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{"translation-revision-date":"2023-10-17 16:18:36+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es"},"Select the size of the source image.":["Selecciona el tama\u00f1o de la imagen original."],"Image size option for resolution control\u0004Full Size":["Tama\u00f1o completo"],"Image size option for resolution control\u0004Large":["Grande"],"Image size option for resolution control\u0004Medium":["Mediana"],"Image size option for resolution control\u0004Thumbnail":["Miniatura"],"Auto":["Autom\u00e1tico"],"Scale":["Escala"],"Scale down the content to fit the space if it is too big. Content that is too small will have additional padding.":["Redimensiona el contenido para ajustarlo al espacio si es muy grande. El contenido muy peque\u00f1o tendr\u00e1 un relleno adicional."],"Scale option for dimensions control\u0004Scale down":["Reducir la escala"],"Do not adjust the sizing of the content. Content that is too large will be clipped, and content that is too small will have additional padding.":["No ajustar las dimensiones del contenido. Si es muy grande, ser\u00e1 recortado, y si es muy peque\u00f1o tendr\u00e1 un relleno adicional."],"Scale option for dimensions control\u0004None":["Nada"],"Fill the space by clipping what doesn't fit.":["Rellenar el espacio recortando lo que no se ajuste."],"Scale option for dimensions control\u0004Cover":["Cubrir"],"Fit the content to the space without clipping.":["Ajustar el contenido al espacio sin recortar."],"Scale option for dimensions control\u0004Contain":["Ajustar"],"Fill the space by stretching the content.":["Rellena el espacio estirando el contenido."],"Scale option for dimensions control\u0004Fill":["Relleno"],"Aspect ratio":["Relaci\u00f3n de aspecto"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Custom":["Personalizar"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Tall - 9:16":["Alto - 9:16"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Wide - 16:9":["Ancho - 16:9"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Classic Portrait - 2:3":["Retrato cl\u00e1sico - 2:3"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Classic - 3:2":["Cl\u00e1sico - 3:2"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Portrait - 3:4":["Retrato - 3:4"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Standard - 4:3":["Est\u00e1ndar 4:3"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Square - 1:1":["Cuadrado 1:1"],"Aspect ratio option for dimensions control\u0004Original":["Original"],"Removing this block is not advised.":["No se aconseja eliminar este bloque.","No se aconseja eliminar estos bloques."],"Removing these blocks is not advised.":["No es aconsejable eliminar estos bloques."],"Are you sure?":["\u00bfSeguro?"],"There is an error with your CSS structure.":["Hay un error con la estructura de tu CSS."],"Shadow":["Sombra"],"Effects":["Efectos"],"Now":["Ahora"],"Move the selected block(s) down.":["Mover el\/los bloque(s) seleccionado(s) abajo."],"Move the selected block(s) up.":["Mover el\/los bloque(s) seleccionado(s) arriba."],"Navigate to the nearest toolbar.":["Navega hasta la barra de herramientas m\u00e1s cercana."],"Clear selection.":["Vaciar la selecci\u00f3n."],"Select all text when typing. Press again to select all blocks.":["Selecciona todo el texto mientras tecleas. Pulsa de nuevo para seleccionar todos los bloques."],"Delete selection.":["Borrar selecci\u00f3n"],"Insert a new block after the selected block(s).":["Inserta un nuevo bloque despu\u00e9s del\/los bloque(s) seleccionado(s)."],"Insert a new block before the selected block(s).":["Inserta un nuevo bloque antes del\/los bloque(s) seleccionado(s)."],"Remove the selected block(s).":["Elimina el\/los bloque(s) seleccionado(s)."],"Duplicate the selected block(s).":["Duplica el\/los bloque(s) seleccionado(s)."],"Hide block tools":["Ocultar herramientas del bloque"],"Show block tools":["Mostrar herramientas del bloque"],"Block tools":["Herramientas del bloque"],"verb\u0004Stack":["Apilar"],"single horizontal line\u0004Row":["Fila"],"Change type of %d block":["Cambiar el tipo de %d bloque","Cambiar el tipo de %d bloques"],"%s: Change block