ../main.php:337
msgid "Tinymce options saved."
msgstr "Tinymce opcije sačuvane"

#: ../main.php:358
msgid "Global options successfully saved."
msgstr "Globalne opcije uspešno sačuvane."

#: ../main.php:384
msgid "General options successfully saved."
msgstr "Opšte opcije uspešno sačuvane."

#: ../main.php:417
msgid "Revisions successfully deleted"
msgstr "Revizije uspešno obrisane"

#: ../main.php:419
msgid "No POST revisions were found to delete"
msgstr "Nisu pronađene revizije POST-a za brisanje."

#: ../main.php:432
msgid "Message: "
msgstr "Poruka"

#: ../main.php:434
msgid "Database size before deletions: "
msgstr "Veličina baze podataka pre brisanja"

#: ../main.php:436 ../main.php:440
msgid "megabytes."
msgstr "megabajta"

#: ../main.php:438
msgid "Database Size after deletions: "
msgstr "Veličina baze podataka posle brisanja"

#: ../main.php:462
msgid "Posts/Pages options successfully saved."
msgstr "Opcije post-ova/stranica uspešno sačuvane"

#: ../main.php:494
msgid "Editor options successfully saved."
msgstr "Opcije uređivača uspešno sačuvane."

#: ../main.php:516
msgid "Font options successfully saved."
msgstr "Opcije fonta uspešno sačuvane."

#: ../main.php:546
msgid "Extra options saved."
msgstr "Dodatne opcije sačuvane."

#: ../main.php:573
msgid "Editor Rows configuration saved."
msgstr "Konfiguracija reda urednika sačuvana."

#: ../main.php:589
msgid ""
"You must also check the confirm box before options will be uninstalled and "
msgstr ""
"Morate štiklirati polje za potvrdu pre nego što deinstalirate i obrišete "

#: ../main.php:597 ../main.php:864
msgid "Sorry, your nonce did not verify."
msgstr "Žao nam je, vaš nonce nije verifikovan."

#: ../main.php:795
msgid "Plugin settings have successfully attempted to convert."
msgstr "Pokušaj da se konvertuju postavke plugin-a bio je uspešan. "

#: ../main.php:801
msgid "Unfortunately, no settings were found to convert."
msgstr "Nažalost, nisu nađene postavke za konvertovanje."

#: ../main.php:807
msgid " buttons added to row 1 in \"Buttons\" tab."
msgstr "tasteri dodati 1. redu na tabulatoru \"Buttons\""

#: ../main.php:810
msgid " options updated in \"Global\" tab."
msgstr "opcije ažurirane na tabulatoru \"Global\""

#: ../main.php:813
msgid " options updated in \"General\" tab."
msgstr "opcije ažurirane na tabulatoru \"General\""

#: ../main.php:816
msgid " options updated in \"Posts/Pages\" tab."
msgstr "opcije ažurirane na tabulatoru \"Posts/Pages\""

#: ../main.php:819
msgid " options updated in \"User Specific\" tab."
msgstr "opcije ažurirane na tabulatoru \"User Specific\""

#: ../main.php:822
msgid " options updated in \"Extras\" tab."
msgstr "opcije ažurirane na tabulatoru  \"Extras\" "

#: ../main.php:824
msgid ""
"Delete old Ultimate Tinymce database options? (Irreversible; but results in "
"a cleaner database)"
msgstr ""
"Obriši stare ultimativne opcije Tinymce baze podataka? (Nepovratna "
"aktivnost, ali rezultira čistijom bazom podataka)"

#: ../main.php:829
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Obriši"

#: ../main.php:830
msgid "No Thanks"
msgstr "Ne, hvala"

#: ../main.php:850
msgid "Ultimate Tinymce database options successfully deleted."
msgstr "Ultimativne opcije Tinymce baze podataka uspešno obrisane."

#: ../main.php:852
msgid "Congratulations! You are now running solid with WP Edit."
msgstr "Čestitamo! Sada se dobro snalazite sa WP uređivačem."

#: ../main.php:885
msgid "Plugin settings have been restored to defaults."
msgstr "Postavke za plugin vraćene su na podrazumevane vrednosti."

#: ../main.php:899
msgid "Plugin settings have been successfully imported."
msgstr "Postavke za plugin uspešno su uvezene."

#: ../main.php:951
msgid "Check successful.  No new buttons were discovered."
msgstr "Provera je bila uspešna. Nisu otkriveni novi tasteri."

