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Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/themes/Newspaper/mobile/includes/modules/
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Current File : /home/emergentqj/jugement/wp-content/themes/Newspaper/mobile/includes/modules/td_module_single_mob.php

 * Created by ra.
 * Date: 10/23/2015

class td_module_single_mob extends td_module_single_base {

     * display number of comments on post single page
    function get_comments() {
        $buffy = '';
        if (td_util::get_option('tds_p_show_comments') != 'hide') {
            $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-comments">';
            $buffy .= '<a href="' . get_comments_link($this->post->ID) . '"><i class="td-icon-commenting"></i>';
            $buffy .= get_comments_number($this->post->ID);
            $buffy .= '</a>';
            $buffy .= '</div>';

        return $buffy;

     * social share buttons - displayed on post single page at the top of the content
    function get_social_sharing_top() {
        if (!$this->is_single) {

        if (td_util::get_option('tds_top_social_show') == 'hide') {

        $buffy = '';

        // @todo single-post-thumbnail appears to not be in used! please check
        $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $this->post->ID ), 'single-post-thumbnail' );

        $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-sharing-top">';
            if( td_util::get_option('tds_top_like_show') == 'show' && td_util::is_amp() === false ) {
                $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-sharing-classic">';
                    $buffy .= '<iframe frameBorder="0" src="' . td_global::$http_or_https . '://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=' . $this->href . '&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=105&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=21" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:105px; height:21px; background-color:transparent;"></iframe>';
                $buffy .= '</div>';

            if (td_util::get_option('tds_top_social_show') != 'hide') {
                $share_text_show = false;
                if (td_util::get_option('tds_top_like_share_text_show') == 'show') {
                    $share_text_show = true;

                if ( td_util::is_amp() ) {
                    $enabled_services = td_api_social_sharing_styles::_helper_get_enabled_socials();
                    $amp_services = array_slice( $enabled_services, 0, 5);

                    $buffy .= td_social_sharing::render_generic(array(
                        'services' => $amp_services,
                        'style' => 'style1',
                        'share_text_show' => false,
                        'el_class' => ''
                    ), 'td_social_sharing_article_top');
                } else {
                    $buffy .= td_social_sharing::render_generic(array(
                        'services' => td_api_social_sharing_styles::_helper_get_enabled_socials(),
                        'style' => 'style1',
                        'share_text_show' => $share_text_show,
                        'el_class' => ''
                    ), 'td_social_sharing_article_top');
        $buffy .= '</div>';

        return $buffy;

     * social share buttons - displayed on post single page at the bottom of the content
    function get_social_sharing_bottom() {
        if (!$this->is_single) {

        if (td_util::get_option('tds_bottom_social_show') == 'hide') {

        $buffy = '';
        // @todo single-post-thumbnail appears to not be in used! please check
        $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $this->post->ID ), 'single-post-thumbnail' );

        $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-sharing-bottom">';
            if( td_util::get_option('tds_bottom_like_show') == 'show' && td_util::is_amp() === false ) {
                $buffy .= '<div class="td-post-sharing-classic">';
                    $buffy .= '<iframe frameBorder="0" src="' . td_global::$http_or_https . '://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=' . $this->href . '&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=105&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=21" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:105px; height:21px; background-color:transparent;"></iframe>';
                $buffy .= '</div>';

            if (td_util::get_option('tds_bottom_social_show') != 'hide') {
                $share_text_show = false;
                if (td_util::get_option('tds_bottom_like_share_text_show') == 'show') {
                    $share_text_show = true;

                if ( td_util::is_amp() ) {
                    $enabled_services = td_api_social_sharing_styles::_helper_get_enabled_socials();
                    $amp_services = array_slice( $enabled_services, 0, 5);

                    $buffy .= td_social_sharing::render_generic(array(
                        'services' => $amp_services,
                        'style' => 'style1',
                        'share_text_show' => false,
                        'el_class' => ''
                    ), 'td_social_sharing_article_bottom');
                } else {
                    $buffy .= td_social_sharing::render_generic(array(
                        'services' => td_api_social_sharing_styles::_helper_get_enabled_socials(),
                        'style' => 'style1',
                        'share_text_show' => $share_text_show,
                        'el_class' => ''
                    ), 'td_social_sharing_article_bottom');
        $buffy .= '</div>';

        return $buffy;

     * gets the related posts ONLY on single posts. Does not run on custom post types because we don't know what taxonomy to choose and the
     * blocks do not support custom taxonomies as of 15 july 2015
     * $force_sidebar_position - not used on mobile theme
     * @return string
    function related_posts($force_sidebar_position = '') {
        global $post;
        if ($post->post_type != 'post') {
            return '';

        if (td_util::get_option('tds_similar_articles') == 'hide') {
            return '';



        if (td_util::get_option('tds_similar_articles_type') == 'by_tag') {
            $td_related_ajax_filter_type = 'cur_post_same_tags';
        } else {
            $td_related_ajax_filter_type = 'cur_post_same_categories';

