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{"translation-revision-date":"2023-10-17 16:18:36+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es"},"View the autosave":["Ver el guardado autom\u00e1tico"],"There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below.":["Hay un guardado autom\u00e1tico de esta entrada que es m\u00e1s reciente que la versi\u00f3n de abajo."],"You do not have permission to create Pages.":["No tienes permisos para crear p\u00e1ginas."],"caption\u0004<a %1$s>Work<\/a>\/ %2$s":["<a %1$s>Obra<\/a>\/ %2$s"],"Document Outline":["Esquema del documento"],"Paragraphs":["P\u00e1rrafos"],"Characters":["Caracteres"],"Document Statistics":["Estad\u00edsticas del documento"],"<span>%d<\/span> minute":["<span>%d<\/span> minuto","<span>%d<\/span> minutos"],"<span>< 1<\/span> minute":["<span>< 1<\/span> minuto"],"Learn more.":["Saber m\u00e1s."],"https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/page-post-settings-sidebar\/#permalink":["https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/page-post-settings-sidebar\/#permalink"],"The last part of the URL.":["La \u00faltima parte de la URL."],"Permalink":["Enlace permanente"],"Move to trash":["Mover a la papelera"],"Add title":["Escribe un t\u00edtulo"],"Editing the pattern will update it anywhere it is used.":["Al editar el patr\u00f3n se actualizar\u00e1 en cualquier parte en la que est\u00e9 en uso."],"Set pattern sync status":["Establecer estado de sincronizaci\u00f3n de patrones"],"Sync status":["Estado de sincronizaci\u00f3n"],"Switch to draft":["Cambiar a borrador"],"Are you sure you want to unschedule this post?":["\u00bfSeguro que quieres anular la programaci\u00f3n de esta entrada?"],"Are you sure you want to unpublish this post?":["\u00bfSeguro que quieres anular la publicaci\u00f3n de esta entrada?"],"Stick to the top of the blog":["F\u00edjalo a la parte superior del blog"],"Autosaving":["Guardando autom\u00e1ticamente"],"Save draft":["Guardar como borrador"],"Save as pending":["Guardar como pendiente"],"Always show pre-publish checks.":["Mostrar siempre las comprobaciones previas a la publicaci\u00f3n."],"Close panel":["Cerrar el panel"],"%s address":["direcci\u00f3n del %s"],"What\u2019s next?":["\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo siguiente?"],"is now live.":["est\u00e1 ahora visible."],"is now scheduled. It will go live on":["est\u00e1 ahora programada. Estar\u00e1 visible el"],"Publish:":["Publicar: "],"Visibility:":["Visibilidad:"],"Double-check your settings before publishing.":["Vuelve a comprobar tus ajustes antes de publicar."],"Are you ready to publish?":["\u00bfEst\u00e1s listo para publicar?"],"Your work will be published at the specified date and time.":["Tu trabajo se publicar\u00e1 en la fecha y hora establecidas."],"Are you ready to schedule?":["\u00bfEst\u00e1s listo para programar?"],"When you\u2019re ready, submit your work for review, and an Editor will be able to approve it for you.":["Cuando est\u00e9s listo, env\u00eda tu trabajo para revisi\u00f3n y un editor podr\u00e1 aprobarlo."],"Are you ready to submit for review?":["\u00bfEst\u00e1s listo para enviarlo a revisi\u00f3n?"],"Upload all":["Subir todo"],"There are some external images in the post which can be uploaded to the media library. Images coming from different domains may not always display correctly, load slowly for visitors, or be removed unexpectedly.":["Hay algunas im\u00e1genes externas en la entrada que pueden ser subidas a la biblioteca de medios. Las im\u00e1genes procedentes de diferentes dominios pueden no mostrarse correctamente, cargar lentamente para los lectores o ser eliminadas inesperadamente."],"External media":["Medios