Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/languages/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/languages/rocket-nl_NL.po

# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
# Translators:
# Dennis Hunink, 2015
# Thom, 2014-2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-19 07:48-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-22 15:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Thom\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (Netherlands) (http://www.transifex.com/wp-media/wp-rocket/language/nl_NL/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: nl_NL\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;esc_attr__;esc_html__;esc_attr_e;esc_html_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html_x:1,2c\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:86
msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"
msgstr "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:88
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr "De sitemap van de Jetpack-plugin preloaden"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:96
#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:88
#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:88
#, php-format
msgid ""
"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
"check the option to preload it."
msgstr "We hebben de gegeneerde sitemap door de %s-plugin automatisch gedetecteerd. Je kunt de optie om het te preloaden aanvinken."

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:77
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "All in One SEO XML-sitemap"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:80
#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the %s plugin"
msgstr "De sitemap van de %s-plugin preloaden"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:77
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Yoast SEO XML-sitemap"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:14 inc/admin/options.php:523
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:4 inc/common/admin-bar.php:304
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Ondersteuning"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:16
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Docs"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:295
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:21 inc/common/admin-bar.php:36
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:66 inc/admin/admin.php:88 inc/admin/admin.php:107
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "Deze cache legen"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:321 inc/admin/admin.php:331
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s-update terugdraaien"

#: inc/admin/options.php:117
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "Je Cloudflare-gegevens zijn geldig."

#: inc/admin/options.php:121
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "Je Cloudflare-gegevens zijn ongeldig!"

#: inc/admin/options.php:185 inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:250
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "Opslaan en optimaliseren"

#: inc/admin/options.php:185
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimaliseren"

#: inc/admin/options.php:196 inc/admin/options.php:391
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Opmerking:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:202
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "Prestatietip:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:208
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "Functie van derde partij gedetecteerd:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:220 inc/admin/options.php:397
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Waarschuwing:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:233 inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:180
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "Instellingen downloaden"

#: inc/admin/options.php:260
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "Hostnaam site vervangen door:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:279 inc/admin/options.php:316
#: inc/admin/options.php:344
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "voorbehouden aan"

#: inc/admin/options.php:281 inc/admin/options.php:318
#: inc/admin/options.php:346
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Alle bestanden"

#: inc/admin/options.php:293 inc/admin/options.php:323
#: inc/admin/options.php:351
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Afbeeldingen"

#: inc/admin/options.php:364
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "CNAME toevoegen"

#: inc/admin/options.php:431
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "Bekijk de video"

#: inc/admin/options.php:503
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Basis"

#: inc/admin/options.php:504
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "Statische bestanden"

#: inc/admin/options.php:505 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"

#: inc/admin/options.php:506
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Geavanceerd"

#: inc/admin/options.php:507
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Database"

#: inc/admin/options.php:508
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Preloaden"

#: inc/admin/options.php:519 inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:4
msgid "White Label"
msgstr "White label"

#: inc/admin/options.php:521 inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:7
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Tools"

#: inc/admin/options.php:526
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licentie"

#: inc/admin/options.php:907 inc/admin/options.php:1105
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Instellingen opgeslagen."

#: inc/admin/options.php:987
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr "Fout bij Cloudflare ontwikkelmodus: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:993
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare ontwikkelmodus %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1009
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr "Fout bij Cloudflare cache-level: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1013
msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standaard"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1019
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr "Cache-level van Cloudflare ingesteld op %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1031
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr "Fout bij Cloudflare verkleining: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1037
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare verkleining %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1049
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr "Fout bij Cloudflare rocket loader: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1055
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1067
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr "Fout bij Cloudflare browser-cache: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1073
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s seconds"
msgstr "Browser-cache van Cloudflare ingesteld op %s seconden"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1218
msgid ""
"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
msgstr "Voordat je je importbestand kunt uploaden, moet je de volgende fout oplossen:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1229
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "Kies een bestand van je computer (maximale grootte: %s)"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1235
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "Bestand uploaden en instellingen importeren"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1252
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "Instellingen importeren mislukt: geen bestand geüpload."

#: inc/admin/options.php:1257
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "Instellingen importeren mislukt: onjuiste bestandsnaam."

#: inc/admin/options.php:1266
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "Instellingen importeren mislukt: onjuist bestandstype."

#: inc/admin/options.php:1298
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "Instellingen geïmporteerd en opgeslagen."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:21 inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:23
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "Dit kan dingen breken!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:22 inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:32
msgid ""
"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr "Als je fouten op je website opmerkt na het activeren van deze instelling, deactiveer het dan gewoon en je site zal weer als normaal zijn."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:24
msgid "Before you continue activating this setting, read the documentation:"
msgstr "Voordat je doorgaat met het activeren van deze instelling, lees de documentatie:"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:28
msgid ""
msgstr "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-file-optimization"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:30
msgid "Resolving issues with file optimization"
msgstr "Problemen met bestandsoptimalisatie oplossen"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:36
msgid "Fair warning:"
msgstr "Vriendelijke waarschuwing:"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:37
msgid "All fields are required!"
msgstr "Alle velden zijn vereist!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:39
msgid "Cloudflare Settings"
msgstr "Cloudflare-instellingen"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:40
msgid "Save your changes to activate the Cloudflare tab."
msgstr "Sla je wijzigingen op om de Cloudflare-tab te activeren."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:42
msgid "Transmitting your message …"
msgstr "Je bericht aan het versturen ..."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:45
msgid "Unable to transmit"
msgstr "Versturen niet mogelijk"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:46
msgid ""
"It seems that communications with Mission Control are temporarily down … "
"Please send a support ticket while our Rocketeers fix the issue."
msgstr "Het lijkt erop dat communicatie met Mission Control tijdelijk plat ligt ... Verstuur een ondersteuningsticket, terwijl onze Rocketeers het probleem oplossen."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:47
msgid "Get help from a Support Rocketeer"
msgstr "Krijg hulp van een Support Rocketeer"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:49
msgid "Last steps before contacting us"
msgstr "Laatste stappen voordat je contact met ons opneemt"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:51
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You have to read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> and "
"to agree to send informations relative to your website to submit a support "
msgstr "Je moet de <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentatie</a> lezen en ermee akkoord gaan dat informatie gerelateerd aan je website wordt meegestuurd om een ondersteuningsticket te versturen."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:53
msgid "Transmission Received!"
msgstr "Overdracht ontvangen!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:54
msgid "We have received your ticket and will reply back within a few hours!"
msgstr "We hebben je ticket ontvangen en zullen binnen een paar uur reageren!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:54
msgid ""
"We answer every ticket, so please check your spam folder if you do not hear "
"from us."
msgstr "We beantwoorden elk ticket, dus controleer je spam-map als je niks van ons hoort."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:56
msgid "Hmm, that’s problematic …"
msgstr "Hmm, dat is een probleem ..."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:57
msgid ""
"It looks like you have got yourself a “nulled” version of WP Rocket. In "
"order to activate your plugin and receive support and updates you will need "
"a valid license."
msgstr "Het lijkt erop dat je een \"nulled\"-versie van WP Rocket hebt. Om je plugin te activeren en ondersteuning en updates te ontvangen, moet je een geldige licentie hebben."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:57
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Click below to purchase a license with a 20% discount automatically applied."
msgstr "Klik hieronder om een licentie te kopen met 20% korting automatisch toegepast."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:58
msgid "Buy a valid license now"
msgstr "Koop nu een geldige licentie"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:60
msgid "Uh-oh, you’re out of fuel …"
msgstr "Uh-oh, je hebt geen brandstof meer ..."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:61
msgid ""
"To keep WP Rocket running with access to support and updates, <strong>you "
"will need to renew your license</strong>."
msgstr "Om WP Rocket te blijven draaien met toegang tot ondersteuning en updates, <strong>moet je je licentie vernieuwen</strong>."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:61
msgid ""
"Click below to renew with a <strong>discount of 50%</strong> automatically "
msgstr "Klik hieronder om met automatisch toegepaste <strong>korting van 50%</strong>te vernieuwen!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:62
msgid "Buy renewal now"
msgstr "Nu vernieuwing kopen"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:66
msgid "Activate this setting"
msgstr "Actieveer deze instelling"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:67
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:72
#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:935 inc/common/admin-bar.php:50
#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:76 inc/common/admin-bar.php:118
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Cache legen"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
msgid "Cache Options"
msgstr "Cache-opties"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:66
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "Deze pagina nooit cachen"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:70
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "Deze opties voor dit bericht activeren:"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad voor afbeeldingen"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad voor iframes/video's"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
msgid "Minify/combine HTML"
msgstr "HTML verkleinen/combineren"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "CSS verkleinen/combineren"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "JS verkleinen/combineren"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
msgid "Async CSS"
msgstr "Asynchroon CSS"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "JS uitstellen"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "Activeer eerst de %s-optie."