        // the number of rows to show. this number will be multiplied with the hardcoded limit
        $tds_similar_articles_rows = td_util::get_option('tds_similar_articles_rows');
        if (empty($tds_similar_articles_rows)) {
            $tds_similar_articles_rows = 1;

        $td_related_limit = 3 * $tds_similar_articles_rows;

         * 'td_ajax_filter_type' => 'td_custom_related' - this ajax filter type overwrites the live filter via ajax @see td_ajax::on_ajax_block
        $td_block_args = array (
            'limit' => $td_related_limit,
            'ajax_pagination' => 'next_prev',
            'live_filter' => $td_related_ajax_filter_type,  //live atts - this is the default setting for this block
            'td_ajax_filter_type' => 'td_custom_related' //this filter type can overwrite the live filter @see

         * @see td_block_related_posts

        return td_global_blocks::get_instance('td_block_related_posts_mob')->render($td_block_args);


     * the content of a single post or single post type
     * @return mixed|string|void
    function get_content() {

        /*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Prepare the content
        $content = get_the_content(__td('Continue', TD_THEME_NAME));
        $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
        $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $content);

        /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Smart list support. class_exists and new object WORK VIA AUTOLOAD
         * @see td_autoload_classes::loading_classes
        //$td_smart_list = get_post_meta($this->post->ID, 'td_smart_list', true);
        $td_smart_list = td_util::get_post_meta_array($this->post->ID, 'td_post_theme_settings');
        if (!empty($td_smart_list['smart_list_template'])) {

            $td_smart_list_class = 'td_smart_list_mob_1';
            if (class_exists($td_smart_list_class)) {
                 * @var $td_smart_list_obj td_smart_list
                $td_smart_list_obj = new $td_smart_list_class();  // make the class from string * magic :)

                // prepare the settings for the smart list
                $smart_list_settings = array(
                    'post_content' => $content,
                    'counting_order_asc' => false,
                    'td_smart_list_h' => 'h3',
                    'extract_first_image' => td_api_smart_list::get_key($td_smart_list_class, 'extract_first_image')

                if (!empty($td_smart_list['td_smart_list_order'])) {
                    $smart_list_settings['counting_order_asc'] = true;

                if (!empty($td_smart_list['td_smart_list_h'])) {
                    $smart_list_settings['td_smart_list_h'] = $td_smart_list['td_smart_list_h'];
                return $td_smart_list_obj->render_from_post_content($smart_list_settings);
            } else {
                // there was an error?
                td_util::error(__FILE__, 'Missing smart list: ' . $td_smart_list_class . '. Did you disabled a tagDiv plugin?');
        /*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            end smart list - if we have a list, the function returns above

        /*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ad support on content

        //read the current ad settings
        $tds_inline_ad_paragraph_mob = td_util::get_option('tds_inline_ad_paragraph_mob');

        // add inline ad
        if ( is_single() ) {

            if (empty($tds_inline_ad_paragraph_mob)) {
                $tds_inline_ad_paragraph_mob = 0;

            $cnt = 0;
            $content_buffer = ''; // we replace the content with this buffer at the end

            $content_parts = preg_split('/(<p.*>)/U', $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

            $p_open_tag_count = 0; // count how many <p> tags we have added to the buffer

            foreach ($content_parts as $content_part_index => $content_part_value) {
                if (!empty($content_part_value)) {

                    // Show the ad ONLY IF THE CURRENT PART IS A <p> opening tag and before the <p> -> so we will have <p>content</p>  ~ad~ <p>content</p>
                    // and prevent cases like <p> ~ad~ content</p>
                    if (preg_match('/(<p.*>)/U', $content_part_value) === 1) {
                        if ($tds_inline_ad_paragraph_mob == $p_open_tag_count) {

                            $content_buffer .= td_global_blocks::get_instance('td_block_ad_box_mob')->render(array('spot_id' => 'content_inline_mob'));

                    $content_buffer .= $content_part_value;


            $content = $content_buffer;

        // add top ad
        if ( is_single() ) {
            $content = td_global_blocks::get_instance('td_block_ad_box_mob')->render(array('spot_id' => 'content_top_mob')) . $content;

        //add bottom ad
        if ( is_single() ) {
            $content = $content . td_global_blocks::get_instance('td_block_ad_box_mob')->render(array('spot_id' => 'content_bottom_mob'));

        return $content;


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0