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 * Get a Cloudflare\Api instance
 * @since 2.8.21
 * @author Remy Perona
 * @return Object Cloudflare\Api instance if crendentials are set, WP_Error otherwise
function get_rocket_cloudflare_api_instance() {
	$cf_email   = get_rocket_option( 'cloudflare_email', null );
	$cf_api_key = ( defined( 'WP_ROCKET_CF_API_KEY' ) ) ? WP_ROCKET_CF_API_KEY : get_rocket_option( 'cloudflare_api_key', null );

	if ( ! isset( $cf_email, $cf_api_key ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_credentials_empty', __( 'Cloudflare Email and API key are not set', 'rocket' ) );

	return new Cloudflare\Api( $cf_email, $cf_api_key );

 * Get a Cloudflare\Api instance & the zone_id corresponding to the domain
 * @since 2.8.21 Get the zone ID from the options
 * @since 2.8.18 Add try/catch to prevent fatal error Uncaugh Exception
 * @since 2.8.16 Update to Cloudflare API v4
 * @since 2.5
 * @return Object Cloudflare instance & zone_id if credentials are correct, WP_Error otherwise
function get_rocket_cloudflare_instance() {
	$cf_api_instance = get_rocket_cloudflare_api_instance();
	if ( is_wp_error( $cf_api_instance ) ) {
		return $cf_api_instance;

	$cf_instance = (object) [
		'auth' => $cf_api_instance,
	$cf_zone_id  = get_rocket_option( 'cloudflare_zone_id', null );

	if ( ! isset( $cf_zone_id ) ) {

		$msg = sprintf(
			/* translators: %s = WP Rocket plugin name (maybe white label) */
			__( 'Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically.', 'rocket' ),

		if ( ! rocket_is_white_label() ) {
			$msg .= ' ' . sprintf(
				/* translators: %1$s = opening link; %2$s = closing link */
				__( 'Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance.', 'rocket' ),
				/* translators: Documentation exists in EN, DE, FR, ES, IT; use loaclised URL if applicable */
				'<a href="' . __( 'http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare', 'rocket' ) . '" target="__blank">',

		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_no_zone_id', $msg );

	$cf_instance = (object) [
		'auth' => $cf_api_instance,
		'zone_id' => $cf_zone_id,

	return $cf_instance;

 * Returns the main instance of Cloudflare API to prevent the need to use globals.
$GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] = get_rocket_cloudflare_instance();

 * Test the connection with Cloudflare
 * @since 2.9
 * @author Remy Perona
 * @throws Exception If the connection to Cloudflare failed.
 * @return Object True if connection is successful, WP_Error otherwise
function rocket_cloudflare_valid_auth() {
	$cf_api_instance = get_rocket_cloudflare_api_instance();
	if ( is_wp_error( $cf_api_instance ) ) {
		return $cf_api_instance;

	try {
		$cf_zone_instance = new Cloudflare\Zone( $cf_api_instance );
		$cf_zones         = $cf_zone_instance->zones();

		if ( ! isset( $cf_zones->success ) || empty( $cf_zones->success ) ) {
			throw new Exception( __( 'Connection to Cloudflare failed', 'rocket' ) );

		if ( true === $cf_zones->success ) {
			return true;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_invalid_auth', $e->getMessage() );

 * Get Zones linked to a Cloudflare account
 * @since 2.9
 * @author Remy Perona
 * @return Array List of zones or default no domain
function get_rocket_cloudflare_zones() {
	$cf_api_instance = get_rocket_cloudflare_api_instance();
	$domains = array(
		'' => __( 'Choose a domain from the list', 'rocket' ),

	if ( is_wp_error( $cf_api_instance ) ) {
		return $domains;

	try {
		$cf_zone_instance        = new Cloudflare\Zone( $cf_api_instance );
		$cf_zones                = $cf_zone_instance->zones( null, 'active', null, 50 );
		$cf_zones_list           = $cf_zones->result;

		if ( ! (bool) $cf_zones_list ) {
			$domains[] = __( 'No domain available in your Cloudflare account', 'rocket' );

			return $domains;

		foreach ( $cf_zones_list as $cf_zone ) {
			$domains[ $cf_zone->name ] = $cf_zone->name;

		return $domains;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return $domains;