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:99
msgid ""
"<strong>Note:</strong> None of these options will be applied if this post "
"has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
msgstr "<strong>Opmerking:</strong> geen van deze opties wordt toegepast als dit bericht is uitgesloten van de cache in de globale cache-instellingen."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:7
msgid "Advanced options"
msgstr "Geavanceerde opties"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:27
msgid ""
"These settings are for advanced cache management. Caching itself works "
"automatically.<br>Read the <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/78"
"-how-often-is-the-cache-updated\" target=\"_blank\">documentation on "
"automatic cache management</a> to better understand how caching works."
msgstr "Deze instellingen zijn voor geavanceerd cache-beheer. Caching zelf werkt automatisch.<br>Lees de <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/78-how-often-is-the-cache-updated\" target=\"_blank\">documentatie over automatisch cache-beheer</a> om beter te begrijpen hoe caching werkt."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:42
msgid ""
"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never get cached (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer URL's van pagina's of berichten die nooit gecacht moeten worden (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:47 inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:97
msgid "Never cache (URLs):"
msgstr "Nooit cachen (URL's):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:55
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:59
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:63
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:67
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:71
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:80
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Cart and checkout pages set in <strong>%s</strong> will be detected and "
"never cached by default. No need to enter them here."
msgstr "Winkelwagen- en afrekenen-pagina's ingesteld in <strong>%s</strong> zullen worden gedetecteerd en standaard nooit worden gecacht. Het is niet nodig deze hier in te vullen."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:90 inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:184
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr "Het domeingedeelte van de URL zal automatisch worden weggehaald.<br>Gebruik %s-wildcards om meerdere URL's onder een opgegeven pad te adresseren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:109
msgid "Never cache (cookies):"
msgstr "Nooit cachen (cookies):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:117
msgid ""
"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor’s browser, should "
"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer de ID's van cookies die, als deze ingesteld zijn in de browser van de bezoeker, ervoor moeten zorgen dat een pagina nooit wordt gecacht (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:122
msgid "Never cache pages when these cookies are present:"
msgstr "Pagina's nooit cachen als deze cookies aanwezig zijn:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:132
msgid "Never cache (user agents):"
msgstr "Nooit cachen (user agents):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:140
msgid ""
"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer user agent-strings die nooit gecachte pagina's moeten zien (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:145
msgid "Never send cache pages for these user agents:"
msgstr "Nooit cachepagina's naar deze user agents sturen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:152
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use %1$s wildcards to <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">detect parts of UA "
msgstr "Gebruik %1$s-wildcards om <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">delen van UA-strings te detecteren</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:165
msgid "Always purge (URLs):"
msgstr "Altijd legen (URL's):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:173
msgid ""
"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
"or page (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer URL's die je altijd uit de cache wilt legen als je een bericht of pagina bijwerkt (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:178
msgid "Always purge these URLs from cache when updating any post or page:"
msgstr "Deze URL's altijd uit de cache legen als een bericht of pagina is bijgewerkt:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:196
msgid "Cache query strings:"
msgstr "Query strings cachen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:204
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer query strings voor caching (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:209
msgid "Force caching for URLs with these query strings (GET parameters):"
msgstr "Forceer caching voor URL's met deze query strings (GET-parameters):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:214
msgid ""
"Cache for query strings enables you to force caching for specific GET "
msgstr "Cache voor query strings maakt het mogelijk voor je om caching voor specifieke GET-parameters te forceren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:214
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/971-caching-query-strings\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Cache for query strings</a> enables you to force caching "
"for specific GET parameters."
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/971-caching-query-strings\" target=\"_blank\">Cache voor query strings</a> maakt het mogelijk voor je om caching voor specifieke GET-parameters te forceren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:7
msgid "License validation"
msgstr "Validatie licentie"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:27
msgid ""
"WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license.<br>Follow <a "
"validation\" target=\"_blank\">this tutorial</a>, or contact <a href=\"https"
"://wp-rocket.me/support/\" target=\"_blank\">support</a> to get this engine "
msgstr "WP Rocket kon je licentie niet automatisch valideren.<br>Volg <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation\" target=\"_blank\">deze tutorial</a> of neem contact op met <a href=\"https://wp-rocket.me/support/\" target=\"_blank\">ondersteuning</a> om deze motor draaiende te krijgen."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:39 inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:47
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API-sleutel"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:59 inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:67
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-mailadres"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:7
msgid "Basic options"
msgstr "Basisopties"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:27
msgid ""
"Caching has been activated automatically, your website should load "
"fast!<br>How about <a href=\"https://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-"
"websites-page-load-time/\" target=\"_blank\">testing your loading time</a>? "
"Maybe you don’t even need to configure all these options."
msgstr "Caching is automatisch geactiveerd, je website moet snel laden!<br>Wat dacht je van het <a href=\"https://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-time/\" target=\"_blank\">testen van je laadtijd</a>? Misschien hoef je al deze opties niet te configureren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:46 inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:74
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:140
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "Deactivate if you notice any visually broken items on your website.%s"
msgstr "Deactiveer als je visueel gebroken items op je website opmerkt.%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:47
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/278-common-issues-with-lazyload\""
" target=\"_blank\">Why?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/278-common-issues-with-lazyload\" target=\"_blank\">Waarom?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:54
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "Voor afbeeldingen inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:56
msgid "Enable LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "LazyLoad voor afbeeldingen inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:60
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "Voor iframes en video's inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:62
msgid "Enable LazyLoad for iframes and videos"
msgstr "LazyLoad voor iframes en video's inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:67 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:69
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "YouTube iframe met voorbeeldafbeelding vervangen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:75
msgid ""
"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
"YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr "Dit kan je laadtijd aanzienlijk verbeteren als je veel YouTube-video's op een pagina hebt."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:80 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:221
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:170
msgid "Reduces the number of HTTP requests, can improve loading time."
msgstr "Vermindert het aantal HTTP-verzoeken, kan laadtijd verbeteren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:85
msgid ""
"Images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or are about "
"to enter) the viewport."
msgstr "Afbeeldingen, iframes en video's zullen alleen worden geladen als ze (bijna) de viewport bereiken."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:90
msgid "LazyLoad:"
msgstr "LazyLoad:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:102 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:111
msgid "Mobile cache:"
msgstr "Mobiele cache:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:109
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "Caching voor mobiele apparaten inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:118
msgid "Makes your website mobile-friendlier."
msgstr "Maakt je website mobielvriendelijker."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:123