#: ../main.php:973
msgid ""
"Check successful.  New buttons have been added to the \"Icon Placeholder "
msgstr "Provera uspešna. Novi tasteri dodati na \"Icon Placeholder Container\""

#: ../main.php:1021
msgid "Snidgets"
msgstr "Snidget-i"

#: ../main.php:1038
msgid "Drag and Drop Panel"
msgstr "Prevuci i pusti panel"

#: ../main.php:1039
msgid "Editor Rows"
msgstr "Redovi urednika"

#: ../main.php:1067 ../main.php:1165
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Masna slova"

#: ../main.php:1068 ../main.php:1166
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Kurziv"

#: ../main.php:1069 ../main.php:1167
msgid "Strikethrough"
msgstr "Precrtana slova"

#: ../main.php:1070 ../main.php:1168
msgid "Bullet List"
msgstr "Lista znakova za nabrajanje "

#: ../main.php:1071 ../main.php:1169
msgid "Numbered List"
msgstr "Lista brojeva za nabrajanje"

#: ../main.php:1072 ../main.php:1170
msgid "Blockquote"
msgstr "Citat"

#: ../main.php:1073 ../main.php:1171
msgid "Align Left"
msgstr "Poravnaj levo"

#: ../main.php:1074 ../main.php:1172
msgid "Align Center"
msgstr "Poravnaj u sredini"

#: ../main.php:1075 ../main.php:1173
msgid "Align Right"
msgstr "Poravnaj desno"

#: ../main.php:1076 ../main.php:1174
msgid "Link"
msgstr "Link"

#: ../main.php:1077 ../main.php:1175
msgid "Unlink"
msgstr "Odvoji"

#: ../main.php:1078 ../main.php:1176
msgid "More"
msgstr "Više"

#: ../main.php:1079 ../main.php:1177
msgid "Distraction Free"
msgstr "Bez ometanja"

#: ../main.php:1081 ../main.php:1180
msgid "Format Select"
msgstr "Odabir formata"

#: ../main.php:1082 ../main.php:1181
msgid "Underline"
msgstr "Podvuci"

#: ../main.php:1083 ../main.php:1182
msgid "Align Full"
msgstr "Poravnaj sve"

#: ../main.php:1084 ../main.php:1183
msgid "Foreground Color"
msgstr "Boja prednjeg plana"

#: ../main.php:1085 ../main.php:1184
msgid "Paste Text"
msgstr "Nalepi tekst "

#: ../main.php:1086 ../main.php:1185
msgid "Remove Format"
msgstr "Ukloni format"

#: ../main.php:1087 ../main.php:1186
msgid "Character Map"
msgstr "Mapa karaktera"

#: ../main.php:1088 ../main.php:1187
msgid "Outdent"
msgstr "Izvuci tekst "

#: ../main.php:1089 ../main.php:1188
msgid "Indent"
msgstr "Uvuci tekst"

#: ../main.php:1090 ../main.php:1189
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Poništi poslednju komandu"

#: ../main.php:1091 ../main.php:1190
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Vrati poslednju komandu"

#: ../main.php:1092 ../main.php:1191
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoć"

#: ../main.php:1095 ../main.php:1194
msgid "Font Select"
msgstr "Odabir fonta"

#: ../main.php:1096 ../main.php:1195
msgid "Font Size Select"
msgstr "Odabir veličine fonta"

#: ../main.php:1097 ../main.php:1196
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Formati"

#: ../main.php:1098 ../main.php:1197
msgid "Background Color Picker"
msgstr "Birač boje pozadine"

#: ../main.php:1099 ../main.php:1198
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Mediji"

#: ../main.php:1100 ../main.php:1199
msgid "Text Direction Right to Left"
msgstr "smer teksta s desna na levo"

#: ../main.php:1101 ../main.php:1200
msgid "Text Direction Left to Right"
msgstr "smer teksta s leva na desno"

#: ../main.php:1102 ../main.php:1201
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Tabele"

#: ../main.php:1103 ../main.php:1202
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Anker"

#: ../main.php:1104 ../main.php:1203
msgid "HTML Code"
msgstr "HTML kod"

#: ../main.php:1105 ../main.php:1204
msgid "Emoticons"
msgstr "Emotikoni"

#: ../main.php:1106 ../main.php:1205
msgid "Horizontal Rule"
msgstr "Vodoravno pravilo"

#: ../main.php:1107 ../main.php:1206
msgid "Insert Date Time"
msgstr "Unesite vreme i datum"

#: ../main.php:1108 ../main.php:1207
msgid "Page Break"
msgstr "Prelom"

#: ../main.php:1109 ../main.php:1208
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Pregled"

#: ../main.php:1110 ../main.php:1209
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Štampaj"

#: ../main.php:1111 ../main.php:1210
msgid "Search and Replace"
msgstr "Pretraži i zameni"

#: ../main.php:1112 ../main.php:1211
msgid "Show Blocks"
msgstr "Prikaži blokade"

#: ../main.php:1113 ../main.php:1212
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "Indeks"

#: ../main.php:1114 ../main.php:1213
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Eksponent"

#: ../main.php:1115 ../main.php:1214
msgid "Paragraph Tag"
msgstr "Oznaka za paragraf"

#: ../main.php:1116 ../main.php:1215
msgid "Line Break"
msgstr "Novi red"

#: ../main.php:1117 ../main.php:1216
msgid "MailTo Link"
msgstr "Mail na link"

#: ../main.php:1118 ../main.php:1217
msgid "Lorem Ipsum"
msgstr "Lorem Ipsum"

#: ../main.php:1119 ../main.php:1218
msgid "Color Picker"
msgstr "Birač boje"