type or style":["%s: Cambiar tipo o estilo del bloque"],"Transform to":["Transformar a"],"Select %s":["Seleccionar %s"],"Drag":["Arrastrar"],"No block selected.":["Ning\u00fan bloque seleccionado."],"Looking for other block settings? They've moved to the styles tab.":["\u00bfBuscas otros ajustes del bloque? Se han movido a la pesta\u00f1a de estilos."],"List View":["Vista de lista"],"Styles":["Estilos"],"Default Style":["Estilo por defecto"],"Not set":["No establecido"],"%d word selected.":["%d palabra seleccionada.","%d palabras seleccionadas."],"%d Block":["%d bloque","%d bloques"],"Skip to the selected block":["Saltar al bloque seleccionado"],"Mobile":["M\u00f3vil"],"Tablet":["Tableta"],"Desktop":["Escritorio"],"View options":["Ver opciones"],"Link rel":["\u00abrel\u00bb del enlace"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"Edit link":["Editar el enlace"],"Tools provide different interactions for selecting, navigating, and editing blocks. Toggle between select and edit by pressing Escape and Enter.":["Las herramientas proporcionan diferentes interacciones para seleccionar, navegar y editar bloques. Cambia entre seleccionar y editar pulsando las teclas Escape e Intro."],"Tools":["Herramientas"],"Toggle between using the same value for all screen sizes or using a unique value per screen size.":["Alterna entre usar el mismo valor para todos los tama\u00f1os de pantalla o usar un valor \u00fanico por tama\u00f1o de pantalla."],"Use the same %s on all screensizes.":["Utilizar el mismo %s en todos los tama\u00f1os de pantalla."],"Large screens":["Pantallas grandes"],"Medium screens":["Pantallas medianas"],"Small screens":["Pantallas peque\u00f1as"],"All":["Todo"],"Text labelling a interface as controlling a given layout property (eg: margin) for a given screen size.\u0004Controls the %1$s property for %2$s viewports.":["Controla la propiedad %1$s para los \u00abviewports\u00bb %2$s."],"Format tools":["Herramientas de formato"],"Displays more block tools":["Muestra m\u00e1s herramientas del bloque"],"More":["M\u00e1s"],"Upload a video file, pick one from your media library, or add one with a URL.":["Sube un archivo de v\u00eddeo, elige uno de tu biblioteca de medios o a\u00f1ade uno con una URL."],"Upload an image file, pick one from your media library, or add one with a URL.":["Sube un archivo de imagen, elige uno de tu biblioteca de medios o a\u00f1ade uno con una URL."],"Upload an audio file, pick one from your media library, or add one with a URL.":["Sube un archivo de audio, elige uno de tu biblioteca de medios o a\u00f1ade uno con una URL."],"Upload a media file or pick one from your media library.":["Sube un archivo de medios o elige uno de tu biblioteca de medios."],"To edit this block, you need permission to upload media.":["Para editar este bloque necesitas permisos para subir medios."],"Paste or type URL":["Pega o escribe la URL"],"Link settings":["Ajustes de enlaces"],"Current media URL:":["URL del medio actual:"],"Use featured image":["Usar imagen destacada"],"Upload":["Subir"],"The media file has been replaced":["El archivo de medios ha sido reemplazado"],"Creating":["Creando"],"An unknown error occurred during creation. Please try again.":["Se ha producido un error desconocido durante la creaci\u00f3n. Por favor, int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo."],"Currently selected link settings":["Ajustes del enlace seleccionado actualmente"],"Unlink":["Quitar el enlace"],"Link is empty":["El enlace est\u00e1 vac\u00edo"],"Currently selected":["Seleccionado actualmente"],"Search or type url":["Busca o escribe la URL"],"Search results for \"%s\"":["Resultados de la b\u00fasqueda de \u00ab%s\u00bb"],"Suggestions":["Sugerencias"],"Open in new tab":["Abrir en una nueva pesta\u00f1a"],"Press ENTER to add this link":["Pulsa INTRO para a\u00f1adir este enlace"],"Create: <mark>%s<\/mark>":["Crear: <mark>%s<\/mark>"],"No results.":["No hay resultados."],"%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.":["%d resultado encontrado, utiliza las teclas arriba y abajo para navegar.","%d resultados encontrados, utiliza las teclas arriba y abajo para navegar."],"Additional link