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "Cache-bestanden voor mobiele apparaten scheiden"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:132
msgid ""
"Mobile cache works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, keep "
msgstr "Mobiele cache werkt het veiligst met beide opties ingeschakeld. Als je het niet zeker weet, behoud dan beide."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:132
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/708-mobile-caching\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Mobile cache</a> works safest with both options enabled. "
"When in doubt, keep both."
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/708-mobile-caching\" target=\"_blank\">Mobiele cache</a> werkt het veiligst met beide opties ingeschakeld. Als je het niet zeker weet, behoud dan beide."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:142 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:152
msgid "User cache:"
msgstr "Gebruiker-cache:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:150
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "Caching voor ingelogde WordPress-gebruikers inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:157
msgid ""
"User cache is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on "
"your website."
msgstr "Gebruiker-cache is fijn als je gebruikersspecifieke of beveiligde inhoud op je website hebt."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:157
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/313-logged-in-user-cache\" "
"target=\"_blank\">User cache</a> is great when you have user-specific or "
"restricted content on your website."
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/313-logged-in-user-cache\" target=\"_blank\">Gebruiker-cache</a> is fijn als je gebruikersspecifieke of beveiligde inhoud op je website hebt."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:170
msgid "Enable caching for pages with <code>https://</code>"
msgstr "Caching voor pagina's met <code>https://</code> inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:172 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:194
msgid "SSL cache:"
msgstr "SSL-cache:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:179
msgid "SSL cache works best when your entire website runs on HTTPS."
msgstr "SSL-cache werkt het beste als je hele website op HTTPS draait."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:179
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/314-using-ssl-with-wp-rocket\" "
"target=\"_blank\">SSL cache</a> works best when your entire website runs on "
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/314-using-ssl-with-wp-rocket\" target=\"_blank\">SSL-cache</a> werkt het beste als je hele website op HTTPS draait."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:183
msgid "Your site runs on HTTPS. SSL cache has been applied automatically."
msgstr "Je site draait op HTTPS. SSL-cache is automatisch toegepast."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:206 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:215
msgid "Emoji cache:"
msgstr "Emoji-cache:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:213
msgid ""
"Use default emoji of visitors’ browser instead of loading emoji from "
msgstr "Gebruik standaard emoji van de browser van de bezoeker in plaats van het laden van emoji van WordPress.org"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:231 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:240
msgid "Embeds:"
msgstr "Embeds:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:238
msgid "Disable WordPress Embeds"
msgstr "WordPress Embeds uitschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:245
msgid ""
"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
" requests related to <a "
"href=\"https://wordpress.org/news/2015/12/clifford/\" "
"target=\"_blank\">WordPress Embeds</a>."
msgstr "Voorkomt dat anderen inhoud van je site insluiten, voorkomt dat je inhoud van andere (niet-gewhiteliste) sites insluit en verwijdert JavaScript-verzoeken gerelateerd aan <a href=\"https://wordpress.org/news/2015/12/clifford/\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress Embeds</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:257
msgid "Specify time after which the global cache gets cleared (0 = unlimited)"
msgstr "Specificeer de tijd nadat de globale cache wordt geleegd (0 = onbeperkt)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:262
msgid "Clear cache after …"
msgstr "Cache legen na ..."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:268
msgid "Unit of time"
msgstr "Tijdseenheid"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:271
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minu(u)t(en)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:272
msgid "hour(s)"
msgstr "u(u)r(en)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:273
msgid "day(s)"
msgstr "dag(en)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:281
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files get "
"removed. Enable <a href=\"%s\">Preloading</a> for the cache to be rebuilt "
"automatically after lifespan expiration."
msgstr "Levensduur cache is de tijdsperiode nadat alle cache-bestanden worden verwijderd. Schakel <a href=\"%s\">preloading</a> in om de cache automatisch opnieuw op te bouwen nadat de levensduur is verlopen."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:292
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
" periodically.%s"
msgstr "Reduceer de levensduur naar 10 uur of minder als je problemen ondervindt die waarschijnlijk periodiek voorkomen.%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:293
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/975-nonces-and-cache-lifespan\" "
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/975-nonces-and-cache-lifespan\" target=\"_blank\">Waarom?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:301
msgid ""
"Increase lifespan to a few hours if you notice server issues with this "
msgstr "Verhoog de levensduur naar enkele uren als je serverproblemen met deze instelling opmerkt."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:307
msgid "Cache lifespan:"
msgstr "Levensduur cache:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:7
msgid "Content Delivery Network options"
msgstr "Content Delivery Network-opties"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:24
msgid ""
"Your PHP version is lower than 5.4. Cloudflare’s integration requires PHP "
"5.4 or greater and therefore is not available for you currently. We "
"recommend you contact your web host in order to upgrade to the latest PHP "
msgstr "Je PHP-versie is lager dan 5.4. De integratie van Cloudflare vereist PHP 5.4 of hoger en is daarom niet beschikbaar voor je momenteel. We raden je aan om contact op te nemen met je webhost om naar de nieuwste PHP-versie te upgraden."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:30
msgid "Show Cloudflare settings tab"
msgstr "Tab met Cloudflare-instellingen tonen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:61
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Go to the <a href=\"%s\">Cloudflare tab</a> to edit your Cloudflare "
"settings. The CDN settings below do NOT apply to Cloudflare.<br>Read the "
"documentation on <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-"
"rocket-with-cloudflare\" target=\"_blank\">using WP Rocket with "
msgstr "Ga naar de <a href=\"%s\">Cloudflare-tab</a> om je Cloudflare-instellingen te bewerken. De CDN-instellingen hieronder zijn NIET van toepassing op Cloudflare.<br>Lees de documentatie over <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare\" target=\"_blank\">het gebruik van WP Rocket met Cloudflare</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:71
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "Content Delivery Network inschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:73 inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:108
msgid "CDN:"
msgstr "CDN:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:88
msgid ""
"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
" entered below."
msgstr "Alle URL's van statische bestanden (CSS, JS, afbeeldingen) zullen worden overschreven met de ingevulde CNAME(s) hieronder."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:90
msgid ""
"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
" entered below.<br>Read the documentation on <a href=\"http://docs.wp-"
"rocket.me/article/42-using-wp-rocket-with-a-cdn\" target=\"_blank\">using WP"
" Rocket with a CDN</a>."
msgstr "Alle URL's van statische bestanden (CSS, JS, afbeeldingen) zullen worden overschreven met de ingevulde CNAME(s) hieronder.<br>Lees de documentatie over <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/42-using-wp-rocket-with-a-cdn\" target=\"_blank\">het gebruik van WP Rocket met een CDN</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:99
msgid ""
"CDN is disabled because you are using WP Offload S3 and the assets addon to "
"serve your images, CSS and JS files."
msgstr "CDN is uitgeschakeld, omdat je WP Offload S3 en de assets add-on gebruikt om je afbeeldingen, CSS- en JS-bestanden te leveren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:120
msgid "CDN CNAME(S):"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(S):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:131 inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:140
msgid "CDN without SSL:"
msgstr "CDN zonder SSL:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:138
msgid "Disable CDN functionality on HTTPS pages"
msgstr "CDN-functionaliteit op HTTPS-pagina's uitschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:144
msgid ""
"If your CDN account does not fully support SSL, you can disable URL "
"rewriting on HTTPS pages here."
msgstr "Als je CDN-account niet volledige SSL-ondersteuning biedt, kun je hier URL overschrijving op HTTPS-pagina's uitschakelen."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:151 inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:164
msgid "Exclude files:"
msgstr "Bestanden uitsluiten:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:159
msgid ""
"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer URL(s) van bestanden die niet via een CDN geleverd moeten worden (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:171
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
msgstr "Het domeingedeelte van de URL zal automatisch worden weggehaald.<br>Gebruik %s-wildcards om alle bestanden van een opgegeven bestandstype binnen een specifiek pad uit te sluiten."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:11
