Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/languages/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/languages/rocket-zh_TW.po

# Copyright (C) 2016 WP Rocket
# This file is distributed under the same license as the WP Rocket package.
# Translators:
# m615926 <m615926@gmail.com>, 2017
# Pseric Lin (Pseric) <pserics@gmail.com>, 2016
# Pseric Lin (Pseric) <pserics@gmail.com>, 2015-2016
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WP Rocket\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wp-rocket.me/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-08 09:39-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-09 11:24+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: m615926 <m615926@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/wp-media/wp-rocket/language/zh_TW/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;esc_attr__;esc_html__;esc_attr_e;esc_html_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html_x:1,2c\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:86
msgid "Jetpack XML Sitemaps"
msgstr "Jetpack XML 網站地圖"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:88
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the Jetpack plugin"
msgstr "從 Jetpack 預先載入網站地圖"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/jetpack.php:96
#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:88
#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:88
#, php-format
msgid ""
"We automatically detected the sitemap generated by the %s plugin. You can "
"check the option to preload it."
msgstr "我們已自動偵測到網站地圖是由 %s 外掛產生。你可以選取此欄位來預先載入它。"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:77
msgid "All in One SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "All in One SEO XML 網站地圖"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/all-in-one-seo-pack.php:80
#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Preload the sitemap from the %s plugin"
msgstr "從 %s 外掛預先載入網站地圖"

#: inc/3rd-party/plugins/seo/yoast-seo.php:77
msgid "Yoast SEO XML sitemap"
msgstr "Yoast SEO XML 網站地圖"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:14 inc/admin/options.php:522
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:4 inc/common/admin-bar.php:304
msgid "Support"
msgstr "支援"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:16
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "說明文件"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:18 inc/common/admin-bar.php:295
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "常見問題"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:21 inc/common/admin-bar.php:36
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:66 inc/admin/admin.php:88 inc/admin/admin.php:107
msgid "Clear this cache"
msgstr "清除快取"

#: inc/admin/admin.php:321 inc/admin/admin.php:331
#, php-format
msgid "%s Update Rollback"
msgstr "%s 更新還原"

#: inc/admin/options.php:117
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are valid."
msgstr "您的 CloudFlare 授權已認證通過."

#: inc/admin/options.php:121
msgid "Your Cloudflare credentials are invalid!"
msgstr "您的 CloudFlare 授權認證失敗!"

#: inc/admin/options.php:184 inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:250
msgid "Save and optimize"
msgstr "儲存並最佳化"

#: inc/admin/options.php:184
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "最佳化"

#: inc/admin/options.php:195 inc/admin/options.php:390
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "注意:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:201
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Performance tip:"
msgstr "效能優化小秘訣:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:207
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Third-party feature detected:"
msgstr "檢測到第三方功能:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:219 inc/admin/options.php:396
msgctxt "screen-reader-text"
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "警告:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:232 inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:180
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Download settings"
msgstr "下載設定"

#: inc/admin/options.php:259
msgid "Replace site's hostname with:"
msgstr "將網站網址重新設定為:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:278 inc/admin/options.php:315
#: inc/admin/options.php:343
msgid "reserved for"
msgstr "套用到"

#: inc/admin/options.php:280 inc/admin/options.php:317
#: inc/admin/options.php:345
msgid "All files"
msgstr "所有檔案"

#: inc/admin/options.php:292 inc/admin/options.php:322
#: inc/admin/options.php:350
msgid "Images"
msgstr "圖片"

#: inc/admin/options.php:363
msgid "Add CNAME"
msgstr "新增 CNAME"

#: inc/admin/options.php:430
msgid "Watch the video"
msgstr "觀看影片"

#: inc/admin/options.php:502
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "基本"

#: inc/admin/options.php:503
msgid "Static Files"
msgstr "靜態資源"

#: inc/admin/options.php:504 inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:78
msgid "CDN"
msgstr "CDN"

#: inc/admin/options.php:505
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "進階"

#: inc/admin/options.php:506
msgid "Database"
msgstr "資料庫"

#: inc/admin/options.php:507
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "預先載入"

#: inc/admin/options.php:518 inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:4
msgid "White Label"
msgstr "白標"

#: inc/admin/options.php:520 inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:7
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "工具"

#: inc/admin/options.php:525
msgid "License"
msgstr "註冊碼"

#: inc/admin/options.php:903 inc/admin/options.php:1101
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "設定已儲存。"

#: inc/admin/options.php:983
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode error: %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 開發者模式錯誤: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:989
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare development mode %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 開發者模式: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1005
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level error: %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 快取層級錯誤: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1009
msgctxt "Cloudflare caching level"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "標準"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1015
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache level set to %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 快取層級設定為: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1027
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification error: %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 壓縮錯誤: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1033
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare minification %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 壓縮: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1045
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader error: %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare rocket loader 錯誤: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1051
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare rocket loader %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare rocket loader %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1063
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache error: %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 瀏覽器快取錯誤: %s"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1069
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare browser cache set to %s seconds"
msgstr "CloudFlare 瀏覽器快取設定為 %s 秒"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1214
msgid ""
"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
msgstr "在上傳你的設定檔前,你必須先修復以下問題:"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1225
#, php-format
msgid "Choose a file from your computer (maximum size: %s)"
msgstr "從你的電腦選擇一個檔案 (檔案上限為 %s )"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1231
msgid "Upload file and import settings"
msgstr "上傳檔案並匯入設定"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1248
msgid "Settings import failed: no file uploaded."
msgstr "匯入設定錯誤:無上傳檔案"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1253
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filename."
msgstr "匯入設定錯誤:不正確的檔案名稱"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1262
msgid "Settings import failed: incorrect filetype."
msgstr "匯入設定錯誤:不正確的檔案類型"

#: inc/admin/options.php:1294
msgid "Settings imported and saved."
msgstr "已匯入設定並儲存。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:21 inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:23
msgid "This could break things!"
msgstr "這可能會造成錯誤!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:22 inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:32
msgid ""
"If you notice any errors on your website after having activated this "
"setting, just deactivate it again, and your site will be back to normal."
msgstr "如果在啟用此設定後有發現網站異常,只要停用它就能恢復正常。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:24
msgid "Before you continue activating this setting, read the documentation:"
msgstr "在你啟用此設定前,請先閱讀文件:"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:28
msgid ""
msgstr "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-file-optimization"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:30
msgid "Resolving issues with file optimization"
msgstr "使用檔案優化解決問題"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:36
msgid "Fair warning:"
msgstr "一般警告:"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:37
msgid "All fields are required!"
msgstr "所有欄位必填!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:39
msgid "Cloudflare Settings"
msgstr "CloudFlare 設定"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:40
msgid "Save your changes to activate the Cloudflare tab."
msgstr "儲存變更以啟用 Cloudflare 頁籤。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:42
msgid "Transmitting your message …"
msgstr "傳送您的訊息 …"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:45
msgid "Unable to transmit"
msgstr "無法傳送"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:46
msgid ""
"It seems that communications with Mission Control are temporarily down … "
"Please send a support ticket while our Rocketeers fix the issue."
msgstr "與控制中心的連線似乎暫時中止了,請前往客服中心反應給我們,我們將儘速處理。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:47
msgid "Get help from a Support Rocketeer"
msgstr "與客服中心聯繫"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:49
msgid "Last steps before contacting us"
msgstr "在聯繫我們前最後一個步驟"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:51
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You have to read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> and "
"to agree to send informations relative to your website to submit a support "
msgstr "你必須閱讀<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">說明文件</a>並同意在提交支援單時一併將網站相關資訊寄給我們。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:53
msgid "Transmission Received!"
msgstr "已收到傳送!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:54
msgid "We have received your ticket and will reply back within a few hours!"
msgstr "我們已經收到你的來信,並將在數小時內回覆!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:54
msgid ""
"We answer every ticket, so please check your spam folder if you do not hear "
"from us."
msgstr "我們會回答每個支援單,如果你沒有收到回覆,請檢查你的垃圾郵件匣。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:56
msgid "Hmm, that’s problematic …"
msgstr "嗯,發生了一些問題..."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:57
msgid ""
"It looks like you have got yourself a “nulled” version of WP Rocket. In "
"order to activate your plugin and receive support and updates you will need "
"a valid license."
msgstr "如要啟用外掛並得到客服支援以及後續更新請提供註冊碼。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:57
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Click below to purchase a license with a 20% discount automatically applied."
msgstr "點擊下方連結取得八折優惠 20% discount."