settings\u0004Advanced":["Avanzado"],"Reset":["Restablecer"],"Image size presets":["Tama\u00f1os de imagen por defecto"],"Resolution":["Resoluci\u00f3n"],"Rotate":["Rotar"],"2:3":["2:3"],"3:4":["3:4"],"9:16":["9:16"],"10:16":["10:16"],"Portrait":["Vertical"],"3:2":["3:2"],"4:3":["4:3"],"16:9":["16:9"],"16:10":["16:10"],"Landscape":["Horizontal"],"Square":["Cuadrado"],"Original":["Original"],"Aspect Ratio":["Relaci\u00f3n de aspecto"],"Could not edit image. %s":["No se pudo editar la imagen. %s"],"https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/customize-date-and-time-format\/":["https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/customize-date-and-time-format\/"],"Enter a date or time <Link>format string<\/Link>.":["Introduce una <Link>cadena en formato<\/Link> de fecha u hora."],"Custom format":["Formato personalizado"],"Choose a format":["Elige un formato"],"Enter your own date format":["Introduce tu propio formato de fecha"],"short date format without the year\u0004M j":["j M"],"long date format\u0004F j, Y":["j \\d\\e F \\d\\e Y"],"medium date format with time\u0004M j, Y g:i A":["j \\d\\e M, Y H:i"],"medium date format\u0004M j, Y":["j\/M\/Y"],"short date format with time\u0004n\/j\/Y g:i A":["d\/m\/Y H:i"],"short date format\u0004n\/j\/Y":["d\/m\/Y"],"Example:":["Ejemplo:"],"Default format":["Formato por defecto"],"Date format":["Formato de fecha"],"Transform to %s":["Transformar a %s"],"Transform to variation":["Transformar a la variaci\u00f3n"],"Carousel view":["Vista de carrusel"],"Next pattern":["Siguiente patr\u00f3n"],"Previous pattern":["Patr\u00f3n anterior"],"Choose":["Elegir"],"Skip":["Saltar"],"Block variations":["Variaciones del bloque"],"Select a variation to start with.":["Elige una variaci\u00f3n con la que empezar."],"Choose variation":["Elegir una variaci\u00f3n"],"Heading %d":["Encabezado %d"],"Change level":["Cambiar nivel"],"block style\u0004Default":["Por defecto"],"Block navigation structure":["Estructura de navegaci\u00f3n del bloque"],"Paste styles":["Pegar estilos"],"Copy styles":["Copiar estilos"],"Add after":["A\u00f1adir despu\u00e9s"],"Add before":["A\u00f1adir antes"],"Duplicate":["Duplicar"],"Select parent block (%s)":["Seleccionar bloque superior (%s)"],"Delete blocks":["Borrar bloques"],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Copy blocks":["Copiar bloques"],"Pasted styles to %d blocks.":["Estilos pegados a %d bloques."],"Pasted styles to %s.":["Estilos pegados a %s."],"Unable to paste styles. Block styles couldn't be found within the copied content.":["No se han podido pegar los estilos. Los estilos de bloque no se encontraron en el contenido copiado."],"Unable to paste styles. Please allow browser clipboard permissions before continuing.":["No se han podido pegar los estilos. Por favor, da permisos al portapapeles del navegador antes de continuar."],"Unable to paste styles. This feature is only available on secure (https) sites in supporting browsers.":["No se han podido pegar los estilos. Esta caracter\u00edstica solo est\u00e1 disponible en sitios seguros (https) en navegadores compatibles."],"Moved %d block to clipboard.":["Se ha movido %d bloque al portapapeles.","Se han movido %d bloques al portapapeles."],"Copied %d block to clipboard.":["Se ha copiado %d bloque al portapapeles.","Se han copiado %d bloques al portapapeles."],"Moved \"%s\" to clipboard.":["\u00ab%s\u00bb movido al portapapeles."],"Copied \"%s\" to clipboard.":["\u00ab%s\u00bb copiado al portapapeles."],"%s blocks deselected.":["%s bloques deseleccionados."],"%s deselected.":["%s deseleccionado."],"Options for %s":["Opciones para %s"],"%s (locked)":["%s (bloqueado)"],"Block %1$d of %2$d, Level %3$d":["Bloque %1$d de %2$d, nivel %3$d"],"Position: %1$s":["Posici\u00f3n: %1$s"],"Move left":["Mover a la izquierda"],"Move right":["Mover a la derecha"],"Blocks cannot be moved up as they are already at the top":["Los bloques no se pueden mover arriba porque ya est\u00e1n al principio"],"Move %1$d blocks from position %2$d up by one place":["Mueve %1$d bloques de la posici\u00f3n %2$d un sitio m\u00e1s arriba"],"Blocks cannot be moved right as they are already are at the rightmost position":["Los bloques