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email:"
msgstr "E-mailadres account:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:18
msgid "Enter the email address of your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Vul het e-mailadres van je Cloudflare-account in"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:23
msgid "Cloudflare account email address"
msgstr "E-mailadres Cloudflare-account"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:37
msgid "Enter the global API key of your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Vul de globale API-sleutel van je Cloudflare-account in"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:43
msgid "Global API key"
msgstr "Globale API-sleutel"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Retrieve your API key</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Verkrijg je API-sleutel</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:58
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "Globale API-sleutel:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:77
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Domein:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:85
msgid "Cloudflare domain"
msgstr "Cloudflare-domein"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:97
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Development mode:"
msgstr "Ontwikkelmodus:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:105
msgid "Development Mode"
msgstr "Ontwikkelmodus"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:107
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:136
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:164
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Uit"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:108
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:137
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:165
msgid "On"
msgstr "Aan"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:116
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Temporarily enter development mode on your website. This setting will "
"automatically get turned off after 3 hours. <a href=\"%s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a>"
msgstr "Tijdelijk ontwikkelmodus op je website inschakelen. Deze instelling zal automatisch worden uitgeschakeld na 3 uur. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Meer weten</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:126
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:134
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Optimal settings:"
msgstr "Optimale instellingen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:144
msgid ""
"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
"grade, and compatibility."
msgstr "Verbetert je Cloudflare-configuratie automatisch op snelheid, prestatiecijfer en compatibiliteit."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:154
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Relative Protocol:"
msgstr "Gerelateerde protocol:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:162
msgid "HTTPS Protocol Rewrite"
msgstr "HTTPS-protocol overschrijven"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:173
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Should only be used with Cloudflare’s <a href=\"%1$s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Flexible SSL</a> feature.<br>URLs of static files (CSS, "
"JS, images) will be rewritten to use relative protocol (%2$s instead of %3$s"
" or %4$s)."
msgstr "Moet alleen worden gebruikt met de <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"_blank\">Flexibele SSL</a>-functie van Cloudflare.<br>URL's van statische bestanden (CSS, JS, afbeeldingen) zullen worden overschreven om het gerelateerde protocol te gebruiken (%2$s in plaats van %3$s of %4$s)."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:188
msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache:"
msgstr "Cloudflare-cache legen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:194 inc/common/admin-bar.php:193
msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
msgstr "Cloudflare-cache legen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:200
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Purges cached resources for your website. <a href=\"%s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a>"
msgstr "Leegt gecachte bestanden van je website. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Meer weten</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:14
msgid "Database Optimization"
msgstr "Optimalisatie database"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:34
msgid ""
"Backup your database before you run a cleanup!<br>Once a database "
"optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "Maak een back-up van je database voordat je gaat opruimen!<br>Zodra er een database-optimalisatie is uitgevoerd, is er geen manier meer om dit ongedaan te maken."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:46
msgid "Posts cleanup:"
msgstr "Berichten opruimen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:53
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "Revisies"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:55
msgid "Cleanup revisions"
msgstr "Revisies opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:61
#, php-format
msgid "%d revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%d revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d revisie in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d revisies in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:65
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "Automatische concepten"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:67
msgid "Cleanup auto drafts"
msgstr "Automatische concepten opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:73
#, php-format
msgid "%d draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%d drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d concept in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d concepten in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:77
msgid "Trashed posts"
msgstr "Verwijderde berichten"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:79
msgid "Cleanup trashed posts"
msgstr "Verwijderde berichten opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "%d trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%d trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d verwijderd bericht in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d verwijderde berichten in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:95
msgid "Comments cleanup:"
msgstr "Reacties opruimen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:102
msgid "Spam comments"
msgstr "Spamreacties"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:104
msgid "Cleanup spam comments"
msgstr "Spamreacties opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:110
#, php-format
msgid "%d spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%d spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d spamreactie in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d spamreacties in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:114
msgid "Trashed comments"
msgstr "Verwijderde reacties"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:116
msgid "Cleanup trashed comments"
msgstr "Verwijderde reacties opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "%d trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%d trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d verwijderde reactie in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d verwijderde reacties in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:132
msgid "Transients cleanup:"
msgstr "Transients opruimen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:139
msgid "Expired transients"
msgstr "Verlopen transients"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:141
msgid "Cleanup expired transients"
msgstr "Verlopen transients opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "%d expired transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%d expired transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d verlopen transient in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d verlopen transients in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:151
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "Alle transients"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:153
msgid "Cleanup all transients"
msgstr "Alle transients opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:159
#, php-format
msgid "%d transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%d transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d transient in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d transients in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:169
msgid "Database cleanup:"
msgstr "Database opruimen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:176
msgid "Optimize tables"
msgstr "Tabellen optimaliseren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:178
msgid "Optimize database tables"
msgstr "Databasetabellen optimaliseren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:184
#, php-format
msgid "%d table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%d tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] "%d tabel om te optimaliseren in je database."
msgstr[1] "%d tabellen om te optimaliseren in je database."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:194
msgid "Automatic cleanup:"
msgstr "Automatisch opruimen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:201
msgid "Schedule automatic cleanup"
msgstr "Automatisch opruimen inplannen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:203
msgid "Schedule an automatic cleanup of the database"
msgstr "Automatisch opruimen van de database inplannen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:208
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frequentie"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:210
msgid "Frequency for the automatic cleanup"
msgstr "Frequentie van het automatisch opruimen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:212
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Dagelijks"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:213
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Wekelijks"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:214
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Maandelijks"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:221