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:58
msgid "Buy a valid license now"
msgstr "購買正版的註冊碼"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:60
msgid "Uh-oh, you’re out of fuel …"
msgstr "嗯...你的燃料耗盡!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:61
msgid ""
"To keep WP Rocket running with access to support and updates, <strong>you "
"will need to renew your license</strong>."
msgstr "為了確保你的 WP Rocket 可以持續獲得支援,<strong>你必須續約你的授權</strong>。"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:61
msgid ""
"Click below to renew with a <strong>discount of 50%</strong> automatically "
msgstr "點選下來來續費一個<strong>半價優惠</strong>的註冊碼!"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:62
msgid "Buy renewal now"
msgstr "立即購買"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:66
msgid "Activate this setting"
msgstr "啟用此設定"

#: inc/admin/ui/enqueue.php:67
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:14 inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:72
#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:935 inc/common/admin-bar.php:50
#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:76 inc/common/admin-bar.php:118
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "清除快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:36
msgid "Cache Options"
msgstr "快取選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:66
msgid "Never cache this page"
msgstr "永不快取此頁面"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:70
msgid "Activate these options on this post:"
msgstr "在這篇文章啟用這些選項:"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:73
msgid "LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "針對圖片啟用延遲載入"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:74
msgid "LazyLoad for iframes/videos"
msgstr "針對 iFrame 與影片使用延遲載入"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:75
msgid "Minify/combine HTML"
msgstr "壓縮/合併 HTML"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:76
msgid "Minify/combine CSS"
msgstr "壓縮/合併 CSS"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:77
msgid "Minify/combine JS"
msgstr "壓縮/合併 JS"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:79
msgid "Async CSS"
msgstr "非同步 CSS"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:80
msgid "Defer JS"
msgstr "延遲載入 JS"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "Activate first the %s option."
msgstr "先啟用 %s 選項。"

#: inc/admin/ui/meta-boxes.php:99
msgid ""
"<strong>Note:</strong> None of these options will be applied if this post "
"has been excluded from cache in the global cache settings."
msgstr "<strong>警告:</strong>如果你將這篇文章加入「永不快取以下頁面」選項,這些選項將沒有作用 "