 * Get all the current Cloudflare settings for a given domain.
 * @since 2.8.16 Update to Cloudflare API v4
 * @since 2.5
 * @return mixed bool|Array Array of Cloudflare settings, false if any error connection to Cloudflare
function get_rocket_cloudflare_settings() {
	if ( is_wp_error( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] ) ) {
		return $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'];

	try {
		$cf_settings_instance = new Cloudflare\Zone\Settings( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->auth );
		$cf_settings          = $cf_settings_instance->settings( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->zone_id );
		$cf_minify            = $cf_settings->result[16]->value;
		$cf_minify_value      = 'on';

		if ( 'off' === $cf_minify->js || 'off' === $cf_minify->css || 'off' === $cf_minify->html ) {
			$cf_minify_value = 'off';

		$cf_settings_array  = array(
			'cache_level'       => $cf_settings->result[5]->value,
			'minify'            => $cf_minify_value,
			'rocket_loader'     => $cf_settings->result[25]->value,
			'browser_cache_ttl' => $cf_settings->result[3]->value,

		return $cf_settings_array;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_current_settings', $e->getMessage() );

 * Set the Cloudflare Development mode.
 * @since 2.9 Now returns a value
 * @since 2.8.16 Update to Cloudflare API v4
 * @since 2.5
 * @param string $mode Value for Cloudflare development mode.
 * @throws Exception If any error occurs when doing the API request.
 * @return mixed Object|String Mode value if the update is successful, WP_Error otherwise
function set_rocket_cloudflare_devmode( $mode ) {
	if ( is_wp_error( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] ) ) {
		return $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'];

	if ( (int) 0 === $mode ) {
		$value = 'off';
	} elseif ( (int) 1 === $mode ) {
		$value = 'on';

	try {
		$cf_settings = new Cloudflare\Zone\Settings( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->auth );
		$cf_return = $cf_settings->change_development_mode( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->zone_id, $value );

		if ( ! isset( $cf_return->success ) || empty( $cf_return->success ) ) {
			foreach ( $cf_return->errors as $error ) {
				$errors[] = $error->message;

			$errors = implode( ', ', $errors );
			throw new Exception( $errors );

		if ( 'on' === $value ) {
			wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS, 'rocket_cron_deactivate_cloudflare_devmode' );

		return $value;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_dev_mode', $e->getMessage() );

 * Set the Cloudflare Caching level.
 * @since 2.9 Now returns a value
 * @since 2.8.16 Update to Cloudflare API v4
 * @since 2.5
 * @param string $mode Value for Cloudflare caching level.
 * @throws Exception If any error occurs when doing the API request.
 * @return mixed Object|String Mode value if the update is successful, WP_Error otherwise
function set_rocket_cloudflare_cache_level( $mode ) {
	if ( is_wp_error( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] ) ) {
		return $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'];

	try {
		$cf_settings = new Cloudflare\Zone\Settings( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->auth );
		$cf_return = $cf_settings->change_cache_level( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->zone_id, $mode );

		if ( ! isset( $cf_return->success ) || empty( $cf_return->success ) ) {
			foreach ( $cf_return->errors as $error ) {
				$errors[] = $error->message;

			$errors = implode( ', ', $errors );
			throw new Exception( $errors );

		return $mode;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_cache_level', $e->getMessage() );

 * Set the Cloudflare Minification.
 * @since 2.9 Now returns a value
 * @since 2.8.16 Update to Cloudflare API v4
 * @since 2.5
 * @param string $mode Value for Cloudflare minification.
 * @throws Exception If any error occurs when doing the API request.
 * @return mixed Object|String Mode value if the update is successful, WP_Error otherwise
function set_rocket_cloudflare_minify( $mode ) {
	if ( is_wp_error( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] ) ) {
		return $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'];

	$cf_minify_settings = array(
		'css'  => $mode,
		'html' => $mode,
		'js'   => $mode,

	try {
		$cf_settings = new Cloudflare\Zone\Settings( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->auth );
		$cf_return = $cf_settings->change_minify( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->zone_id, $cf_minify_settings );

		if ( ! isset( $cf_return->success ) || empty( $cf_return->success ) ) {
			foreach ( $cf_return->errors as $error ) {
				$errors[] = $error->message;

			$errors = implode( ', ', $errors );
			throw new Exception( $errors );

		return $mode;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_minification', $e->getMessage() );