#: ../main.php:1120 ../main.php:1219
msgid "Shortcodes"
msgstr "Shortcode-ovi"

#: ../main.php:1121 ../main.php:1220
msgid "YouTube Video"
msgstr "YouTube Video"

#: ../main.php:1122 ../main.php:1221
msgid "Clker Images"
msgstr "Clker slike"

#: ../main.php:1123 ../main.php:1222
msgid "Clear Div"
msgstr "Obriši Div"

#: ../main.php:1124 ../main.php:1223
msgid "Code Magic"
msgstr "Magic kod"

#: ../main.php:1125 ../main.php:1224
msgid "Accessibility Checker"
msgstr "Kontrolor pristupačnosti"

#: ../main.php:1126 ../main.php:1225
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Slika"

#: ../main.php:1127 ../main.php:1226
msgid "Insert/Edit Advanced Link"
msgstr "Ubaci/Uredi napredni link"

#: ../main.php:1128 ../main.php:1227
msgid "Accessibility Check"
msgstr "Kontrola pristupačnosti"

#: ../main.php:1150
msgid "Button Placeholder Container"
msgstr "Taster za čuvanje mesta kontejnera"

#: ../main.php:1243
msgid ""
"Buttons may be dragged to Row 1 (enabling them); or to the Placeholder "
"Container (removing them from the editor)."
msgstr ""
"Tasteri se mogu prevući u 1. red (i aktivirati) ili do kontejnera nosioca "
"položaja (uklanjajući ih sa uređivača)"

#: ../main.php:1245
msgid "Buttons may also be sorted within Row 1."
msgstr "Tasteri se, takođe, mogu sortirati u 1. redu"

#: ../main.php:1247
msgid ""
"Each time a button is dropped, an ajax call is made which updates all rows. "
"This feature can be disabled with the additional option."
msgstr ""
"Svaki put kad se spusti taster, obavi se ajax poziv koji ažurira sve redove. "
"Ova funkcija može se deaktivirati dodatnom opcijom."

#: ../main.php:1249
msgid ""
"Drag and Drop ability for all four rows of the editor is available in WP "
"Edit Pro."
msgstr ""
"Opcija “prevuci i pusti” je na raspolaganju za sve četiri reda u okviru "
"uređivanja u WP Edit Pro."

#: ../main.php:1256
msgid "Buttons available in Pro"
msgstr "Tasteri raspoloživi u Pro verziji"

#: ../main.php:1286
msgid "Developer Note"
msgstr "Napomena programera"

#: ../main.php:1291
msgid ""
"This plugin is the culmination of two years experience; many, many hours of "
"hard work and dedication; and a vast presence in the WordPress community."
msgstr ""
"Ovaj plugin je kulminacija dve godine iskustva, mnogo, mnogo sati napornog "
"rada i posvećenosti, kao i  prisustva u WordPress zajednici."

#: ../main.php:1293
msgid "If you enjoy this plugin, please show your appreciation via a "
msgstr ""
"Ako vam se dopada ovaj plugin, molimo vas da svoju zahvalnost iskažete putem"

#: ../main.php:1295
msgid "PayPal Donation"
msgstr "PayPal donacije"

#: ../main.php:1297
msgid "Alternatively, the purchase of the "
msgstr "Ili na drugi način - tako što ćete kupiti "

#: ../main.php:1299
msgid "PRO Version"
msgstr "PRO verziju"

#: ../main.php:1301
msgid ""
"offers additional features and extended functionality; while also supporting "
"the developer."
msgstr ""
"koja nudi dodatne mogućnosti i proširenu funkcionalnost; a i podržava "

#: ../main.php:1310
msgid "Additional Options"
msgstr "Dodatne opcije"

#: ../main.php:1317
msgid "Restore all buttons to default."
msgstr "Vrati vrednosti svih tastera na podrazumevane"

#: ../main.php:1319
msgid "Reset Buttons"
msgstr "Vrati tastere na početne vrednosti"

#: ../main.php:1323
msgid "Disable ajax saving of buttons."
msgstr "Deaktiviraj ajax i uštedi tastere"

#: ../main.php:1329
msgid "Save Button Options"
msgstr "Opcije sačuvaj taster"

#: ../main.php:1345 ../main.php:1739
msgid "TinyMCE Options"
msgstr "TinyMCE opcije"

#: ../main.php:1354
msgid "Enable editor menu bar."
msgstr "Aktiviraj traku sa menijem urednika"

#: ../main.php:1361
msgid "Enable editor context menu."
msgstr "Aktiviraj kontekst meni urednika"

#: ../main.php:1368
msgid "Save TinyMCE Options"
msgstr "Sačuvaj TinyMCE opcije"

#: ../main.php:1391
msgid "Global Options"
msgstr "Globalne opcije"

#: ../main.php:1393
msgid "These options control various items used throughout the plugin."
msgstr "Ove opcije kontrolišu različite stavke koje se koriste u plugin-u."