no se pueden mover a la derecha porque ya est\u00e1n en la posici\u00f3n m\u00e1s a la derecha"],"Blocks cannot be moved left as they are already are at the leftmost position":["Los bloques no se pueden mover a la izquierda porque ya est\u00e1n en la posici\u00f3n m\u00e1s a la izquierda"],"Blocks cannot be moved down as they are already at the bottom":["Los bloques no se pueden mover hacia abajo porque ya est\u00e1n en el fondo"],"Move %1$d blocks from position %2$d right by one place":["Mueve %1$d bloques de la posici\u00f3n %2$d a un sitio a la derecha"],"Move %1$d blocks from position %2$d left by one place":["Mueve %1$d bloques de la posici\u00f3n %2$d un sitio m\u00e1s hacia la izquierda"],"Move %1$d blocks from position %2$d down by one place":["Mueve %1$d bloque de la posici\u00f3n %2$d a un sitio m\u00e1s abajo"],"All blocks are selected, and cannot be moved":["Todos los bloques est\u00e1n seleccionados, y no se pueden mover"],"Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can\u2019t be moved right":["El bloque %1$s est\u00e1 al principio del contenido y no se puede mover a la derecha"],"Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can\u2019t be moved left":["El bloque %1$s est\u00e1 al principio del contenido y no se puede mover a la izquierda"],"Block %1$s is at the beginning of the content and can\u2019t be moved up":["El bloque %1$s est\u00e1 al principio del contenido y no se puede mover hacia arriba"],"Move %1$s block from position %2$d up to position %3$d":["Mueve %1$s bloque de la posici\u00f3n %2$d a la posici\u00f3n %3$d"],"Block %1$s is at the end of the content and can\u2019t be moved right":["El bloque %1$s est\u00e1 al final del contenido y no se puede mover a la derecha"],"Block %1$s is at the end of the content and can\u2019t be moved left":["El bloque %1$s est\u00e1 al final del contenido y no se puede mover a la izquierda"],"Block %1$s is at the end of the content and can\u2019t be moved down":["El bloque %1$s est\u00e1 al final del contenido y no se puede mover hacia abajo"],"Move %1$s block from position %2$d right to position %3$d":["Mover el bloque %1$s desde la posici\u00f3n %2$d a la derecha a la posici\u00f3n %3$d"],"Move %1$s block from position %2$d left to position %3$d":["Mover el bloque %1$s desde la posici\u00f3n %2$d a la izquierda a la posici\u00f3n %3$d"],"Move %1$s block from position %2$d down to position %3$d":["Mueve %1$s bloque de la posici\u00f3n %2$d a la posici\u00f3n %3$d"],"Block %s is the only block, and cannot be moved":["El bloque %s es el \u00fanico bloque y no puede moverse"],"Append to %1$s block at position %2$d, Level %3$d":["Adjuntar al bloque %1$s en la posici\u00f3n %2$d, nivel %3$d"],"%s block inserted":["Bloque %s insertado"],"Open Colors Selector":["Abrir el selector de color"],"Block breadcrumb":["Migas de pan del bloque"],"Document":["Documento"],"Change matrix alignment":["Cambiar matriz de alineaci\u00f3n"],"Toggle full height":["Cambiar a altura completa"],"Change text alignment":["Cambiar la alineaci\u00f3n del texto"],"Align text":["Alinear texto"],"Align text right":["Alinear el texto a la derecha"],"Align text center":["Alinear el texto al centro"],"Align text left":["Alinear el texto a la izquierda"],"Zoom":["Zoom"],"Animation":["Animaci\u00f3n"],"Behaviors":["Comportamientos"],"The lightbox behavior is disabled for linked images.":["El comportamiento de la caja de luz est\u00e1 desactivado para las im\u00e1genes enlazadas."],"No behaviors":["Ning\u00fan comportamiento"],"Modify":["Modificar"],"Move to":["Mover a"],"Edit visually":["Editar visualmente"],"Edit as HTML":["Editar como HTML"],"Lock":["Bloquear"],"Unlock":["Desbloquear"],"Apply to all blocks inside":["Aplicar a todos los bloques incluidos"],"Prevent removal":["Evitar eliminaci\u00f3n"],"Disable movement":["Desactivar movimiento"],"Restrict editing":["Restringir la edici\u00f3n"],"Lock all":["Bloquear todo"],"Choose specific attributes to restrict or lock all available options.":["Elige atributos espec\u00edficos a restringir o bloquea todas las opciones disponibles."],"Lock %s":["Bloquear %s"],"Ungrouping blocks from within a grouping block back into individual blocks