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:7
msgid "Advanced options"
msgstr "進階選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:27
msgid ""
"These settings are for advanced cache management. Caching itself works "
"automatically.<br>Read the <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/78"
"-how-often-is-the-cache-updated\" target=\"_blank\">documentation on "
"automatic cache management</a> to better understand how caching works."
msgstr "這些選項用於進階快取管理。快取功能本身會自動進行。 <br>閱讀<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/78-how-often-is-the-cache-updated\" target=\"_blank\">有關自動快取管理的文章</a> ,以更了解快取的運作原理。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:42
msgid ""
"Specify URLs of pages or posts that should never get cached (one per line)"
msgstr "指定不使用快取的檔案網址。(每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:47 inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:97
msgid "Never cache (URLs):"
msgstr "不快取的內容 (依網址排除):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:55
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:59
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:63
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "iThemes Exchange"
msgstr "iThemes Exchange"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:67
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "Jigoshop"
msgstr "Jigoshop"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:71
msgctxt "plugin name"
msgid "WP-Shop"
msgstr "WP-Shop"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:80
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Cart and checkout pages set in <strong>%s</strong> will be detected and "
"never cached by default. No need to enter them here."
msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> 裡的購物車與結帳頁面預設就不會被加入快取,不需要在這邊輸入他們。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:90 inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:184
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to address multiple URLs under a given path."
msgstr "網址的部份會自動解析,所以只要輸入相對路徑就好。<br>使用 %s 來代表同一路徑下的所有檔案。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:109
msgid "Never cache (cookies):"
msgstr "不快取的內容 (依 cookies 排除):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:117
msgid ""
"Specify the IDs of cookies that, when set in the visitor’s browser, should "
"prevent a page from getting cached (one per line)"
msgstr "輸入 cookies 的 ID 來避免訪客瀏覽器將此 cookies 進行快取。(每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:122
msgid "Never cache pages when these cookies are present:"
msgstr "當這些 cookies 存在時不快取此頁面:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:132
msgid "Never cache (user agents):"
msgstr "不快取的內容 (依裝置排除):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:140
msgid ""
"Specify user agent strings that should never see cached pages (one per line)"
msgstr "指定當在以下裝置造訪網站時,不進行快取。(每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:145
msgid "Never send cache pages for these user agents:"
msgstr "不傳送快取頁面給這些使用者代理(User Agents):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:152
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use %1$s wildcards to <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">detect parts of UA "
msgstr "使用 %1$s 來選取要被排除的<a href=“%2$s” target=“_blank”>瀏覽器、裝置、作業系統之代號</a>。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:165
msgid "Always purge (URLs):"
msgstr "總是清除快取 (依網址):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:173
msgid ""
"Specify URLs you always want purged from cache whenever you update any post "
"or page (one per line)"
msgstr "當文章或頁面更新時,自動清除此頁面中的快取(每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:178
msgid "Always purge these URLs from cache when updating any post or page:"
msgstr "當有文章或頁面更新時,自動清除這些頁面的快取檔案:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:196
msgid "Cache query strings:"
msgstr "快取參數:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:204
msgid "Specify query strings for caching (one per line)"
msgstr "列出可以被快取的查詢字串 (每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:209
msgid "Force caching for URLs with these query strings (GET parameters):"
msgstr "快取使用以下查詢字串的頁面(GET 參數):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:214
msgid ""
"Cache for query strings enables you to force caching for specific GET "
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/971-caching-query-strings” target=“_blank”>快取參數</a>讓你可以強制快取某些由 GET 方法所傳遞的參數。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/advanced.php:214
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/971-caching-query-strings\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Cache for query strings</a> enables you to force caching "
"for specific GET parameters."
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/971-caching-query-strings” target=“_blank”>快取參數</a>讓你可以強制快取某些由 GET 方法所傳遞的參數。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:7
msgid "License validation"
msgstr "註冊碼驗證"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:27
msgid ""
"WP Rocket was not able to automatically validate your license.<br>Follow <a "
"validation\" target=\"_blank\">this tutorial</a>, or contact <a href=\"https"
"://wp-rocket.me/support/\" target=\"_blank\">support</a> to get this engine "
msgstr "WP Rocket 無法自動驗證你的購買授權。<br>請依照<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/100-resolving-problems-with-license-validation” target=“_blank”>此教學</a>或是<a href=“https://wp-rocket.me/support/“ target=“_blank”>聯絡我們</a>來解決這個問題。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:39 inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:47
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API 金鑰"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:59 inc/admin/ui/modules/api-key.php:67
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "電子郵件地址"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:7
msgid "Basic options"
msgstr "基本選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:27
msgid ""
"Caching has been activated automatically, your website should load "
"fast!<br>How about <a href=\"https://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-"
"websites-page-load-time/\" target=\"_blank\">testing your loading time</a>? "
"Maybe you don’t even need to configure all these options."
msgstr "快取功能已自動啟用,你的網站應該變快囉!<br/><a href=“https://wp-rocket.me/blog/correctly-measure-websites-page-load-time/“ target=“_blank”>如何測試網站速度</a>? 如果你不熟悉如何設定快取,下方的設定項你可以忽略不理它。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:46 inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:74
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:140
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:296
#, php-format
msgid "Deactivate if you notice any visually broken items on your website.%s"
msgstr "如發現網站有異常請停用該功能。%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:47
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/278-common-issues-with-lazyload\""
" target=\"_blank\">Why?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/278-common-issues-with-lazyload” target=“_blank”>為何?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:54
msgid "Enable for images"
msgstr "針對圖片使用延遲載入"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:56
msgid "Enable LazyLoad for images"
msgstr "針對圖片啟用延遲載入"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:60
msgid "Enable for iframes and videos"
msgstr "針對 iFrame 與影片使用延遲載入"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:62
msgid "Enable LazyLoad for iframes and videos"
msgstr "針對 iFrame 與影片使用延遲載入"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:67 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:69
msgid "Replace YouTube iframe with preview image"
msgstr "使用預覽圖片取代 YouTube 的播放器"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:75
msgid ""
"This can significantly improve your loading time if you have a lot of "
"YouTube videos on a page."
msgstr "如果你有大量 YouTube 影片在單一頁面中,這可以顯著地改善載入時間。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:80 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:221
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:170
msgid "Reduces the number of HTTP requests, can improve loading time."
msgstr "這個功能能減少 HTTP 請求數並改善載入時間。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:85
msgid ""
"Images, iframes, and videos will be loaded only as they enter (or are about "
"to enter) the viewport."
msgstr "延遲載入會讓使用者在捲動頁面看到圖片、iFrame 和影片時才會顯示。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:90
msgid "LazyLoad:"
msgstr "延遲載入:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:102 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:111
msgid "Mobile cache:"
msgstr "行動裝置快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:109
msgid "Enable caching for mobile devices"
msgstr "啟用行動裝置快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:118
msgid "Makes your website mobile-friendlier."
msgstr "使你的網站對於行動裝置更友善。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:123
msgid "Separate cache files for mobile devices"
msgstr "針對行動裝置建立獨立的快取檔案"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:132
msgid ""
"Mobile cache works safest with both options enabled. When in doubt, keep "
msgstr "行動裝置快取兩個設定項都勾選會讓網站載入更快。如果不確定如何設定的話請都勾選。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:132
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/708-mobile-caching\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Mobile cache</a> works safest with both options enabled. "
"When in doubt, keep both."
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/708-mobile-caching” target=“_blank”>行動裝置快取</a> 兩個設定項都勾選會讓網站載入更快。如果不確定如何設定的話請都勾選。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:142 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:152
msgid "User cache:"
msgstr "使用者快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:150
msgid "Enable caching for logged-in WordPress users"
msgstr "為已登入使用者建立快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:157
msgid ""
"User cache is great when you have user-specific or restricted content on "
"your website."
msgstr "當有已知特定使用者針對他們啟用快取可以提供給他們更快的瀏覽體驗。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:157
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/313-logged-in-user-cache\" "
"target=\"_blank\">User cache</a> is great when you have user-specific or "
"restricted content on your website."
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/313-logged-in-user-cache” target=“_blank”>User cache</a> 當有已知特定使用者針對他們啟用快取可以提供給他們更快的瀏覽體驗。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:170
msgid "Enable caching for pages with <code>https://</code>"
msgstr "為使用 SSL 協定 <code>https://</code> 的頁面建立快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:172 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:194
msgid "SSL cache:"
msgstr "SSL 快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:179
msgid "SSL cache works best when your entire website runs on HTTPS."
msgstr "SSL 快取能加速你的 HTTPS 網站。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:179
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/314-using-ssl-with-wp-rocket\" "
"target=\"_blank\">SSL cache</a> works best when your entire website runs on "
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/314-using-ssl-with-wp-rocket” target=“_blank”>SSL 快取</a>能加速你的 HTTPS 網站。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:183
msgid "Your site runs on HTTPS. SSL cache has been applied automatically."
msgstr "你的網站是 HTTPS,SSL 快取將自動被套用。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:206 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:215
msgid "Emoji cache:"
msgstr "表情符號快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:213
msgid ""
"Use default emoji of visitors’ browser instead of loading emoji from "
msgstr "使用預設的表情符號避免額外從 WordPress.org 下載來增加載入時間的負擔"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:231 inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:240
msgid "Embeds:"
msgstr "被內嵌:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:238
msgid "Disable WordPress Embeds"
msgstr "關閉 WordPress 內嵌功能"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:245
msgid ""
"Prevents others from embedding content from your site, prevents you from "
"embedding content from other (non-whitelisted) sites, and removes JavaScript"
" requests related to <a "
"href=\"https://wordpress.org/news/2015/12/clifford/\" "
"target=\"_blank\">WordPress Embeds</a>."
msgstr "預防你的網站被別人嵌入在他自己的網站,以及移除 WordPress 自動內嵌影音功能的 JavaScript。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:257
msgid "Specify time after which the global cache gets cleared (0 = unlimited)"
msgstr "指定全站快取的存活時間 (0 = 永久)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:262
msgid "Clear cache after …"
msgstr "在...之後清除快取 …"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:268
msgid "Unit of time"
msgstr "時間單位"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:271
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "分"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:272
msgid "hour(s)"
msgstr "小時"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:273
msgid "day(s)"
msgstr "天"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:281
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Cache lifespan is the period of time after which all cache files get "
"removed. Enable <a href=\"%s\">Preloading</a> for the cache to be rebuilt "
"automatically after lifespan expiration."
msgstr "快取週期是指從快取產生到自動刪除的時間。啟用 <a href=“%s”>預先載入</a> 讓快取可以在期限到期後自動重新產生。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:292
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Reduce lifespan to 10 hours or less if you notice issues that seem to appear"
" periodically.%s"
msgstr "如果你有注意到某些問題持續性的出現,把快取週期降低至十小時或更少。%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:293
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/975-nonces-and-cache-lifespan\" "
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/78-how-often-is-the-cache-updated?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=faq&utm_campaign=doc\" target=\"_blank\">快取多久會更新一次?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:301
msgid ""
"Increase lifespan to a few hours if you notice server issues with this "
msgstr "如果你注意到主機發生一些問題,把快取週期增加幾個小時看看。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/basic.php:307
msgid "Cache lifespan:"
msgstr "快取清理週期"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:7
msgid "Content Delivery Network options"
msgstr "內容傳遞網路選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:24
msgid ""
"Your PHP version is lower than 5.4. Cloudflare’s integration requires PHP "
"5.6 or greater and therefore is not available for you currently. We "
"recommend you contact your web host in order to upgrade to a PHP 5.6 or "
msgstr "你的 PHP 版版本低於 5.4。要整合 Cloudflare 的功能需要 5.6 或更高的版本。我們建議你聯絡你的主機商來升級 PHP 版本。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:30
msgid "Show Cloudflare settings tab"
msgstr "顯示 CloudFlare 設定標籤"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:61
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Go to the <a href=\"%s\">Cloudflare tab</a> to edit your Cloudflare "
"settings. The CDN settings below do NOT apply to Cloudflare.<br>Read the "
"documentation on <a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-"
"rocket-with-cloudflare\" target=\"_blank\">using WP Rocket with "
msgstr "前往 <a href=“%s”>Cloudflare 頁籤</a> 來調整 Cloudflare 的設定。下方的 CDN 設定對 Cloudflare 不會起作用。<br>前往閱讀官方文件<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare” target=“_blank”>如何在 WP Rocket 使用 Cloudflare</a>。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:71
msgid "Enable Content Delivery Network"
msgstr "啟用內容傳遞網路 CDN"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:73 inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:108
msgid "CDN:"
msgstr "CDN:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:88
msgid ""
"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
" entered below."
msgstr "所有靜態資源(CSS, JS, 圖片)的網址將會被下方的 CNAME 所覆寫。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:90
msgid ""
"All URLs of static files (CSS, JS, images) will be rewritten to the CNAME(s)"
" entered below.<br>Read the documentation on <a href=\"http://docs.wp-"
"rocket.me/article/42-using-wp-rocket-with-a-cdn\" target=\"_blank\">using WP"
" Rocket with a CDN</a>."
msgstr "所有靜態資源(CSS, JS, 圖片)的網址將會被下方的 CNAME 所覆寫。<br>可以參考<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/42-using-wp-rocket-with-a-cdn” target=“_blank”>官方文件</a>了解如何搭配 CDN 快取。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:99
msgid ""
"CDN is disabled because you are using WP Offload S3 and the assets addon to "
"serve your images, CSS and JS files."
msgstr "CDN 已停用,因為你正在使用 WP Offload S3 來管理你的圖片、CSS 與 JS 檔案。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:120
msgid "CDN CNAME(S):"
msgstr "CDN CNAME(S):"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:131 inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:140
msgid "CDN without SSL:"
msgstr "無加密 CDN:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:138
msgid "Disable CDN functionality on HTTPS pages"
msgstr "在 HTTPS 頁面停用 CDN"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:144
msgid ""
"If your CDN account does not fully support SSL, you can disable URL "
"rewriting on HTTPS pages here."
msgstr "萬一你使用的 CDN 服務沒有支援 SSL,可以啟用此功能來停用 HTTPS 頁面中的 CDN 功能。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:151 inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:164
msgid "Exclude files:"
msgstr "排除檔案:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:159
msgid ""
"Specify URL(s) of files that should not get served via CDN (one per line)"
msgstr "指定不使用 CDN 的檔案網址。(每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cdn.php:171
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to exclude all files of a given file type located at a specific "
msgstr "將自動截取網址中主網域的部份。<br>使用 %s 來排除在指定路徑下的特定檔案類型。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:11
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Account email:"
msgstr "CloudFlare 帳號:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:18
msgid "Enter the email address of your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "輸入你的 Cloudfalre 帳號電子郵件"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:23
msgid "Cloudflare account email address"
msgstr "CloudFlare 電子郵件帳號"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:37
msgid "Enter the global API key of your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "輸入你 Cloudflare 帳號中的全域 API 金鑰"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:43
msgid "Global API key"
msgstr "全域 API 金鑰"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Retrieve your API key</a>"
msgstr "<a href=“%s” target=“_blank”>重置你的 API 金鑰</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:58
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Global API key:"
msgstr "全域 API 金鑰:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:77
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "網域名稱:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:85
msgid "Cloudflare domain"
msgstr "CloudFlare 網域"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:97
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Development mode:"
msgstr "開發模式:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:105
msgid "Development Mode"
msgstr "開發模式"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:107
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:136
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:164
msgid "Off"
msgstr "關閉"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:108
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:137
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:165
msgid "On"
msgstr "開啟"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:116
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Temporarily enter development mode on your website. This setting will "
"automatically get turned off after 3 hours. <a href=\"%s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a>"
msgstr "你的網站暫時進入維護模式,如果不手動調整的話,三小時後會自動結束維護模式。<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">了解更多</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:126
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:134
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Optimal settings:"
msgstr "最佳化設定"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:144
msgid ""
"Automatically enhances your Cloudflare configuration for speed, performance "
"grade, and compatibility."
msgstr "在速度、效能以及穩定性上,自動最佳化你的 Cloudflare 設定。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:154
msgctxt "Cloudflare"
msgid "Relative Protocol:"
msgstr "相對協定:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:162
msgid "HTTPS Protocol Rewrite"
msgstr "HTTPS 協定重寫"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:173
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Should only be used with Cloudflare’s <a href=\"%1$s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Flexible SSL</a> feature.<br>URLs of static files (CSS, "
"JS, images) will be rewritten to use relative protocol (%2$s instead of %3$s"
" or %4$s)."
msgstr "僅可使用 Cloudflare 中的 <a href=“%1$s” target=“_blank”>Flexible SSL</a> 加密協定, 靜態資源( CSS、JS、圖片 )的網址將會使用相對路徑來顯示 ( %2$s 被換成 %3$s 或 %4$s )。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:188
msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache:"
msgstr "清理 CloudFlare 快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:194 inc/common/admin-bar.php:193
msgid "Clear Cloudflare cache"
msgstr "清理 CloudFlare 快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/cloudflare.php:200
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Purges cached resources for your website. <a href=\"%s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a>"
msgstr "立即為你的網站清除快取資源。 <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">了解更多</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:14
msgid "Database Optimization"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:34
msgid ""
"Backup your database before you run a cleanup!<br>Once a database "
"optimization has been performed, there is no way to undo it."