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Wijzigingen opslaan"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:236
msgid "Run cleanup:"
msgstr "Opruimen starten:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:249
#, php-format
msgid ""
"“%1$s” will save your settings and run a database optimization; “%2$s” below"
" will only save your settings."
msgstr "“%1$s” zal je instellingen opslaan en een optimalisatie van de database draaien; “%2$s” hieronder zal alleen je instellingen opslaan."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:7
msgid "Files optimization"
msgstr "Optimalisatie bestanden"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:27
msgid ""
"Heads up! These options are not equally suitable for all WordPress "
"setups.<br>If you notice any visual issues on your site, just turn off the "
"last option(s) you had activated here. <br>Read the documentation on <a "
"minification\" target=\"_blank\">troubleshooting file optimization</a>."
msgstr "Opgelet! Deze opties zijn niet altijd even geschikt voor alle WordPress-installaties.<br>Als je visuele problemen op je site opmerkt, schakel dan gewoon de laatste optie(s) die je hier had geactiveerd uit. <br>Lees de documentatie over <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-minification\" target=\"_blank\">probleemoplossing bij bestandsoptimalisatie</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:62
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Minification (%1$s) is currently activated in <strong>Autoptimize</strong>. "
"If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in "
msgstr "Verkleining (%1$s) is momenteel geactiveerd in <strong>Autoptimize</strong>. Als je verkleining van %2$s wilt gebruiken, schakel die opties dan uit in Autoptimize."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:75
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:141
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-"
"minification\" target=\"_blank\">Why?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-minification\" target=\"_blank\">Waarom?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:84
msgid "Minify HTML files"
msgstr "HTML-bestanden verkleinen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:91
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "CSS-bestanden verkleinen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:98
msgid "Minify JS files"
msgstr "JS-bestanden verkleinen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:105
msgid "Reduces file size, can improve loading time."
msgstr "Vermindert bestandsgrootte, kan laadtijd verbeteren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:110
msgid ""
"Removes spaces and comments from static files, enables browsers and search "
"engines to faster process HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files."
msgstr "Verwijdert spaties en commentaar uit statische bestanden, maakt het mogelijk voor browsers en zoekmachines om HTML-, CSS- en JavaScript-bestanden sneller te verwerken."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:115
msgid "Minify files:"
msgstr "Bestanden verkleinen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:151
msgid "Concatenate Google Fonts"
msgstr "Google Fonts aaneenschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:157
msgid "Concatenate CSS files"
msgstr "CSS-bestanden aaneenschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:164
msgid "Concatenate JS files"
msgstr "JS-bestanden aaneenschakelen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:178
#, php-format
msgid "These settings are not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2.%s"
msgstr "Deze instellingen worden niet aangeraden als je site HTTP/2 gebruikt.%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:179
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1009-configuration-for-http-2\" "
"target=\"_blank\">More info</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1009-configuration-for-http-2\" target=\"_blank\">Meer informatie</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:185
msgid "Combine files:"
msgstr "Bestanden combineren:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:197
msgid "Exclude CSS:"
msgstr "CSS uitsluiten:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:205
msgid ""
"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
" (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer URL's van CSS-bestanden die van verkleining en aaneenschakeling moeten worden uitgesloten (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:210
msgid "CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation:"
msgstr "CSS-bestanden die moeten worden uitgesloten van verkleining en aaneenschakeling:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:217
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
msgstr "Het domeingedeelte van de URL zal automatisch worden weggehaald.<br>Gebruik %s-wildcards om alle CSS-bestanden binnen een specifiek pad uit te sluiten."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:228
msgid "Exclude JS:"
msgstr "JS uitsluiten:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:236
msgid ""
"Specify URLs of JS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation "
"(one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer URL's van JS-bestanden die van verkleining en aaneenschakeling moeten worden uitgesloten (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:241
msgid "JS files to be excludeded from minification and concatenation:"
msgstr "JS-bestanden die moeten worden uitgesloten van verkleining en aaneenschakeling:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:248
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr "Het domeingedeelte van de URL zal automatisch worden weggehaald.<br>Gebruik %s-wildcards om alle JS-bestanden binnen een specifiek pad uit te sluiten."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:259
msgid "Remove query strings:"
msgstr "Query strings verwijderen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:266
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:268
msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
msgstr "Query strings van statische bestanden verwijderen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:275
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Can improve the performance grade on <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">GT "
msgstr "Kan het prestatiecijfer op <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">GT Metrix</a> verbeteren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:282
msgid ""
"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
"and encodes it into the file name instead (e.g. style-1-0.css)."
msgstr "Verwijdert de versie query string van statische bestanden (bv. style.css?ver=1.0) en codeert het in plaats daarvan in de bestandsnaam (bv. style-1-0.css)."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:298
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-"
"and-css-pagespeed\" target=\"_blank\">Why?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-and-css-pagespeed\" target=\"_blank\">Waarom?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:304
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:306
msgid "Load JS files deferred"
msgstr "JS-bestanden uitgesteld laden"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:311
msgid "Safe mode (recommended)"
msgstr "Veilige modus (aangeraden)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:313
msgid "Defer JS files safely"
msgstr "JS-bestanden veilig uitgesteld laden"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:319
msgid ""
"Safe mode for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery references from "
"themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the document as a render-"
"blocking script. Deactivating may result in broken functionality, test "
msgstr "Veilige modus voor uitgestelde JS zorgt voor ondersteuning van inline jQuery-referenties van thema's en plugins door jQuery bovenin het document te laden als een weergave-blokkering-script. Deactiveren kan resulteren in een gebroken functionaliteit, test grondig!"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:325
msgid ""
"Reduces the number of initial HTTP requests, can improve loading time and "
"performance grade."
msgstr "Vermindert het aantal initiële HTTP-verzoeken, kan laadtijd en prestatiecijfer verbeteren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:330
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:332
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "CSS-levering optimaliseren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:341
#, php-format
msgid "Critical path CSS will be automatically generated.%s"
msgstr "Pad naar kritieke CSS zal automatisch worden gegenereerd.%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:342
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-"
"and-css-pagespeed#critical-path-css\" target=\"_blank\">More info</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-and-css-pagespeed#critical-path-css\" target=\"_blank\">Meer informatie</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:353
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:360
msgid "Fallback critical path CSS:"
msgstr "Fallback voor pad naar kritieke CSS:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:369
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Provides a fallback if auto-generated critical path CSS is incomplete.%s"
msgstr "Biedt een fallback als het automatisch gegenereerde pad naar kritieke CSS onvolledig is.%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:370
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-"
"and-css-pagespeed#fallback\" target=\"_blank\">More info</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-and-css-pagespeed#fallback\" target=\"_blank\">Meer informatie</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:375
msgid "Render-blocking CSS/JS:"
msgstr "Weergave-blokkering CSS/JS:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:7
msgid "Preload options"
msgstr "Preload-opties"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:15 inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:18
msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
msgstr "Op sitemap gebaseerde-cache preloading activeren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:24
msgid ""
"Sitemap preloading runs automatically when the cache lifespan expires. You "
"can also launch it manually from the upper toolbar menu, or from the Tools "