within the Editor \u0004Ungroup":["Desagrupar"],"verb\u0004Group":["Agrupar"],"Nested blocks will fill the width of this container. Toggle to constrain.":["Los bloques anidados llenar\u00e1n el ancho de este contenedor. Alternar para restringir."],"Nested blocks use content width with options for full and wide widths.":["Los bloques anidados usan el ancho del contenido con opciones para anchos amplio y completo."],"Inner blocks use content width":["Los bloques interiores usan el ancho del contenido"],"Layout":["Estructura"],"Currently selected position: %s":["Posici\u00f3n seleccionada actualmente: %s"],"Position":["Posici\u00f3n"],"The block will stick to the scrollable area of the parent %s block.":["El bloque se anclar\u00e1 al \u00e1rea desplazable del bloque %s superior."],"The block will not move when the page is scrolled.":["Este bloque no se mover\u00e1 cuando hagas scroll en la p\u00e1gina."],"Name for the value of the CSS position property\u0004Fixed":["Fijo"],"The block will stick to the top of the window instead of scrolling.":["Este bloque quedar\u00e1 fijo en la parte superior de la ventana en lugar de hacer scroll."],"Name for the value of the CSS position property\u0004Sticky":["Fija"],"Sticky":["Fijo"],"Name for applying graphical effects\u0004Filters":["Filtros"],"Create a two-tone color effect without losing your original image.":["Crea un efecto de color duotono sin perder tu imagen original."],"Apply duotone filter":["Aplicar filtro de duotono"],"Duotone":["Duotono"],"Min. height":["Altura m\u00ednima"],"Block spacing":["Espaciado del bloque"],"Margin":["Margen"],"Padding":["Relleno"],"Wide size":["Tama\u00f1o del ancho"],"Content size":["Tama\u00f1o del contenido"],"Set the width of the main content area.":["Establece el ancho del \u00e1rea principal de contenido."],"Fixed":["Fijo"],"Fill":["Rellenar"],"Fit":["Ajustar"],"Fit contents.":["Ajustar contenidos."],"Specify a fixed height.":["Especifica una altura fija."],"Specify a fixed width.":["Especifica un ancho fijo."],"Stretch to fill available space.":["Ampliar para rellenar el espacio disponible."],"Button label to reveal side configuration options\u0004%s options":["Opciones de %s"],"Set custom size":["Establecer un tama\u00f1o personalizado"],"Use size preset":["Usar un tama\u00f1o prestablecido"],"Custom (%s)":["Perzonalizado (%s)"],"Text decoration":["Decoraci\u00f3n del texto"],"Text columns":["Columnas de texto"],"Font size":["Tama\u00f1o de la fuente"],"Font family":["Familia de fuentes"],"Typography":["Tipograf\u00eda"],"Decoration":["Decoraci\u00f3n"],"Letter case":["May\u00fasculas o min\u00fasculas"],"Capitalize":["Iniciales en may\u00fascula"],"Lowercase":["M\u00ednusculas"],"Uppercase":["May\u00fasculas"],"Letter spacing":["Espacio entre letras"],"Line height":["Alto de l\u00ednea"],"Currently selected font appearance: %s":["Apariencia de fuente seleccionada actualmente: %s"],"Currently selected font style: %s":["Estilo de fuente seleccionado actualmente: %s"],"Currently selected font weight: %s":["Peso de fuente seleccionado actualmente: %s"],"No selected font appearance":["No se ha seleccionado ninguna apariencia de fuente"],"%1$s %2$s":["%1$s %2$s"],"Appearance":["Apariencia"],"Font style":["Estilo de fuente"],"Font weight":["Peso de la fuente"],"font weight\u0004Black":["Negra"],"font weight\u0004Extra Bold":["Extranegrita"],"font weight\u0004Bold":["Negrita"],"font weight\u0004Semi Bold":["Seminegrita"],"font weight\u0004Medium":["Mediana"],"font weight\u0004Regular":["Normal"],"font weight\u0004Light":["Clara"],"font weight\u0004Extra Light":["Extraclara"],"font weight\u0004Thin":["Fina"],"font style\u0004Italic":["Cursiva"],"font style\u0004Regular":["Normal"],"Font":["Fuente"],"Transparent text may be hard for people to read.":["El texto transparente puede ser dif\u00edcil de leer para la gente."],"This color combination may be hard for people to read.":["Esta combinaci\u00f3n de colores puede ser dif\u00edcil de leer."],"This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and\/or a darker %s.":["Esta combinaci\u00f3n de colores puede ser dif\u00edcil de leer. Prueba a usar un color de fondo m\u00e1s luminoso o un %s m\u00e1s oscuro."],"This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker background color and\/or a brighter %s.":["Esta combinaci\u00f3n de colores puede ser dif\u00edcil de leer. Prueba a usar un color de fondo m\u00e1s oscuro o un %s m\u00e1s luminoso."],"link color":["color del enlace"],"text color":["color de texto"],"Hover":["Al pasar el cursor"],"Background":["Fondo"],"H6":["H6"],"H5":["H5"],"H4":["H4"],"H3":["H3"],"H2":["H2"],"H1":["H1"],"Heading":["Encabezado"],"Button":["Bot\u00f3n"],"Captions":["Leyendas"],"Color %s styles":["Estilos de color de %s"],"Gradient":["Degradado"],"Solid":["Continuo"],"Radius":["Radio"],"Link radii":["Enlazar radios"],"Unlink radii":["Desenlazar radios"],"Bottom right":["Abajo a la derecha"],"Bottom left":["Abajo a la izquierda"],"Top right":["Arriba a la derecha"],"Top left":["Arriba a la izquierda"],"Border radius":["Radio del borde"],"Indicates this palette comes from the theme.\u0004Custom":["Personalizada"],"Add default block":["A\u00f1adir bloque por defecto"],"Type \/ to choose a block":["Teclea \/ para elegir un bloque"],"%s block added":["Bloque %s a\u00f1adido"],"Add a block":["A\u00f1ade un bloque"],"Generic label for block inserter button\u0004Add block":["A\u00f1adir un bloque"],"Add pattern":["A\u00f1adir un patr\u00f3n"],"directly add the only allowed block\u0004Add %s":["A\u00f1adir %s"],"Browse all":["Ver todos"],"Browse all. This will open the main inserter panel in the editor toolbar.":["Ver todos. Esto abrir\u00e1 el panel del insertador principal en la barra de herramientas del editor."],"Search for blocks and patterns":["Buscar bloques y patrones"],"A tip for using the block editor":["Un consejo para usar el editor de bloques"],"Blocks":["Bloques"],"Open Media Library":["Abrir la biblioteca de medios"],"Media categories":["Categor\u00edas de medios"],"Media List":["Lista de medios"],"Image inserted.":["Imagen insertada."],"Image uploaded and inserted.":["Imagen subida e insertada."],"Insert":["Insertar"],"External images can be removed by the external provider without warning and could even have legal compliance issues related to privacy legislation.":["Las im\u00e1genes externas pueden ser eliminadas por el proveedor externo sin previo aviso e incluso podr\u00edan plantear problemas de cumplimiento legal relacionados con la legislaci\u00f3n sobre privacidad."],"This image cannot be uploaded to your Media Library, but it can still be inserted as an external image.":["Esta imagen no puede ser subida en tu Biblioteca pero puede ser insertada como imagen externa."],"Insert external image":["Insertar imagen externa"],"Report %s":["Informe de %s"],"Options":["Opciones"],"Manage my patterns":["Gestionar mis patrones"],"Synced patterns":["Patrones sincronizados"],"Dismiss hint":["Descartar pista"],"Reusable blocks are now synced patterns. A synced pattern will behave in exactly the same way as a reusable block.":["Los bloques reutilizables ahora son patrones sincronizados. Un patr\u00f3n sincronizado se comportar\u00e1 exactamente de la misma forma que un bloque reutilizable."],"Explore all patterns":["Explorar todos los patrones"],"Block pattern categories":["Categor\u00edas del patr\u00f3n de bloques"],"Navigate to the previous view":["Navegar a la vista anterior"],"Patterns":["Patrones"],"%d result found.":["%d resultado encontrado.","%d resultados encontrados."],"%1$d pattern found for \"%2$s\"":["%1$d patr\u00f3n encontrado para \u00ab%2$s\u00bb","%1$d patrones encontrados para \u00ab%2$s\u00bb"],"%d block added.":["%d bloque a\u00f1adido.","%d bloques a\u00f1adidos."],"Search for patterns":["Buscar patrones"],"Block Patterns":["Patrones de bloques"],"Block pattern \"%s\" inserted.":["Patr\u00f3n de bloque \u00ab%s\u00bb insertado."],"Custom patterns add by site users":["Patrones personalizados a\u00f1adidos por usuarios del sitio"],"My patterns":["Mis patrones"],"blocks\u0004Most used":["M\u00e1s utilizados"],"Use left and right arrow keys to move through blocks":["Usa las teclas de flecha izquierda y derecha para moverte por los bloques"],"%d block":["%d bloque","%d bloques"],"Pattern":["Patr\u00f3n"],"No Preview Available.":["Vista previa no