#: ../main.php:1405
msgid "jQuery Theme"
msgstr "jQuery tema"

#: ../main.php:1418
msgid "Selects the jQuery theme for plugin alerts and notices."
msgstr "Bira jQuery temu za upozorenja i obaveštenja plugin-a."

#: ../main.php:1421
msgid "Disable Admin Links"
msgstr "Deaktiviraj linkove administratora"

#: ../main.php:1424
msgid "Disables the WP Edit top admin bar links."
msgstr ""
"Deaktivira linkove za traku sa menijem za glavnog administratora WP uređivača"

#: ../main.php:1430
msgid "Save Global Options"
msgstr "Sačuvaj globalne opcije"

#: ../main.php:1442
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Opšte opcije"

#: ../main.php:1443
msgid "General plugin options."
msgstr "Opšte opcije plugin-a"

#: ../main.php:1458
msgid "Linebreak Shortcode"
msgstr "Shortcode za novi red"

#: ../main.php:1461
msgid "Use the [break] shortcode to insert linebreaks in the editor."
msgstr "Koristite [break] shortcode da biste ubacili nove redove u uređivač."

#: ../main.php:1464
msgid "Shortcodes in Widgets"
msgstr "Shortcode-ovi u widget-ima"

#: ../main.php:1467
msgid "Use shortcodes in widget areas."
msgstr "Koristi shortcode-ove u oblastima widget-a"

#: ../main.php:1470
msgid "Shortcodes in Excerpts"
msgstr "Shortcode-ovi u odlomcima"

#: ../main.php:1473
msgid "Use shortcodes in excerpt areas."
msgstr "Koristi shortcode-ove u oblastima odlomaka"

#: ../main.php:1476
msgid "WP Edit Post Excerpt"
msgstr "WP Edit Post Excerpt"

#: ../main.php:1479
msgid "Add the WP Edit editor to the Post Excerpt area."
msgstr "Dodaj WP Edit Post Excerpt području uređivača. "

#: ../main.php:1482
msgid "WP Edit Page Excerpt"
msgstr "WP Edit Page Excerpt"

#: ../main.php:1485
msgid "Add the WP Edit editor to the Page Excerpt area."
msgstr "Dodaj WP Edit uređivač odlomcima stranica."

#: ../main.php:1488
msgid "Profile Editor"
msgstr "Uređivač profila"

#: ../main.php:1491
msgid "Use modified editor in profile biography field."
msgstr "Koristite izmenjeni uređivač u polju biografije profila."

#: ../main.php:1494
msgid "PHP Widgets"
msgstr "PHP Widget-i"

#: ../main.php:1497
msgid "Adds a new widget for PHP code."
msgstr "Dodaje novi widget za PHP kod."

#: ../main.php:1503
msgid "Save General Options"
msgstr "Sačuvaj opšte opcije"

#: ../main.php:1516
msgid "Posts/pages Options"
msgstr "Opcije za post-ove/stranice"

#: ../main.php:1517
msgid "These options apply specifically to posts and pages."
msgstr "Ove opcije posebno se primenjuju na post-ovima i stranicama."

#: ../main.php:1537
msgid "Post/Page Default Title"
msgstr "Podrazumevani naslov post-a/stranice"

#: ../main.php:1540
msgid "Change the default \"add new\" post/page title field."
msgstr "Promeni podrazumevano polje \"dodaj novi\" post/stranicu "

#: ../main.php:1543
msgid "Column Shortcodes"
msgstr "Shortcode-ovi kolone"

#: ../main.php:1546
msgid "Enable the column shortcodes functionality."
msgstr "Aktiviraj funkciju shortcode-ova kolone"

#: ../main.php:1549
msgid "Disable wpautop()"
msgstr "Deaktiviraj wpautop()"

#: ../main.php:1552
msgid "Disable the filter responsible for removing p and br tags."
msgstr "Deaktiviraj filter za uklanjanje paragrafa i oznaka redova"

#: ../main.php:1558
msgid "Page Revisions"
msgstr "Revizije stranice"

#: ../main.php:1561
msgid "Max Post Revisions"
msgstr "Maksimalan broj revizija po postu"

#: ../main.php:1564
msgid ""
"Set max number of Post Revisions to store in database. (empty = unlimited)"
msgstr ""
"Podesite maksimalan broj revizija posta za čuvanje u bazi podataka (prazno = "

#: ../main.php:1567
msgid "Max Page Revisions"
msgstr "Maksimalan broj revizija stranice"

#: ../main.php:1570
msgid ""
"Set max number of Page Revisions to store in database. (empty = unlimited)"
msgstr ""
"Podesite maksimalan broj revizija stranica za čuvanje u bazi podataka "
"(prazno = neograničen)"

#: ../main.php:1573
msgid "Delete Revisions"
msgstr "Obriši revizije"

#: ../main.php:1576
msgid "Delete all database revisions."
msgstr "Obriši sve revizije u bazi podataka"

#: ../main.php:1579
msgid "Revisions DB Size"
msgstr "Veličina revizija u bazi podataka"

#: ../main.php:1588
msgid "Current size of revisions stored in database:"
msgstr "Trenutna veličina revizija koje se čuvaju u bazi podataka:"