msgstr "Sitemap preloading draait automatisch als de levensduur van de cache verloopt. Je kunt het ook handmatig activeren via het bovenste werkbalk-menu of via de Tools-tab."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:24
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Sitemap preloading</a> runs automatically when the cache "
"lifespan expires. You can also launch it manually from the upper toolbar "
"menu, or from the Tools tab."
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded\" target=\"_blank\">Sitemap preloading</a> draait automatisch als de levensduur van de cache verloopt. Je kunt het ook handmatig activeren via het bovenste werkbalk-menu of via de Tools-tab."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:30
msgid "Sitemap preloading:"
msgstr "Sitemap preloading:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:49
msgid "Sitemap crawl interval:"
msgstr "Interval sitemap-crawl:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:56
msgid ""
"<span class=\"screen-reader-text\">This is the </span>waiting time between "
"each URL crawl"
msgstr "<span class=\"screen-reader-text\">Dit is de </span>wachttijd tussen elke URL-crawl"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:58
msgid "Sets the intervall between each URL crawl"
msgstr "Stelt de interval tussen elke URL-crawl in"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:83
msgid "Set a higher value if you notice any overload on your server!"
msgstr "Stel een hogere waarde in als je een overbelasting op je server opmerkt!"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:93
msgid "Sitemaps for preloading:"
msgstr "Sitemaps voor preloading:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:101
msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading (one per line)"
msgstr "Specificeer XML sitemap(s) die voor preloading moeten worden gebruikt (één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:105
msgid "Sitemap files to use for preloading"
msgstr "Sitemapbestanden om voor preloading te gebruiken"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:107
msgid "The sitemap files to use for preloading the cache"
msgstr "De sitemapbestanden om voor het preloaden van de cache te gebruiken"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:118
msgid "Preload bot:"
msgstr "Preload-bot:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:125
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Handmatig"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:127
msgid ""
"Activate manual preload (from upper toolbar, or from Tools tab of WP Rocket)"
msgstr "Handmatig preloaden activeren (via bovenste werkbalk of via de Tools-tab van WP Rocket)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:132
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatisch"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:134
msgid "Activate automatic preload after content updates"
msgstr "Automatisch preloaden nadat inhoud is bijgewerkt activeren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:140
msgid ""
"Bot-based preloading should only be used on well-performing servers. Once "
"activated, it gets triggered automatically after you add or update content "
"on your website. You can also launch it manually from the upper toolbar "
"menu, or from the Tools tab."
msgstr "Bot-gebaseerd preloaden moet alleen op goed presterende servers worden gebruikt. Eenmaal geactiveerd, wordt het automatisch ingeschakeld nadat je inhoud op je website toevoegt of bijwerkt. Je kunt het ook handmatig starten via het bovenste werkbalk-menu of via de Tools-tab."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:140
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Bot-based preloading</a> should only be used on well-"
"performaning servers. Once activated, it gets triggered automatically after "
"you add or update content on your website. You can also launch it manually "
"from the upper toolbar menu, or from the Tools tab."
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded\" target=\"_blank\">Bot-gebaseerd preloaden</a> moet alleen op goed presterende servers worden gebruikt. Eenmaal geactiveerd, wordt het automatisch ingeschakeld nadat je inhoud op je website toevoegt of bijwerkt. Je kunt het ook handmatig starten via het bovenste werkbalk-menu of via de Tools-tab."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:145
msgid "Deactivate these options if you notice any overload on your server!"
msgstr "Deactiveer deze opties als je een overbelasting op je server opmerkt!"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:155 inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:168
msgid "Prefetch DNS requests:"
msgstr "DNS-verzoeken prefetchen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:163
msgid ""
"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no <code>http:</code>, one per "
msgstr "Specificeer externe hosts die geprefetched moeten worden (geen <code>http:</code>, één per regel)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:174
msgid ""
"<a href=\"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-DNS-"
"Prefetch-Control\" target=\"_blank\">DNS prefetching</a> can make external "
"files load faster, especially on mobile networks."
msgstr "<a href=\"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-DNS-Prefetch-Control\" target=\"_blank\">DNS prefetching</a> kan ervoor zorgen dat externe bestanden sneller laden, vooral op mobiele netwerken."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:22
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WP Rocket documentation</a> provides "
"answers to many common questions, check it out!<br>Our Happiness Rocketeers "
"will help you sort out any questions you may have regarding this "
"plugin.<br>Please help us to help you and provide detailed information."
msgstr "De <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WP Rocket-documentatie</a> biedt antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen, bekijk het eens!<br>Onze Happiness Rocketeers zullen je helpen bij andere vragen die je hebt met betrekking tot deze plugin.<br>Help ons met het helpen van je door gedetailleerde informatie te geven."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:33
msgid "Summary:"
msgstr "Samenvatting:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:40
msgid "In one sentence: What is going on, or wrong?"
msgstr "In één zin: wat is er aan de hand of mis?"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:45
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Samenvatting"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:55 inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:37
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:46
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Beschrijving:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:64
msgid ""
"<strong>Now be specific!</strong><br>We have pre-filled the form with some "
"questions for you to phrase your description along.<br>We speak English, "
"French, German, Italian, Serbian, and Spanish."
msgstr "<strong>Wees nu specifiek!</strong><br>We hebben het formulier alvast ingevuld met enkele vragen voor je om je beschrijving te verwoorden.<br>We spreken Engels, Frans, Duits, Italiaans, Servisch en Spaans."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:69
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:73
msgid ""
"- What did you do?\n"
"- What did you see?\n"
"- What had you expected to see?\n"
"- Where can we see your issue?\n"
"- What steps do we need to perform in order to see it?"
msgstr "- Wat heb je gedaan?\n- Wat heb je gezien?\n- Wat had je verwacht te zien?\n- Waar kunnen we je probleem zien?\n- Welke stappen moeten we ondernemen om het te zien?"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:91
#, php-format
msgid ""
"I have read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> and agree"
" that WP Rocket automatically detects my WordPress version and list of "
"active plugins when I send this form."
msgstr "Ik heb de <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentatie</a> gelezen en ga ermee akkoord dat WP Rocket automatisch mijn WordPress-versie en een lijst met actieve plugins detecteert en meestuurt als ik dit formulier verstuur."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:109
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Send your ticket"
msgstr "Verstuur je ticket"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:16
msgid "Beta testing:"
msgstr "Beta-testing:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:23
msgid ""
"Yes, I would like to receive beta versions of WP Rocket as updates. I "
"understand that beta versions may contain unstable code, and I know how to "
"roll back to a stable version manually if I have to."
msgstr "Ja, ik wil beta-versies van WP Rocket als updates ontvangen. Ik begrijp dat beta-versies instabiele code kunnen bevatten en ik weet hoe ik handmatig terug kan draaien naar een stabiele versie als het nodig is."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:25
msgid "Beta Testing"
msgstr "Beta-testing"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:32
msgid "Analytics:"
msgstr "Analytics:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:39
msgid "Allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data."
msgstr "Toestaan dat WP Rocket niet-gevoelige diagnostische gegevens verzameld."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:41
msgid "Analytics tracking"
msgstr "Analytics tracking"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:48 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:695
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "Welke informatie zullen we verzamelen?"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:49 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:700
msgid ""
"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
msgstr "Hieronder is een gedetailleerd overzicht van alle gegevens die WP Rocket zal verzamelen na toestemming. WP Rocket zal nooit domeinnamen of e-mailadressen versturen (behalve voor validatie van licentie), IP-adressen of API-sleutels van derde partijen."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:62
msgid "Clear cache:"
msgstr "Cache legen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:69
msgid "Clear the cache for the whole website."
msgstr "Leeg de cache van de hele website."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:83
msgid "Preload cache:"
msgstr "Cache preloaden:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:92
#, php-format