msgstr "在清理前請先記得備資料庫。<br>一旦開始執行清理了,是沒有辦法恢復的。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:46
msgid "Posts cleanup:"
msgstr "文章清理:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:53
msgid "Revisions"
msgstr "文章版本"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:55
msgid "Cleanup revisions"
msgstr "清理文章版本"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:61
#, php-format
msgid "%d revision in your database."
msgid_plural "%d revisions in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 個文章版本。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:65
msgid "Auto Drafts"
msgstr "自動草稿"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:67
msgid "Cleanup auto drafts"
msgstr "清理自動草稿"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:73
#, php-format
msgid "%d draft in your database."
msgid_plural "%d drafts in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 篇草稿。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:77
msgid "Trashed posts"
msgstr "回收桶文章"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:79
msgid "Cleanup trashed posts"
msgstr "清理回收桶文章"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "%d trashed post in your database."
msgid_plural "%d trashed posts in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 篇已丟入回收桶文章。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:95
msgid "Comments cleanup:"
msgstr "迴響清理:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:102
msgid "Spam comments"
msgstr "垃圾迴響"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:104
msgid "Cleanup spam comments"
msgstr "清理垃圾迴響"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:110
#, php-format
msgid "%d spam comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%d spam comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 則垃圾迴響。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:114
msgid "Trashed comments"
msgstr "回收桶迴響"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:116
msgid "Cleanup trashed comments"
msgstr "清理回收桶迴響"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "%d trashed comment in your database."
msgid_plural "%d trashed comments in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 則已丟入回收桶迴響。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:132
msgid "Transients cleanup:"
msgstr "Transients 清理:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:139
msgid "Expired transients"
msgstr "已過期的臨時選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:141
msgid "Cleanup expired transients"
msgstr "清理已過期臨時選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:147
#, php-format
msgid "%d expired transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%d expired transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 個已過期的臨時選項。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:151
msgid "All transients"
msgstr "所有臨時選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:153
msgid "Cleanup all transients"
msgstr "清理所有臨時選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:159
#, php-format
msgid "%d transient in your database."
msgid_plural "%d transients in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 個臨時選項。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:169
msgid "Database cleanup:"
msgstr "資料庫清理:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:176
msgid "Optimize tables"
msgstr "最佳化資料表"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:178
msgid "Optimize database tables"
msgstr "最佳化資料庫資料表"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:184
#, php-format
msgid "%d table to optimize in your database."
msgid_plural "%d tables to optimize in your database."
msgstr[0] "你的資料庫有 %d 個最佳化資料表。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:194
msgid "Automatic cleanup:"
msgstr "自動清理:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:201
msgid "Schedule automatic cleanup"
msgstr "排程自動清理"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:203
msgid "Schedule an automatic cleanup of the database"
msgstr "為資料庫排程自動清理"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:208
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "頻率"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:210
msgid "Frequency for the automatic cleanup"
msgstr "自動清理頻率"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:212
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "每天"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:213
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "每週"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:214
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "每月"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:221
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "儲存修改"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:236
msgid "Run cleanup:"
msgstr "進行清理:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/database.php:249
#, php-format
msgid ""
"“%1$s” will save your settings and run a database optimization; “%2$s” below"
" will only save your settings."
msgstr "“%1$s” 將儲存設定並開始執行資料庫最佳化,而 “%2$s” 只會儲存設定但不執行。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:7
msgid "Files optimization"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:27
msgid ""
"Heads up! These options are not equally suitable for all WordPress "
"setups.<br>If you notice any visual issues on your site, just turn off the "
"last option(s) you had activated here. <br>Read the documentation on <a "
"minification\" target=\"_blank\">troubleshooting file optimization</a>."
msgstr "請注意!這頁之中的選項並非適合每一個 WordPress 網站。<br>在使用時要注意是否在勾選某些項目後造成網站的錯誤或跑版。<br>可以前往官網<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-minification” target=“_blank”>了解更多</a>以及如何排除問題。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:62
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Minification (%1$s) is currently activated in <strong>Autoptimize</strong>. "
"If you want to use %2$s’s minification, disable those options in "
msgstr "(%1$s) 已將資源最小化,如果你想使用 %2$s 的壓縮工具,請先停用其它的壓縮工具."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:75
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:141
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-"
"minification\" target=\"_blank\">Why?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/67-what-exactly-does-wp-rocket-do?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=faq&utm_campaign=doc\" target=\"_blank\">WP Rocket 到底是做啥的?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:84
msgid "Minify HTML files"
msgstr "壓縮 HTML"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:91
msgid "Minify CSS files"
msgstr "壓縮 CSS"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:98
msgid "Minify JS files"
msgstr "壓縮 JS"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:105
msgid "Reduces file size, can improve loading time."
msgstr "縮小檔案尺寸,可以改善載入時間。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:110
msgid ""
"Removes spaces and comments from static files, enables browsers and search "
"engines to faster process HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files."
msgstr "此功能會移除檔案中所有的空白、註解,讓瀏覽器以及搜尋引擎可以更快的處理他們。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:115
msgid "Minify files:"
msgstr "最小化檔案:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:151
msgid "Concatenate Google Fonts"
msgstr "合併 Google Fonts"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:157
msgid "Concatenate CSS files"
msgstr "合併 CSS 檔案"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:164
msgid "Concatenate JS files"
msgstr "合併 JS 檔案"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:177
#, php-format
msgid "These settings are not recommended if your site uses HTTP/2.%s"
msgstr "如果你網站使用 HTTP/2,這些設定不建議使用。%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:178
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1009-configuration-for-http-2\" "
"target=\"_blank\">More info</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1009-configuration-for-http-2\" target=\"_blank\">更多資訊</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:184
msgid "Combine files:"
msgstr "合併檔案:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:196
msgid "Exclude CSS:"
msgstr "排除 CSS:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:204
msgid ""
"Specify URLs of CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation"
" (one per line)"
msgstr "指定不需要被壓縮以及合併的 CSS 檔案路徑 (每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:209
msgid "CSS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation:"
msgstr "排除不需壓縮以及合併的 CSS 檔案"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:216
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to exclude all CSS files located at a specific path."
msgstr "將自動截取網址中主網域的部份。<br>使用 %s 來排除在指定路徑下所有的 CSS 檔案。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:227
msgid "Exclude JS:"
msgstr "排除 JS:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:235
msgid ""
"Specify URLs of JS files to be excluded from minification and concatenation "
"(one per line)"
msgstr "指定不需要被壓縮以及合併的 JS 檔案路徑 (每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:240
msgid "JS files to be excludeded from minification and concatenation:"
msgstr "排除不需壓縮以及合併的 JS 檔案"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:247
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The domain part of the URL will be stripped automatically.<br>Use %s "
"wildcards to exclude all JS files located at a specific path."
msgstr "將自動截取網址中主網域的部份。<br>使用 %s 來排除在指定路徑下所有的 JS 檔案。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:258
msgid "Remove query strings:"
msgstr "從靜態資源中移除 query 字串:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:265
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:267
msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
msgstr "從靜態資源中移除 query 字串"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:274
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Can improve the performance grade on <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">GT "
msgstr "立即為你的網站清除快取資源。 <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">了解更多</a>."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:281
msgid ""
"Removes the version query string from static files (e.g. style.css?ver=1.0) "
"and encodes it into the file name instead (e.g. style-1-0.css)."
msgstr "這功能會移除檔案後方的版本號 ver 字串,像是 style.css?ver=1.0 會變成 style-1.0.css."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:297
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-"
"and-css-pagespeed\" target=\"_blank\">Why?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-and-css-pagespeed” target=“_blank”>為何?</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:303
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:305
msgid "Optimize CSS delivery"
msgstr "最佳化 CSS 分派"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:314
#, php-format
msgid "Critical path CSS will be automatically generated.%s"
msgstr "Critical path CSS 將會自動產生。%s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:315
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-"
"and-css-pagespeed#critical-path-css\" target=\"_blank\">More info</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/108-render-blocking-javascript-and-css-pagespeed#critical-path-css\" target=\"_blank\">更多資訊</a>"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:321
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:323
msgid "Load JS files deferred"
msgstr "非同步載入 JS"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:328
msgid "Safe mode (recommended)"
msgstr "安全模式(建議)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:330
msgid "Defer JS files safely"
msgstr "安全地延遲載入 JS"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:336
msgid ""
"Safe mode for deferred JS ensures support for inline jQuery references from "
"themes and plugins by loading jQuery at the top of the document as a render-"
"blocking script. Deactivating may result in broken functionality, test "
msgstr "非同步載入 JS 的安全模式確保寫在主題或外掛中的 jQuery 能正確被執行到,不採用安全模式的話可能會發生錯誤!"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:342
msgid ""
"Reduces the number of initial HTTP requests, can improve loading time and "
"performance grade."
msgstr "這個機制能減少 HTTP 請求數並改善載入時間以獲取 PageSpeed 較好的分數。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/optimization.php:347
msgid "Render-blocking CSS/JS:"
msgstr "解決 PageSpeed 禁止轉譯的 CSS/JS 問題:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:7
msgid "Preload options"
msgstr "預先載入選項"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:15 inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:18
msgid "Activate sitemap-based cache preloading"
msgstr "啟用以網站地圖為快取的預先載入功能"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:24
msgid ""
"Sitemap preloading runs automatically when the cache lifespan expires. You "
"can also launch it manually from the upper toolbar menu, or from the Tools "
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded” target=“_blank”>預載入網站地圖</a>會在快取過期後自動執行。你也可以在頂部工具列手動執行。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:24
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Sitemap preloading</a> runs automatically when the cache "
"lifespan expires. You can also launch it manually from the upper toolbar "
"menu, or from the Tools tab."
msgstr "<a href=“http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded” target=“_blank”>預載入網站地圖</a>會在快取過期後自動執行。你也可以在頂部工具列手動執行。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:30
msgid "Sitemap preloading:"
msgstr "網站地圖預先載入:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:49
msgid "Sitemap crawl interval:"
msgstr "網址抓取間隔:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:56
msgid ""
"<span class=\"screen-reader-text\">This is the </span>waiting time between "
"each URL crawl"
msgstr "<span class=“screen-reader-text”>設定 </span>每個網站地圖網址的抓取時間"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:58
msgid "Sets the intervall between each URL crawl"
msgstr "設定每個網址抓取時間間隔"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:83
msgid "Set a higher value if you notice any overload on your server!"
msgstr "如果發現主機有超載現象請把值調高些!"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:93
msgid "Sitemaps for preloading:"
msgstr "提供預先載入的網站地圖:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:101
msgid "Specify XML sitemap(s) to be used for preloading (one per line)"
msgstr "使用預先載入的 XML 網站地圖 (每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:105
msgid "Sitemap files to use for preloading"
msgstr "使用預先載入的網站地圖檔案"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:107
msgid "The sitemap files to use for preloading the cache"
msgstr "網站地圖檔案,用於預先載入快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:118
msgid "Preload bot:"
msgstr "預先載入選項:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:125
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "手動"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:127
msgid ""
"Activate manual preload (from upper toolbar, or from Tools tab of WP Rocket)"
msgstr "啟用手動預先載入(從管理員工具列或 WP Rocket 工具分頁)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:132
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "自動"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:134
msgid "Activate automatic preload after content updates"
msgstr "在網頁內容更新後自動啟用預先載入"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:140
msgid ""
"Bot-based preloading should only be used on well-performing servers. Once "
"activated, it gets triggered automatically after you add or update content "
"on your website. You can also launch it manually from the upper toolbar "
"menu, or from the Tools tab."
msgstr "以爬蟲機器人為主的預先載入</a>應該只在性能較好的主機上使用。一但啟動,將會在更新網站內容時自動觸發。你也可以在頂部工具列手動啟用。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:140
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Bot-based preloading</a> should only be used on well-"
"performaning servers. Once activated, it gets triggered automatically after "
"you add or update content on your website. You can also launch it manually "
"from the upper toolbar menu, or from the Tools tab."
msgstr "<a href=\"http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/8-how-the-cache-is-preloaded\" target=\"_blank\">以爬蟲機器人為主的預先載入</a> 應該只在性能較好的主機上使用。一但啟動,將會在更新網站內容時自動觸發。你也可以在頂部工具列手動啟用。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:145
msgid "Deactivate these options if you notice any overload on your server!"
msgstr "如發現主機負荷過重請關閉此功能!"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:155 inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:168
msgid "Prefetch DNS requests:"
msgstr "預先取得 DNS 請求:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:163
msgid ""
"Specify external hosts to be prefetched (no <code>http:</code>, one per "
msgstr "指定外部主機網址來預先請求 DNS (輸入網址不需要<code>http:</code>,每行一個)"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/preload.php:174
msgid ""
"<a href=\"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-DNS-"
"Prefetch-Control\" target=\"_blank\">DNS prefetching</a> can make external "
"files load faster, especially on mobile networks."
msgstr "<a href=“https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-DNS-Prefetch-Control” target=“_blank”>DNS 預先請求</a> 可以讓外部檔案載入更快,特別是在行動網路上。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:22
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WP Rocket documentation</a> provides "
"answers to many common questions, check it out!<br>Our Happiness Rocketeers "
"will help you sort out any questions you may have regarding this "
"plugin.<br>Please help us to help you and provide detailed information."
msgstr "<a href=“%s” target=“_blank”>官方說明文件</a>提供許多常見問題的解答,遇到問題時可以多加利用。<br>或是透過下方的表單來與我們聯繫以及提供你對於此外掛的建議。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:33
msgid "Summary:"
msgstr "主旨:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:40
msgid "In one sentence: What is going on, or wrong?"
msgstr "一句話描述你碰到的問題?"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:45
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "摘要"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:55 inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:37
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:46
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "內容說明:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:64
msgid ""
"<strong>Now be specific!</strong><br>We have pre-filled the form with some "
"questions for you to phrase your description along.<br>We speak English, "
"French, German, Italian, Serbian, and Spanish."
msgstr "<strong>讓你發問更精準!</strong><br>我們在支援單系統新增了許多不同語言的預設問題,讓你更能輕鬆描述目前遇到的狀況。<br>語言如下:英文、法文、德文、義大利文、塞爾維亞文、西班牙文。對,還沒有繁體中文 > <"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:69
msgid "Description"
msgstr "描述"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:73
msgid ""
"- What did you do?\n"
"- What did you see?\n"
"- What had you expected to see?\n"
"- Where can we see your issue?\n"
"- What steps do we need to perform in order to see it?"
msgstr "- 你執行了什麼?\n- 你看到了什麼畫面?\n- 你預期會看到什麼畫面?\n- 你的問題在哪個畫面?\n- 你期望我們可以提供什麼協助?"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:91
#, php-format
msgid ""
"I have read the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a> and agree"
" that WP Rocket automatically detects my WordPress version and list of "
"active plugins when I send this form."
msgstr "當我提交此表單前,我已經閱讀了<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">說明文件</a>,並且同意讓 WP Rocket 自動檢查我的 WordPress 版本和已經啟用的外掛列表。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/support.php:109
msgctxt "button text"
msgid "Send your ticket"
msgstr "發送表單"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:16
msgid "Beta testing:"
msgstr "Beta 測試:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:23
msgid ""
"Yes, I would like to receive beta versions of WP Rocket as updates. I "
"understand that beta versions may contain unstable code, and I know how to "
"roll back to a stable version manually if I have to."
msgstr "我願意收到 WP Rocket 尚未穩定的測試版本。我了解測試版本會有風險並且知道有狀況時如何重新安裝穩定版本。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:25
msgid "Beta Testing"
msgstr "Beta 測試員"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:32
msgid "Analytics:"
msgstr "分析:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:39
msgid "Allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data."
msgstr "允許 WP Rocket 蒐集非敏感性資料。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:41
msgid "Analytics tracking"
msgstr "分析追縱"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:48 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:695
msgid "What info will we collect?"
msgstr "我們會蒐集什麼資料?"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:49 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:700
msgid ""
"Below is a detailed view of all data WP Rocket will collect if granted "
"permission. WP Rocket will never transmit any domain names or email "
"addresses (except for license validation), IP addresses, or third-party API "
msgstr "如果您允允許我們,下方是 WP Rocket 會蒐集的資料清單。我們絕對不會傳送任何網域名稱或是電子郵件(除非是為了驗證註冊)、IP 位址或是第三方的 API 金鑰。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:62
msgid "Clear cache:"
msgstr "清除快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:69
msgid "Clear the cache for the whole website."
msgstr "清除整個網站的快取。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:83
msgid "Preload cache:"
msgstr "預先載入快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:92
#, php-format
msgid "Preload the cache according to your <a href=\"%s\">Preload settings</a>."
msgstr "依 <a href=“%s”>預先載入</a> 設定來啟用該功能。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:97 inc/common/admin-bar.php:208
#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:232 inc/common/admin-bar.php:271
msgid "Preload cache"
msgstr "預先載入快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:110
msgid "Purge OPcache:"
msgstr "清除 OPcache:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:116 inc/common/admin-bar.php:164
msgid "Purge OPcache"
msgstr "清除 OPcache"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:127
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS:"
msgstr "重新產生 Critical Path CSS:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:134
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS."
msgstr "重新產生 Critical Path CSS."