#: ../main.php:1596
msgid "Hide Posts and Pages"
msgstr "Sakrij postove i stranice"

#: ../main.php:1599
msgid "Hide Admin Posts"
msgstr "Sakrij postove administratora"

#: ../main.php:1602
msgid "Hide selected posts from admin view. ID comma separated (1,5,14,256)"
msgstr ""
"Sakrij odabrane postove od administratora. ID odvojeni zarezima (1,5,14,256)"

#: ../main.php:1605
msgid "Hide Admin Pages"
msgstr "Sakrij stranice administratora"

#: ../main.php:1608
msgid "Hide selected pages from admin view. ID comma separated (1,5,14,256)"
msgstr ""
"Sakrij odabrane stranice od administratora. ID odvojeni zarezima (1,5,14,256)"

#: ../main.php:1614
msgid "Save Posts/Pages Options"
msgstr "Sačuvaj postove/Opcije stranica"

#: ../main.php:1627
msgid "Styles Options"
msgstr "Opcije stilova"

#: ../main.php:1628
msgid "Adds predefined styles; which can be applied to editor content."
msgstr ""
"Dodaje unapred definisane stilove koji se mogu primeniti na sadržaj "

#: ../main.php:1629
msgid "Please be sure the \"Formats\" button is active in the editor."
msgstr "Proverite da li je taster \"Formati\" aktiviran u uređivaču."

#: ../main.php:1630
msgid "(More styles coming soon in the Pro version)"
msgstr "(Uskoro će u Pro verziji biti više raspoloživih stilova)"

#: ../main.php:1638
msgid "Add Pre-defined Styles"
msgstr "Dodaj unapred definisane stilove"

#: ../main.php:1641
msgid "Adds predefined styles to the \"Formats\" dropdown button."
msgstr "Dodaje unapred definisane stilove opadajućem tasteru \"Formati\" "

#: ../main.php:1648
msgid "Editor Options"
msgstr "Opcije za uređivač"

#: ../main.php:1649
msgid ""
"These options will override the initial editor defaults, which will load the "
"editor using the values below."
msgstr ""
"Ove opcije će poništiti početne podrazumevane vrednosti za uređivač "
"koristeći sledeće vrednosti:"

#: ../main.php:1671
msgid "Enable Editor Settings"
msgstr "Aktiviraj postavke za uređivač"

#: ../main.php:1674
msgid "Executes the values set below when initiating the content editor."
msgstr "Izvršava postavljene vrednosti pri pokretanju uređivača sadržaja."

#: ../main.php:1678
msgid "Editor Font"
msgstr "Font uređivača"

#: ../main.php:1681
msgid "Font Family (ex. Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)"
msgstr "Porodica fontova (npr. Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)"

#: ../main.php:1684
msgid "Editor Font Color"
msgstr "Boja fonta uređivača"

#: ../main.php:1687
msgid "Hex Number (ex. 000000)"
msgstr "Hex broj (npr. 000000)"

#: ../main.php:1690
msgid "Editor Font Size"
msgstr "Veličina fonta uređivača"

#: ../main.php:1693
msgid "Size (ex. 13px)"
msgstr "Veličina  (npr. 13px)"

#: ../main.php:1696
msgid "Editor Background Color"
msgstr "Boja pozadine uređivača"

#: ../main.php:1699
msgid "Hex Number (ex. FFFFFF)"
msgstr "Hex broj (npr. FFFFFF)"

#: ../main.php:1702
msgid "Line Height"
msgstr "Visina reda"

#: ../main.php:1705
msgid "Size (ex. 19px)"
msgstr "Veličina (npr. 19px)"

#: ../main.php:1708
msgid "Body Padding"
msgstr "Postava teksta"

#: ../main.php:1711
msgid "Size (ex. 14px)"
msgstr "Veličina (npr. 14px)"

#: ../main.php:1714
msgid "Body Margin"
msgstr "Margina teksta"

#: ../main.php:1717
msgid "Size (ex. 10px)"
msgstr "Veličina (npr. 10px)"

#: ../main.php:1720
msgid "Text Indent"
msgstr "Uvlačenje teksta"

#: ../main.php:1723
msgid "Size (ex. 20px)"
msgstr "Veličina (npr. 20px)"

#: ../main.php:1726
msgid "Text Direction"
msgstr "Smer teksta"

#: ../main.php:1729
msgid "Direction (ex. ltr)"
msgstr "Smet (npr. od levog ka desnom)"

#: ../main.php:1733
msgid "Restore Settings"
msgstr "Vrati postavke na početne vrednosti"

#: ../main.php:1740
msgid ""
"These options will adjust various parts of the TinyMCE initialization "
msgstr ""
"Ove opcije će podesiti različite delove  inicijalizacije TinyMCE procesa."

#: ../main.php:1744
msgid "Change Font to \"px\""
msgstr "Promeni Font u \"px\""

#: ../main.php:1747
msgid ""
"Switches the default font size in the dropdown list from \"pt\" to \"px\"."
msgstr ""
"Menja podrazumevanu veličinu fonta u opadajućoj listi iz \"pt\" u \"px\"."