msgid "Preload the cache according to your <a href=\"%s\">Preload settings</a>."
msgstr "De cache preloaden volgens je <a href=\"%s\">Preload-instellingen</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:97 inc/common/admin-bar.php:208
#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:232 inc/common/admin-bar.php:271
msgid "Preload cache"
msgstr "Cache preloaden"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:110
msgid "Purge OPcache:"
msgstr "OPcache legen:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:116 inc/common/admin-bar.php:164
msgid "Purge OPcache"
msgstr "OPcache legen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:127
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS:"
msgstr "Pad naar kritieke CSS opnieuw genereren:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:134
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS."
msgstr "Pad naar kritieke CSS opnieuw genereren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:137 inc/common/admin-bar.php:179
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "Pad naar kritieke CSS opnieuw genereren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:149
msgid "Export settings:"
msgstr "Instellingen exporteren:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:164
msgid "Import settings:"
msgstr "Instellingen importeren:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:179
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Backup your settings with the “%s” button above before you re-install a "
"previous version."
msgstr "Maak een back-up van je instellingen met de \"%s\"-knop hierboven voordat je een vorige versie opnieuw installeert."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:184
msgid "Rollback:"
msgstr "Terugdraaien:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:195 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:907
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "Versie %s opnieuw installeren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:202
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Has version %1$s caused an issue on your website? You can roll back to the "
"previous major version here."
msgstr "Heeft versie %1$s problemen voor je website opgeleverd? Je kunt hier naar de vorige grote versie terugdraaien."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:206
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Has version %1$s caused an issue on your website?<br>You can roll back to "
"the previous major version here. Then <a href=\"%2$s\">send us a support "
msgstr "Heeft versie %1$s problemen voor je website opgeleverd?<br>Je kunt hier naar de vorige grote versie terugdraaien. <a href=\"%2$s\">Stuur ons daarna een ondersteuningsaanvraag</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:39
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Varnish</a> runs on your server, you "
"must activate the option below.<br>You would know if Varnish is active. If "
"you don’t know, you can safely ignore this setting."
msgstr "Als <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Varnish</a> op je server draait, moet je de optie hieronder activeren.<br>Je zult wel weten of Varnish actief is. Als je het niet weet, kun je deze instelling gerust negeren."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:53
msgid "Sync Varnish cache:"
msgstr "Varnish-cache synchroniseren:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:60
msgid "Purge Varnish cache automatically"
msgstr "Varnish-cache automatisch legen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:62
msgid "Sync Varnish cache with plugin cache"
msgstr "Varnish-cache met plugin-cache synchroniseren"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:69
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Varnish cache will be purged each time %s clears its cache to ensure content"
" is always up to date."
msgstr "Varnish-cache zal worden geleegd elke keer dat %s zijn cache leegt om er zeker van te zijn dat inhoud altijd up-to-date is."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:7
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:16
msgid "Plugin Name:"
msgstr "Naam plugin:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:22
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:31
msgid "Plugin URI:"
msgstr "URI plugin:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:52
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:61
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Auteur:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:67
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:76
msgid "Author URI:"
msgstr "URI auteur:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:88
msgid "Reset White Label values to default"
msgstr "White label-waarden naar standaard herstellen"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:93
msgid ""
"The Support tab and all links to WP Rocket’s documentation will be hidden "
"when you customize these fields."
msgstr "De Ondersteuning-tab en alle links naar de documentatie van WP Rocket zullen worden verborgen als je deze velden aanpast."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:24 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:34
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>%1$s</strong> has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.<br>\n"
"Make <strong>%2$s</strong> writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> is door ontbrekende schrijfrechten niet gedeactiveerd.<br>\nMaak <strong>%2$s</strong> schrijfbaar en probeer deactivatie nogmaals of forceer deactivatie nu:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>%s</strong>: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr "<strong>%s</strong>: één of meerdere plugins zijn in- of uitgeschakeld, leeg de cache als dit van invloed is op de frontend van je site."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:186
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>%s</strong>: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr "<strong>%s</strong>: de volgende plugins zijn niet compatibel met deze plugin en kunnen onverwachte resultaten veroorzaken:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:192
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deactiveren"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:219
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s: een aangepaste permalinkstructuur is vereist door de plugin om juist te werken. %2$sGa naar permalink-instellingen%3$s"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:488
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
msgstr "%1$s is klaar voor gebruik! %2$sTest je laadtijd%4$s of bekijk je %3$sinstellingen%4$s."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:545
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "Imagify activeren"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:545
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "Imagify gratis installeren"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:560
msgid ""
"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
"without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr "Versnel je website en boost je SEO door het verkleinen van groottes van afbeeldingsbestanden zonder de kwaliteit te verliezen met Imagify."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:565
msgid "More details"
msgstr "Meer details"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:688
msgid ""
"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
" website?"
msgstr "Wil je toestaan dat WP Rocket niet-gevoelige diagnostische gegevens van deze website verzameld?"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "Dit helpt ons bij het verbeteren van WP Rocket in de toekomst."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:709
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "Ja, toestaan"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:712
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "Nee, bedankt"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:755
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Bedankt!"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:760
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket verzamelt nu deze gegevens van je website:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:799
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: cache geleegd."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: bericht-cache geleegd."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:805
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: term-cache geleegd."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:808
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: gebruiker-cache geleegd."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
msgstr "Preloaden sitemap: %d niet-gecachte pagina's zijn nu gepreload. (Ververs om voortgang te bekijken)"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:884
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr "Preloaden sitemap: %d pagina's zijn gecacht."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:904
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
"version by using the button below."
msgstr "%1$s %2$s vereist minstens PHP %3$s om juist te functioneren. Om deze versie te gebruiken, moet je je webhost vragen hoe je je server naar PHP %3$s of hoger kunt upgraden. Als je niet kunt upgraden, kun je naar de vorige versie terugdraaien door de knop hieronder te gebruiken."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:953
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "Deactivatie forceren"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:966
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "De volgende code moest naar dit bestand worden geschreven:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:974
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
msgstr "Negeer deze melding."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:995
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s kan zichzelf door ontbrekende schrijfrechten niet configureren."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1001
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "Betreffend(e) bestand/map: %s"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1008
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "Probleemoplossing: %1$shoe systeembestanden schrijfbaar te maken%2$s"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1010
msgid ""
msgstr "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable"