 * Set the Cloudflare Rocket Loader.
 * @since 2.9 Now returns value
 * @since 2.8.16 Update to Cloudflare API v4
 * @since 2.5
 * @param string $mode Value for Cloudflare Rocket Loader.
 * @throws Exception If any error occurs when doing the API request.
 * @return mixed Object|String Mode value if the update is successful, WP_Error otherwise
function set_rocket_cloudflare_rocket_loader( $mode ) {
	if ( is_wp_error( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] ) ) {
		return $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'];

	try {
		$cf_settings = new Cloudflare\Zone\Settings( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->auth );
		$cf_return = $cf_settings->change_rocket_loader( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->zone_id, $mode );

		if ( ! isset( $cf_return->success ) || empty( $cf_return->success ) ) {
			foreach ( $cf_return->errors as $error ) {
				$errors[] = $error->message;

			$errors = implode( ', ', $errors );
			throw new Exception( $errors );

		return $mode;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_rocket_loader', $e->getMessage() );

 * Set the Browser Cache TTL in Cloudflare.
 * @since 2.9 Now returns value
 * @since 2.8.16
 * @param string $mode Value for Cloudflare browser cache TTL.
 * @throws Exception If any error occurs when doing the API request.
 * @return mixed Object|String Mode value if the update is successful, WP_Error otherwise
function set_rocket_cloudflare_browser_cache_ttl( $mode ) {
	if ( is_wp_error( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] ) ) {
		return $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'];

	try {
		$cf_settings = new Cloudflare\Zone\Settings( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->auth );
		$cf_return = $cf_settings->change_browser_cache_ttl( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->zone_id, (int) $mode );

		if ( ! isset( $cf_return->success ) || empty( $cf_return->success ) ) {
			foreach ( $cf_return->errors as $error ) {
				$errors[] = $error->message;

			$errors = implode( ', ', $errors );
			throw new Exception( $errors );

		return $mode;
	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_browser_cache', $e->getMessage() );

 * Purge Cloudflare cache.
 * @since 2.9 Now returns value
 * @since 2.8.16 Update to Cloudflare API v4
 * @since 2.5
 * @throws Exception If any error occurs when doing the API request.
 * @return mixed Object|bool true if the purge is successful, WP_Error otherwise
function rocket_purge_cloudflare() {
	if ( is_wp_error( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'] ) ) {
		return $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare'];

	try {
		$cf_cache = new Cloudflare\Zone\Cache( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->auth );
		$cf_purge = $cf_cache->purge( $GLOBALS['rocket_cloudflare']->zone_id, true );

		if ( ! isset( $cf_purge->success ) || empty( $cf_purge->success ) ) {
			foreach ( $cf_purge->errors as $error ) {
				$errors[] = $error->message;

			$errors = implode( ', ', $errors );
			throw new Exception( $errors );

		return true;

	} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'cloudflare_purge_failed', $e->getMessage() );

 * Get Cloudflare IPs.
 * @since 2.8.21 Save IPs in a transient to prevent calling the API everytime
 * @since 2.8.16
 * @author Remy Perona
 * @throws Exception If any error occurs when doing the API request.
 * @return Object Result of API request if successful, WP_Error otherwise
function rocket_get_cloudflare_ips() {
	$cf_instance = get_rocket_cloudflare_api_instance();
	if ( is_wp_error( $cf_instance ) ) {
		return $cf_instance;

	$cf_ips = get_transient( 'rocket_cloudflare_ips' );
	if ( false === $cf_ips ) {
		try {
			$cf_ips_instance = new Cloudflare\IPs( $cf_instance );
			$cf_ips = $cf_ips_instance->ips();

			if ( isset( $cf_ips->success ) && $cf_ips->success ) {
				set_transient( 'rocket_cloudflare_ips', $cf_ips, 2 * WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
			} else {
				throw new Exception( 'Error connecting to Cloudflare' );
		} catch ( Exception $e ) {
			$cf_ips = (object) [
				'success' => true,
				'result' => (object) [],
			$cf_ips->result->ipv4_cidrs = array(

			$cf_ips->result->ipv6_cidrs = array(

			set_transient( 'rocket_cloudflare_ips', $cf_ips, 2 * WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
			return $cf_ips;

	return $cf_ips;

 * Automatically set Cloudflare development mode value to off after 3 hours to reflect Cloudflare behaviour
 * @since 2.9
 * @author Remy Perona
function do_rocket_deactivate_cloudflare_devmode() {
	$options                       = get_option( WP_ROCKET_SLUG );
	$options['cloudflare_devmode'] = 'off';
	update_option( WP_ROCKET_SLUG, $options );
add_action( 'rocket_cron_deactivate_cloudflare_devmode', 'do_rocket_deactivate_cloudflare_devmode' );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0