#: ../main.php:1753
msgid "Save Editor Options"
msgstr "Sačuvaj opcije uređivača"

#: ../main.php:1766
msgid "These settings will enable various fonts in the editor."
msgstr "Ove postavke će aktivirati različite fontove u uređivaču."

#: ../main.php:1779
msgid "Activate Google Fonts"
msgstr "Aktiviraj Google fontove"

#: ../main.php:1782
msgid "Turns on/off Google Webfonts."
msgstr "Uključuje/Isključuje Google web fontove"

#: ../main.php:1791
msgid "Build Font List"
msgstr "Napravi listu fontova"

#: ../main.php:1796
msgid "Step 1:"
msgstr "Korak: 1"

#: ../main.php:1798
msgid "Visit "
msgstr "Poseti"

#: ../main.php:1800
msgid "Google Webfonts"
msgstr "Google web fontovi"

#: ../main.php:1802
msgid "to see how fonts are displayed in the browser."
msgstr "Da biste videli kako su fontovi prikazani u pretraživaču."

#: ../main.php:1805
msgid "Step 2:"
msgstr "Korak 2"

#: ../main.php:1807
msgid ""
"Once desired fonts are selected, choose them (one at a time) from the "
"dropdown list below (sorted alphabetically)."
msgstr ""
"Kad selektujete željene fontove, odaberite ih (jedan po jedan) sa opadajuće "
"liste (po abecednom redu) "

#: ../main.php:1816
msgid "Something went wrong!"
msgstr "Nešto nije u redu!"

#: ../main.php:1837
msgid ""
"As fonts are selected, they will appear in the \"Active Fonts\" section "
msgstr "Kad odaberete fontove, oni će se pojaviti u delu \"Active Fonts\"."

#: ../main.php:1847
msgid "Active Fonts"
msgstr "Aktivni fontovi"

#: ../main.php:1857
msgid "Current Font List"
msgstr "Trenutna lista fontova"

#: ../main.php:1876
msgid "Trash Bin"
msgstr "Korpa za otpatke"

#: ../main.php:1880
msgid "Drag fonts here to delete..."
msgstr "Ovde dovucite fontove za brisanje"

#: ../main.php:1887
msgid "Save Font Options"
msgstr "Sačuvaj opcije fonta"

#: ../main.php:1892
msgid "Remember to save the options when finished."
msgstr "Ne zaboravite da sačuvate opcije kad završite"

#: ../main.php:1910
msgid "Snidget Options"
msgstr "Snidget Opcije"

#: ../main.php:1911
msgid "These options specifically affect how snidgets are handled."
msgstr "Ove opcije odnose se na upravljanje snidget-ima"

#: ../main.php:1922
msgid "Snidget Builder"
msgstr "Snidget graditelj"

#: ../main.php:1925
msgid "Enables the powerful snidget builder."
msgstr "Aktivira moćni graditelj snidget-a."

#: ../main.php:1934
msgid "Save Widget Options"
msgstr "Sačuvaj opcije widget-a"

#: ../main.php:1946
msgid "User Specific Options"
msgstr "Specifične opcije korisnika"

#: ../main.php:1947
msgid ""
"These options are stored in individual user meta; meaning each user can set "
"these options independlently from one another."
msgstr ""
"Ove opcije čuvaju se u individualnom korisničkom meta; što znači da svaki "
"korisnik može podesiti ove opcije nezavisno jednu od druge."

#: ../main.php:1969
msgid "Save Scrollbar"
msgstr "Sačuvaj traku za skrolovanje"

#: ../main.php:1972
msgid "Saves the editor srollbar position when editing long posts (TEXT mode)."
msgstr ""
"Čuva poziciju trake za skrolovanje uređivača kad se uređuju dugački post-ovi "
"(tekstualni režim)"

#: ../main.php:1975
msgid "ID Column"
msgstr "ID kolone"

#: ../main.php:1978
msgid "Adds a column to post/page list view for displaying the post/page ID."
msgstr ""
"Dodaje kolonu listi post/stranica za prikazivanje ID-ja post-a/stranice"

#: ../main.php:1981
msgid "Thumbnail Column"
msgstr "Kolona sličice"

#: ../main.php:1984
msgid "Adds a column to post/page list view for displaying thumbnails."
msgstr "Dodaje kolonu listi post/stranica za prikazivanje sličica"

#: ../main.php:1987
msgid "Hide TEXT Tab"
msgstr "Sakrij tekstualni tabulator"

#: ../main.php:1990
msgid "Hide the editor TEXT tab from view."
msgstr "Sakrij tekstualni tabulator uređivača iz vida"

#: ../main.php:1993
msgid "Default VISUAL Tab"
msgstr "Podrazumevani VIZUELNI tabulator"

#: ../main.php:1996
msgid "Always display VISUAL tab when editor loads."
msgstr "Uveč prikaži VIZUELNI tabulator kad se učita uređivač"

#: ../main.php:1999
msgid "Disable Dashboard Widget"
msgstr "Deaktiviraj widget komandne table"