disponible."],"Editor canvas":["Lienzo del editor"],"Multiple selected blocks":["M\u00faltiples bloques seleccionados"],"Go to parent Navigation block":["Ir al bloque de navegaci\u00f3n superior"],"Change a block's type by pressing the block icon on the toolbar.":["Cambia el tipo de bloque pulsando el icono del bloque en la barra de herramientas."],"Drag files into the editor to automatically insert media blocks.":["Arrastra archivos al editor para insertar autom\u00e1ticamente bloques de medios."],"Outdent a list by pressing <kbd>backspace<\/kbd> at the beginning of a line.":["Quita la sangr\u00eda de una lista pulsando la tecla <kbd>retroceso<\/kbd> al principio de una l\u00ednea."],"Indent a list by pressing <kbd>space<\/kbd> at the beginning of a line.":["Aumenta la sangr\u00eda de una lista pulsando la tecla <kbd>espacio<\/kbd> al principio de una l\u00ednea."],"While writing, you can press <kbd>\/<\/kbd> to quickly insert new blocks.":["Al escribir, puedes pulsar <kbd> \/ <\/kbd> para insertar nuevos bloques r\u00e1pidamente."],"Block: %s":["Bloque: %s"],"This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.":["Este bloque ha encontrado un error y no puede previsualizarse."],"Convert to Blocks":["Convertir a bloques"],"Resolve Block":["Resolver bloque"],"This block contains unexpected or invalid content.":["Este bloque contiene contenido inesperado o no v\u00e1lido."],"Attempt Block Recovery":["Intentar la recuperaci\u00f3n de bloque"],"Convert to Classic Block":["Convertir a bloque cl\u00e1sico"],"imperative verb\u0004Resolve":["Solucionar"],"After Conversion":["Despu\u00e9s de la conversi\u00f3n"],"Convert to HTML":["Convertir a HTML"],"Current":["Actual"],"More options":["M\u00e1s opciones"],"Separate multiple classes with spaces.":["Separa m\u00faltiples clases con espacios."],"Additional CSS class(es)":["Clase(s) CSS adicional(es)"],"Heading settings":["Ajustes del encabezado"],"Add an anchor":["A\u00f1adir un ancla"],"Learn more about anchors":["Aprende m\u00e1s sobre los anclajes"],"https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/page-jumps\/":["https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/page-jumps\/"],"Enter a word or two \u2014 without spaces \u2014 to make a unique web address just for this block, called an \u201canchor.\u201d Then, you\u2019ll be able to link directly to this section of your page.":["Introduce una palabra o dos \u2014sin espacios\u2014 para crear una direcci\u00f3n web \u00fanica solo para este bloque, llamada \u00abanclaje\u00bb. Despu\u00e9s, podr\u00e1s enlazar directamente a esta secci\u00f3n de tu p\u00e1gina."],"HTML anchor":["Anclaje HTML"],"Change alignment":["Cambiar la alineaci\u00f3n"],"Full width":["Ancho completo"],"Wide width":["Ancho amplio"],"Alignment option\u0004None":["Ninguna"],"Minimum column width":["Anchura m\u00ednima de columna"],"Grid":["Cuadr\u00edcula"],"Customize the width for all elements that are assigned to the center or wide columns.":["Personaliza el ancho de todos los elementos asignados a columnas centradas o amplias."],"Wide":["Ancho"],"Constrained":["Constre\u00f1ido"],"Flow":["Flujo"],"Orientation":["Orientaci\u00f3n"],"Allow to wrap to multiple lines":["Permite el ajuste a varias l\u00edneas"],"Justification":["Justificado"],"Vertical alignment":["Alineaci\u00f3n vertical"],"Align items bottom":["Alinear elementos al fondo"],"Align items center":["Alinear elementos al centro"],"Align items top":["Alinear elementos arriba"],"Flex":["Flexible"],"Indicates this palette is created by the user.\u0004Custom":["Personalizada"],"Indicates this palette comes from WordPress.\u0004Default":["Por defecto"],"Indicates this palette comes from the theme.