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:137 inc/common/admin-bar.php:179
msgid "Regenerate Critical Path CSS"
msgstr "重新產生 Critical Path CSS"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:149
msgid "Export settings:"
msgstr "匯出設定:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:164
msgid "Import settings:"
msgstr "匯入設定:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:179
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Backup your settings with the “%s” button above before you re-install a "
"previous version."
msgstr "在重新安裝前使用上方的 「%s」按紐來備份目前的設定值。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:184
msgid "Rollback:"
msgstr "更新還原:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:195 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:907
#, php-format
msgid "Re-install version %s"
msgstr "重新安裝版本 %s"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:202
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Has version %1$s caused an issue on your website? You can roll back to the "
"previous major version here."
msgstr "在 %s 版發生問題嗎?你可以還原更新並重新安裝之前使用的最後一個版本。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/tools.php:206
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Has version %1$s caused an issue on your website?<br>You can roll back to "
"the previous major version here. Then <a href=\"%2$s\">send us a support "
msgstr "版本 %1$s 是否造成你的網站異常?你可以在這邊重置為之前的版本,或是請洽<a href=“%2$s”>WP Rocekt 官方客服</a>。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:39
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Varnish</a> runs on your server, you "
"must activate the option below.<br>You would know if Varnish is active. If "
"you don’t know, you can safely ignore this setting."
msgstr "假使你的伺服器上有使用 <a href=“%s” target=“_blank”>Varnish</a>,請務必啟用下方的選項。<br>你應該知道 Varnish 是否啟用,假如不清楚,你可以忽略這個選項。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:53
msgid "Sync Varnish cache:"
msgstr "清除 Varnish 快取:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:60
msgid "Purge Varnish cache automatically"
msgstr "自動清除 Varnish 快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:62
msgid "Sync Varnish cache with plugin cache"
msgstr "同步 Varnish 快取"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/varnish.php:69
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Varnish cache will be purged each time %s clears its cache to ensure content"
" is always up to date."
msgstr "當 %s 快取需要清除時,Varnish 快取將同時被清除以避免衝突。"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:7
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:16
msgid "Plugin Name:"
msgstr "外掛名稱:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:22
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:31
msgid "Plugin URI:"
msgstr "外掛網址:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:52
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:61
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "作者:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:67
#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:76
msgid "Author URI:"
msgstr "作者網址:"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:88
msgid "Reset White Label values to default"
msgstr "將白標重設為預設值"