#: ../main.php:2002
msgid "Disables WP Edit Pro News Feed dashboard widget."
msgstr "Deaktivira WP Edit Pro News Feed widget komandne table"

#: ../main.php:2008
msgid "Post/Page Highlight Colors"
msgstr "Boje markera post-a/stranice"

#: ../main.php:2009
msgid ""
"These options will allow each user to customize highlight colors for each "
"post/page status."
msgstr ""
"Ove opcije će omogućiti svakom korisniku da podesi boje markera za svaki "
"status post-a/stranice"

#: ../main.php:2010
msgid "Meaning.. saved posts can be yellow, published posts can be blue, etc."
msgstr ""
"Znači… Sačuvani post-ovi mogu biti žuti, objavljeni post-ovi mogu biti plavi "

#: ../main.php:2014
msgid "Enable Highlights"
msgstr "Aktiviraj markiranje"

#: ../main.php:2017
msgid "Enable the Highlight Options below."
msgstr "Aktiviraj sledeće opcije markiranja"

#: ../main.php:2020
msgid "Draft Highlight"
msgstr "Markiranje skice"

#: ../main.php:2025
msgid "Pending Highlight"
msgstr "Markiranje na čekanju"

#: ../main.php:2030
msgid "Published Highlight"
msgstr "Objavljeno markiranje"

#: ../main.php:2035
msgid "Future Highlight"
msgstr "Buduće markiranje"

#: ../main.php:2040
msgid "Private Highlight"
msgstr "Tajno markiranje"

#: ../main.php:2071
msgid "Extra Options"
msgstr "Dodatne opcije"

#: ../main.php:2073
msgid "Signoff Text"
msgstr "Završni tekst"

#: ../main.php:2074
msgid ""
"Use the editor below to create a content chunk that can be inserted anywhere "
"using the"
msgstr ""
"Koristite uređivač da kreirate deo sadržaja koji se može ubaciti bilo gde uz"

#: ../main.php:2074
msgid "shortcode."
msgstr "shortcode"

#: ../main.php:2089
msgid "QR Codes"
msgstr "QR Codes"

#: ../main.php:2091
msgid "Please use the options below to setup your personalized QR Code."
msgstr ""
"Koristite sledeće opcije da biste postavili svoj personalizovani QR kod"

#: ../main.php:2098
msgid "Enable QR Codes"
msgstr "Aktiviraj QR kodove"

#: ../main.php:2101
msgid "A global option which enables all QR Code functionality."
msgstr "Globalna opcija koja aktivira funkcionalnost QR koda"

#: ../main.php:2104
msgid "Enable QR Widgets"
msgstr "Aktiviraj QR widget-e"

#: ../main.php:2107
msgid "Adds new widget for creating QR codes."
msgstr "Dodaje nove widget-e za kreiranje QR kodova"

#: ../main.php:2116
msgid "Design QR Code"
msgstr "Dizajn QR koda"

#: ../main.php:2124
msgid "Title Background"
msgstr "Naziv pozadine"

#: ../main.php:2129
msgid "Content Background"
msgstr "Sadržaj pozadina"

#: ../main.php:2134
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "Boja teksta"

#: ../main.php:2139
msgid "QR Foreground Color"
msgstr "QR boja prvog plana"

#: ../main.php:2144
msgid "QR Background Color"
msgstr "QR boja pozadine"

#: ../main.php:2154
msgid ""
"This is a preview area.  Changes will not be written to the database until "
"the \"Save Changes\" button is clicked."
msgstr ""
"Ovo je područje pregleda. Promene neće biti upisane u bazu podataka sve dok "
"ne kliknete na taster  \"Sačuvaj izmene\""

#: ../main.php:2156
msgid "Preview! (<em>Click \"Save Changes\" to update</em>)"
msgstr "Pregled  (<em>Click \"Sačuvaj izmene\" da biste ih ažurirali</em>)"

#: ../main.php:2166
msgid ""
"This is preview text. Use the editor below to create custom text for your "
msgstr ""
"Ovo je tekst pregleda. Koristite uređivač da biste kreirali podrazumevani "
"tekst za svoje post-ove/stranice."

#: ../main.php:2167
msgid ""
"It is strongly suggested to use highly contrasting colors for the background "
"and foreground QR colors."
msgstr ""
"Preporučujemo vam da koristite boje visokog kontrasta za QR boje pozadine i "
"prvog plana."

#: ../main.php:2179
msgid "Title Text"
msgstr "Tekst naslova"

#: ../main.php:2184
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Sadržaj"

#: ../main.php:2207
msgid "Database Options"
msgstr "Opcije baze podataka"

#: ../main.php:2212
msgid "Convert Options from Ultimate Tinymce"
msgstr "Konvertujte opcije iz Ultimate Tinymce-a"

#: ../main.php:2215
msgid "Convert any options used by Ultimate Tinymce to WP Edit."
msgstr "Konvertujte opcije koje je koristio Ultimate Tinymce za WP uređivanje."