#: inc/admin/updater.php:71 inc/admin/updater.php:77
#, php-format
msgid ""
"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
"this server&#8217;s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please "
"try the <a href=\"%s\">support forums</a>."
msgstr "Er trad een onverwachte fout op. Er kan iets mis zijn met WP-Rocket.me of de configuratie van deze server. Als je problemen blijft hebben, probeer dan de <a href=\"%s\">ondersteuningsforums</a>."

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:96
#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:105
#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:114
#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:122
#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:142
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %1$s not generated. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Kritieke CSS voor %1$s niet gegenereerd. Fout: %2$s"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:105
msgid "The API returned an invalid response code."
msgstr "De API stuurde een ongeldige reactiecode terug."

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:114
msgid "The API returned an empty response."
msgstr "De API stuurde een lege reactie terug."

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:144
#, php-format
msgid "The critical CSS content could not be saved as a file in %s."
msgstr "De kritieke CSS-inhoud kon niet als een bestand in %s worden opgeslagen."

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:151
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr "Kritieke CSS voor %s gegenereerd."

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-critical-css.php:366
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr "Genereren kritieke CSS draait momenteel: %1$d van %2$d paginatypes voltooid. (Ververs deze pagina om voortgang te bekijken)"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-critical-css.php:410
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Genereren kritieke CSS voor %1$d van %2$d paginatypes afgerond."

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:212
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "Proces voor optimalisatie database draait"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:249
msgid ""
"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "Proces voor optimalisatie database is voltooid. Alles was al geoptimaliseerd!"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:251
msgid ""
"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "Proces voor optimalisatie database is voltooid. Lijst van geoptimaliseerde items hieronder:"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:257
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s geoptimaliseerd."

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Alle talen"

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:135
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "Dit bericht legen"

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:148
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "Deze URL legen"

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:285
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentatie"

#: inc/common/cron.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "%s clear"
msgstr "%s legen"

#: inc/common/cron.php:33
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "wekelijks"

#: inc/common/cron.php:39
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "maandelijks"

#: inc/common/purge.php:512
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "Fout bij legen Cloudflare cache: %s"

#: inc/common/purge.php:517
msgid "CloudFlare cache successfully purged"
msgstr "Cloudflare cache succesvol geleegd"

#: inc/deprecated.php:449
msgid "<strong>JS</strong> files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "<strong>JS</strong>-bestanden met uitgesteld laden-JavaScript"

#: inc/deprecated.php:502
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "URL toevoegen"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:12
msgid ""
"There seems to be an issue with outgoing connections from your server. "
"Resolve per documentation, or contact support."
msgstr "Er lijkt een probleem te zijn met uitgaande verbindingen van je server. Los dit op via documentatie of neem contact op met ondersteuning."

#: inc/functions/admin.php:443
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Type server:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:452
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "PHP-versienummer:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:461
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "WordPress-versienummer:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:470
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "WordPress multisite:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:479
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "Huidig thema:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:488
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "Huidige taal site:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:497
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "Actieve plugins:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:500
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "Pluginnamen van alle actieve plugins"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:506
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "Geanonimiseerde WP Rocket-instellingen:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:509
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "Welke WP Rocket-instellingen zijn actief"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:17
msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
msgstr "E-mailadres en API-sleutel van Cloudflare zijn niet ingesteld"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:48
#, php-format
msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
msgstr "Ontbrekende Cloudflare zone ID. %s kon dit niet automatisch oplossen."

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "Lees de %1$sdocumentatie%2$s voor verdere begeleiding."

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:57
msgid "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare"
msgstr "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:98
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "Verbinding naar Cloudflare mislukt"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:120
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "Kies een domein uit de lijst"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:133
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "Geen domein beschikbaar in je Cloudflare-account"

#: inc/functions/options.php:575
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "Je licentie is niet geldig."

#: inc/functions/options.php:576
msgid "You cannot add more websites. Upgrade your account."
msgstr "Je kunt niet méér websites toevoegen. Upgrade je account."

#: inc/functions/options.php:577
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "Deze website is niet toegestaan."

#: inc/functions/options.php:578
msgid "This license key is not accepted."
msgstr "Deze licentiesleutel is niet geaccepteerd."

#: vendor/a5hleyrich/wp-background-processing/classes/wp-background-process.php:422
#, php-format
msgid "Every %d Minutes"
msgstr "Elke %d minuten"

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0