\u0004Theme":["Tema"],"Change items justification":["Cambiar el justificado de los elementos"],"Stretch items":["Estirar elementos"],"Space between items":["Espacio entre elementos"],"Justify items right":["Justificar elementos a la derecha"],"Justify items center":["Justificar elementos al centro"],"Justify items left":["Justificar elementos a la izquierda"],"Block vertical alignment setting label\u0004Change vertical alignment":["Cambiar la alineaci\u00f3n vertical"],"Block vertical alignment setting\u0004Space between":["Espacio intermedio"],"Block vertical alignment setting\u0004Stretch to fill":["Estirar para rellenar"],"Block vertical alignment setting\u0004Align bottom":["Alineaci\u00f3n inferior"],"Block vertical alignment setting\u0004Align middle":["Alineaci\u00f3n al medio"],"Block vertical alignment setting\u0004Align top":["Alineaci\u00f3n superior"],"Custom":["Personalizado"],"Horizontal & vertical":["Horizontal y vertical"],"Horizontal":["Horizontal"],"Vertical":["Vertical"],"Mixed":["Mixto"],"Spacing control":["Control de espaciado"],"Max %s wide":["M\u00e1ximo %s de ancho"],"Use the Tab key and Arrow keys to choose new block location. 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Para salir del modo de navegaci\u00f3n y editar el bloque seleccionado pulsa Intro."],"%s block selected.":["%s bloque seleccionado.","%s bloques seleccionados."],"Midnight":["Medianoche"],"Electric grass":["Hierba el\u00e9ctrica"],"Pale ocean":["Oc\u00e9ano p\u00e1lido"],"Luminous dusk":["Atardecer luminoso"],"Blush bordeaux":["Rubor burdeos"],"Blush light purple":["Rubor p\u00farpura claro"],"Cool to warm spectrum":["Espectro fr\u00edo a caliente"],"Very light gray to cyan bluish gray":["Gris muy claro a gris azulado cian"],"Luminous vivid orange to vivid red":["Naranja vivo luminoso a rojo vivo"],"Luminous vivid amber to luminous vivid orange":["\u00c1mbar vivo luminoso a naranja vivo"],"Light green cyan to vivid green cyan":["Verde cian claro a verde cian vivo"],"Vivid cyan blue to vivid purple":["Cian azul vivo a p\u00farpura vivo"],"font size name\u0004Huge":["Enorme"],"font size name\u0004Large":["Grande"],"font size name\u0004Medium":["Medio"],"font size name\u0004Normal":["Normal"],"font size name\u0004Small":["Peque\u00f1o"],"Vivid purple":["Morado vivo"],"Vivid cyan blue":["Azul cian vivo"],"Pale cyan blue":["Azul cian p\u00e1lido"],"Vivid green cyan":["Cian verde vivo"],"Light green cyan":["Cian verde claro"],"Luminous vivid amber":["Ambar vivo luminoso"],"Luminous vivid orange":["Naranja vivo luminoso"],"Vivid red":["Rojo vivo"],"Pale pink":["Rosa p\u00e1lido"],"Cyan bluish gray":["Gris azulado cian"],"Text":["Texto"],"Video":["V\u00eddeo"],"Audio":["Audio"],"Untitled":["Sin t\u00edtulo"],"Link selected.":["Enlace seleccionado."],"Content":["Contenido"],"Patterns list":["Lista de patrones"],"Insert from URL":["Insertar desde una URL"],"Media Library":["Biblioteca de medios"],"Select":["Seleccionar"],"Replace":["Reemplazar"],"Link CSS Class":["Clase CSS del enlace"],"Align":["Alineaci\u00f3n"],"Attachment Page":["P\u00e1gina de adjuntos"],"Media File":["Archivo de medios"],"Grid view":["Vista de cuadr\u00edcula"],"List view":["Vista de lista"],"None":["Ninguna"],"Done":["Hecho"],"White":["Blanco"],"Black":["Negro"],"Paste URL or type to search":["Pega la URL o teclea para buscar"],"Bottom":["Abajo"],"Top":["Arriba"],"Right":["Derecha"],"Left":["Izquierda"],"Width":["Anchura"],"Height":["Altura"],"Columns":["Columnas"],"Color":["Color"],"Insert link":["Insertar un enlace"],"Link":["Enlace"],"Remove link":["Eliminar el enlace"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Media":["Medios"],"Dimensions":["Dimensiones"],"Border":["Borde"],"Advanced":["Avanzado"],"Image":["Imagen"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Align left":["Alineaci\u00f3n izquierda"],"Align right":["Alineaci\u00f3n derecha"],"Align center":["Alineaci\u00f3n centrada"],"Strikethrough":["Tachado"],"Underline":["Subrayado"],"Paragraph":["P\u00e1rrafo"],"Apply":["Aplicar"],"URL":["URL"],"Back":["Volver"],"Move down":["Bajar"],"Move up":["Subir"],"No results found.":["No se han encontrado resultados."],"Additional CSS":["CSS adicional"],"Default":["Por defecto"],"Publish":["Publicar"],"Copy":["Copiar"],"Preview":["Vista previa"],"Uncategorized":["Sin categor\u00eda"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Full Size":["Tama\u00f1o completo"],"Large":["Grande"],"Medium":["Medio"],"Thumbnail":["Miniatura"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Settings":["Ajustes"]}},"comment":{"reference":"wp-includes\/js\/dist\/block-editor.js"}}

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0