#: ../main.php:2217
msgid "Since so much has changed, not all options may convert successfully."
msgstr ""
"Pošto je previše opcija promenjeno, možda se neće sve opcije uspešno "

#: ../main.php:2219
msgid "There will be no harm done to any other plugin or theme options."
msgstr "Nijedan drugi plugin, niti opcije teme neće pretrpeti oštećenja."

#: ../main.php:2223
msgid "Convert Options"
msgstr "Konvertuj opcije"

#: ../main.php:2229
msgid "Export WP Edit Options"
msgstr "Izvezi opcije WP uređivača"

#: ../main.php:2231
msgid ""
"Export the plugin settings for this site as a .json file. This allows you to "
"easily import the configuration into another site."
msgstr ""
"Izvezi postavke plugin-a za ovaj site kao .json datoteku. To vam omogućava "
"da lako uvezete konfiguraciju na drugi site. "

#: ../main.php:2236
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Izvezi"

#: ../main.php:2243
msgid "Import WP Edit Options"
msgstr "Uvezi WP Edit Opcije"

#: ../main.php:2245
msgid ""
"Import the plugin settings from a .json file. This file can be obtained by "
"exporting the settings on another site using the form above."
msgstr ""
"Uvezi plugin postavke iz .json datoteke. Ova datoteka može se dobiti izvozom "
"postavki na drugi site uz pomoć gornjeg obrasca. "

#: ../main.php:2251
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Uvezi"

#: ../main.php:2258
msgid "Reset WP Edit Options"
msgstr "Ponovo podesi opcije WP uređivača"

#: ../main.php:2260
msgid "Reset all plugin settings to their original default states."
msgstr ""
"Ponovo podesi sve postavke plugin-a na njihove originalne, podrazumevane "

#: ../main.php:2263
msgid "Reset Settings"
msgstr "Ponovo podesi postavke"

#: ../main.php:2270
msgid "Uninstall WP Edit (Completely)"
msgstr "Deinstaliraj WP uređivač (potpuno)"

#: ../main.php:2272
msgid ""
"Designed by intention, this plugin will not delete the associated database "
"tables when activating and deactivating."
msgstr ""
"Ovaj plugin namerno je dizajniran tako da neće obrisati tabele pridruženih "
"baza podataka prilikom aktiviranja i deaktiviranja."

#: ../main.php:2273
msgid ""
"This ensures the data is kept safe when troubleshooting other WordPress "
msgstr ""
"Na ovaj način, podaci se čuvaju na sigirnom kad se rešavanje problema suoči "
"sa WordPress-om."

#: ../main.php:2274
msgid ""
"In order to completely uninstall the plugin, AND remove all associated "
"database tables, please use the option below."
msgstr ""
"Da biste potpuno deinstalirali plugin I uklonili sve prateće baze podataka, "
"koristite sledeću opciju."

#: ../main.php:2279
msgid "Please confirm before proceeding"
msgstr "Potvrdite pre nego što se operacija nastavi"

#: ../main.php:2280
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Deinstaliraj"

#: ../main.php:2377
msgid "Please upload a valid .json file"
msgstr "Molimo vas, otpremite validnu .json datoteku "

#: ../main.php:2383
msgid "Please upload a file to import"
msgstr "Otpremite datoteku za uvoz"

#: ../main.php:2430
msgid "Ajax is working... but having trouble connecting with the database."
msgstr "Ajax radi… ali ima problema pri povezivanju sa bazom podataka."

#: ../main.php:2634
msgid "Stay Informed"
msgstr "Budite u toku"

#: ../main.php:2636
msgid ""
"Please signup to our free <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.feedblitz."
"com/f/?Sub=950320\">Feedblitz</a> service; to receive important plugin news, "
"updates and free offers."
msgstr ""
"Pretplatite se na besplatnu<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.feedblitz."
"com/f/?Sub=950320\"> Feedblitz</a> uslugu da biste dobijali važne novosti o "
"plugin-u, ažuriranju i besplatnim ponudama."

#: ../main.php:2643
msgid "Other Plugin News"
msgstr "Novosti o ostalim plugin-ovima"

#: ../main.php:2645
msgid ""
"* A stable version of WP Edit will soon be available on our <a target="
"\"_blank\" href=\"http://wpeditpro.com\">website</a>. The stable version "
"will contain some options not available in the free version."
msgstr ""
"*Stabilna WP Edit verzija uskoro će biti raspoloživa na našem<a target="
"\"_blank\" href=\"http://wpeditpro.com\"> web site-u</a>. Stabilna verzija "
"sadržaće neke opcije kojih nema u besplatnoj verziji."

#: ../main.php:2647
msgid ""
"* Plugin documentation is being added to our <a target=\"_blank\" href="
"\"http://learn.wpeditpro.com\">Knowledge Base</a>. Check back frequently for "
"more tutorial articles."
msgstr ""
"* Dokumentacija o plugin-u dodata je našoj<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://"
"learn.wpeditpro.com\"> bazi znanja</a>. Često je proveravajte jer će se na "
"njoj pojavljivati uputstva za rad."

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0