#: inc/admin/ui/modules/white-label.php:93
msgid ""
"The Support tab and all links to WP Rocket’s documentation will be hidden "
"when you customize these fields."
msgstr "當你自訂這些欄位時 WP Rocket 的說明文件與支持頁籤將會被隱藏。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:24 inc/admin/ui/notices.php:34
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>%1$s</strong> has not been deactivated due to missing writing permissions.<br>\n"
"Make <strong>%2$s</strong> writeable and retry deactivation, or force deactivation now:"
msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> 因為缺少寫入權限所以被停用了。<br>\n<strong>%2$s</strong> 請開啟寫入權限後再停用,或是立刻強制停用:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:83
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>%s</strong>: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, "
"clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site."
msgstr "<strong>%s</strong>: 一個或多個外掛已啟用或停用,必要時別忘了清除快取。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:186
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<strong>%s</strong>: The following plugins are not compatible with this "
"plugin and may cause unexpected results:"
msgstr "<b>%s</b>:以下外掛與此外掛不相容,且可能造成意外的結果:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:192
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "停用"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:219
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: A custom permalink structure is required for the plugin to work "
"properly. %2$sGo to permalinks settings%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s: 為了使外掛能正常運作,自訂固定網址結構是必須的。請前往%2$s固定網址%3$s設定"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:488
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is good to go! %2$sTest your load time%4$s, or visit your "
msgstr "%1$s 已設定為成! %2$s測試一下載入時間%4$s,或是前往 %3$s設定%4$s."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:545
msgid "Activate Imagify"
msgstr "啟用 Imagify"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:545
msgid "Install Imagify for Free"
msgstr "免費安裝 Imagify"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:560
msgid ""
"Speed up your website and boost your SEO by reducing image file sizes "
"without losing quality with Imagify."
msgstr "使用 Imagify 自動壓縮圖片容量."

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:565
msgid "More details"
msgstr "了解更多"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:688
msgid ""
"Would you allow WP Rocket to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data from this"
" website?"
msgstr "您介意 WP Rocket 從您的網站蒐集非敏感性資料嗎?"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:689
msgid "This would help us to improve WP Rocket for you in the future."
msgstr "這些資料將有助於未來我們改善 WP Rocket。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:709
msgid "Yes, allow"
msgstr "OK,我允許"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:712
msgid "No, thanks"
msgstr "不用了,謝謝"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:755
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "謝謝您!"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:760
msgid "WP Rocket now collects these metrics from your website:"
msgstr "WP Rocket 現在開始從您的網站蒐集使用資料:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:799
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 快取已清除。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:802
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Post cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 文章快取已清除。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:805
#, php-format
msgid "%s: Term cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 分類快取已清除。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:808
#, php-format
msgid "%s: User cache cleared."
msgstr "%s: 帳號快取已清除。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:850
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Sitemap preload: %d uncached pages have now been preloaded. (refresh to see "
msgstr "預先載入網站地圖: %d 尚未被快取的頁面現在已被預先加載。(重整頁面檢視進度)"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:884
#, php-format
msgid "Sitemap preload: %d pages have been cached."
msgstr "預先載入網站地圖: %d 頁面已加入快取。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:904
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s %2$s requires at least PHP %3$s to function properly. To use this "
"version, please ask your web host how to upgrade your server to PHP %3$s or "
"higher. If you are not able to upgrade, you can rollback to the previous "
"version by using the button below."
msgstr "%1$s %2$s 至少要求 PHP %3$s 來正常運作。為使用此版本,請聯絡您的網站主機商並升級為 PHP %3$s 或是更高版本。如果您無法升級,請使用下方按鈕來恢復較早的 WP Rocket 版本。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:953
msgid "Force deactivation "
msgstr "強制停用"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:966
msgid "The following code should have been written to this file:"
msgstr "下方這些程式碼應該被寫入到此檔案中:"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:974
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
msgstr "關閉提示。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:995
#, php-format
msgid "%s cannot configure itself due to missing writing permissions."
msgstr "%s 因為缺少寫入權限所以無法自動設定。"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1001
#, php-format
msgid "Affected file/folder: %s"
msgstr "影響的檔案 / 資料夾: %s"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1008
#, php-format
msgid "Troubleshoot: %1$sHow to make system files writeable%2$s"
msgstr "解決辦法: %1$s如何讓系統檔案可寫入?%2$s"

#: inc/admin/ui/notices.php:1010
msgid ""
msgstr "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/626-how-to-make-system-files-htaccess-wp-config-writeable"

#: inc/admin/updater.php:71 inc/admin/updater.php:77
#, php-format
msgid ""
"An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WP-Rocket.me or "
"this server&#8217;s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please "
"try the <a href=\"%s\">support forums</a>."
msgstr "發生意外錯誤。某些 WP-Rocket.me 檔案或伺服器設定發生錯誤。如果你持續遭遇問題,請嘗試<a href=\"%s\">支援論壇</a>。"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-background-critical-css-generation.php:120
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS for %s generated."
msgstr " %s 的 Critical CSS 已產生。"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-critical-css.php:358
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Critical CSS generation is currently running: %1$d of %2$d page types "
"completed. (Refresh this page to view progress)"
msgstr "產生 Critical CSS 目前正在執行 : %1$d 之 %2$d 已完成(重整頁面以查看進度)"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-critical-css.php:393
#, php-format
msgid "Critical CSS generation finished for %1$d of %2$d page types."
msgstr "Critical CSS 已產生完畢。 %1$d 之 %2$d 頁面。"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:210
msgid "Database optimization process is running"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化程序正在執行..."

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:247
msgid ""
"Database optimization process is complete. Everything was already optimized!"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化已完成。所有內容已被最佳化!"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:249
msgid ""
"Database optimization process is complete. List of optimized items below:"
msgstr "資料庫最佳化已完成。已優化清單如下:"

#: inc/classes/class-rocket-database-optimization.php:255
#, php-format
msgid "%1$d %2$s optimized."
msgstr "%1$d %2$s 最佳化。"

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:106 inc/common/admin-bar.php:260
#: inc/functions/i18n.php:39 inc/functions/i18n.php:48
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "所有語言"

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:135
msgid "Clear this post"
msgstr "清除這篇文章"

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:148
msgid "Purge this URL"
msgstr "清除這個網址"

#: inc/common/admin-bar.php:285
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "說明文件"

#: inc/common/cron.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "%s clear"
msgstr "%s 清除"

#: inc/common/cron.php:33
msgid "weekly"
msgstr "每週"

#: inc/common/cron.php:39
msgid "monthly"
msgstr "每月"

#: inc/common/purge.php:512
#, php-format
msgid "Cloudflare cache purge error: %s"
msgstr "CloudFlare 快取清除錯誤: %s"

#: inc/common/purge.php:517
msgid "CloudFlare cache sucessfully purged"
msgstr "CloudFlare 快取清除成功"

#: inc/deprecated.php:449
msgid "<strong>JS</strong> files with Deferred Loading JavaScript"
msgstr "延遲載入<strong>JavaScript</strong> 檔案"

#: inc/deprecated.php:502
msgid "Add URL"
msgstr "新增網址"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:12
msgid ""
"There seems to be an issue with outgoing connections from your server. "
"Resolve per documentation, or contact support."
msgstr "這似乎是從伺服器連接外部環境所產生的問題。查看文件或是聯繫客服以解決問題。"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:443
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "伺服器類型:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:452
msgid "PHP version number:"
msgstr "PHP 版本號:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:461
msgid "WordPress version number:"
msgstr "WordPress 版本號:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:470
msgid "WordPress multisite:"
msgstr "WordPress 網誌網路:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:479
msgid "Current theme:"
msgstr "目前佈景主題:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:488
msgid "Current site language:"
msgstr "目前網站語系:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:497
msgid "Active plugins:"
msgstr "啟用外掛:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:500
msgid "Plugin names of all active plugins"
msgstr "所有啟用的外掛名稱"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:506
msgid "Anonymized WP Rocket settings:"
msgstr "隱藏 WP Rocket 設定:"

#: inc/functions/admin.php:509
msgid "Which WP Rocket settings are active"
msgstr "WP Rocket 設定已啟用"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:17
msgid "Cloudflare Email and API key are not set"
msgstr "CloudFlare Email 與 API 金鑰尚未設定"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:48
#, php-format
msgid "Missing Cloudflare zone ID. %s could not fix this automatically."
msgstr "遺失 Cloudflare 的 zone ID. %s 無法自動修復此問題。"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:55
#, php-format
msgid "Read the %1$sdocumentation%2$s for further guidance."
msgstr "查看 %1$s文件%2$s 以取得更多說明。"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:57
msgid "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare"
msgstr "http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/18-using-wp-rocket-with-cloudflare"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:98
msgid "Connection to Cloudflare failed"
msgstr "連結 CloudFlare 失敗"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:120
msgid "Choose a domain from the list"
msgstr "從清單中選擇網址"

#: inc/functions/cloudflare.php:133
msgid "No domain available in your Cloudflare account"
msgstr "在您的 CloudFlare 帳戶中沒有網址可供選擇"

#: inc/functions/options.php:577
msgid "Your license is not valid."
msgstr "你的註冊碼無效。"

#: inc/functions/options.php:578
msgid "You cannot add more websites. Upgrade your account."
msgstr "你無法新增更多網站。升級你的帳戶。"

#: inc/functions/options.php:579
msgid "This website is not allowed."
msgstr "這個網站是不允許的。"

#: inc/functions/options.php:580
msgid "This license key is not accepted."
msgstr "這個註冊金鑰不被接受。"

#: vendor/a5hleyrich/wp-background-processing/classes/wp-background-process.php:422
#, php-format
msgid "Every %d Minutes"
msgstr "每 %d 分鐘"

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0