externos"],"Select image block.":["Seleccionar bloque de imagen."],"Categories provide a helpful way to group related posts together and to quickly tell readers what a post is about.":["Las categor\u00edas ofrecen un modo \u00fatil de agrupar juntas entradas relacionadas y de decirle r\u00e1pidamente a los lectores de qu\u00e9 va una entrada."],"Assign a category":["Asigna una categor\u00eda"],"Terms":["T\u00e9rminos"],"Search Terms":["T\u00e9rminos de b\u00fasqueda"],"Parent Term":["T\u00e9rmino superior"],"Add new term":["A\u00f1adir un nuevo t\u00e9rmino"],"Add new category":["A\u00f1adir una nueva categor\u00eda"],"Apply the \"%1$s\" format.":["Aplica el formato \u00ab%1$s\u00bb."],"Your theme uses post formats to highlight different kinds of content, like images or videos. Apply a post format to see this special styling.":["Tu tema utiliza formatos de entrada para destacar los distintos tipos de contenido, como im\u00e1genes o v\u00eddeos. Aplica un formato de entrada para ver estos estilos especiales."],"Use a post format":["Usa un formato de entrada"],"Tags help users and search engines navigate your site and find your content. Add a few keywords to describe your post.":["Las etiquetas ayudan a los usuarios y a los motores de b\u00fasqueda a navegar por tu sitio y encontrar tu contenido. A\u00f1ade unas cuantas palabras clave que describan tu entrada."],"Add tags":["A\u00f1ade etiquetas"],"Suggestion:":["Sugerencia:"],"term\u0004Remove %s":["Eliminar %s"],"term\u0004%s removed":["%s eliminado"],"Add new Term":["A\u00f1adir un nuevo t\u00e9rmino"],"Add new tag":["A\u00f1adir una nueva etiqueta"],"term\u0004%s added":["%s a\u00f1adido"],"Term":["T\u00e9rmino"],"Tag":["Etiqueta"],"post schedule date format without year\u0004F j g:i\u00a0a":["F j g:i\u00a0a"],"Tomorrow at %s":["Ma\u00f1ana a las %s"],"post schedule time format\u0004g:i\u00a0a":["g:i\u00a0a"],"Today at %s":["Hoy a las %s"],"post schedule full date format\u0004F j, Y g:i\u00a0a":["j \\d\\e F \\d\\e Y H:i"],"Would you like to privately publish this post now?":["\u00bfTe gustar\u00eda publicar ahora en privado esta entrada?"],"Create password":["Crear una contrase\u00f1a"],"Control how this post is viewed.":["Controla c\u00f3mo se ve esta entrada."],"Only those with the password can view this post.":["Solo los que tengan la contrase\u00f1a pueden ver esta entrada"],"Public":["P\u00fablica"],"Schedule":["Programar"],"Schedule\u2026":["Programar\u2026"],"Update\u2026":["Actualizar..."],"Submit for Review":["Enviar para revisi\u00f3n"],"Submit for Review\u2026":["Enviar para revisi\u00f3n..."],"Scheduling\u2026":["Programando\u2026"],"Updating\u2026":["Actualizando..."],"Publishing\u2026":["Publicando..."],"imperative verb\u0004Preview":["Vista previa"],"Generating preview\u2026":["Generando la vista previa\u2026"],"Allow pingbacks & trackbacks":["Permitir pingbacks y trackbacks"],"Pending review":["Pendiente de revisi\u00f3n"],"If you take over, the other user will lose editing control to the post, but their changes will be saved.":["Si tomas la posesi\u00f3n, el otro usuario perder\u00e1 el control de edici\u00f3n de la entrada, pero sus cambios se guardar\u00e1n."],"Another user is currently working on this post (<PreviewLink \/>), which means you cannot make changes, unless you take over.":["Hay otro usuario trabajando ahora mismo en esta entrada (<PreviewLink \/>), lo que significa que no puedes hacer cambios, a no ser que tomes el control."],"<strong>%s<\/strong> is currently working on this post (<PreviewLink \/>), which means you cannot make changes, unless you take over.":["<strong>%s<\/strong> est\u00e1 actualmente trabajando en esta entrada (<PreviewLink \/>), lo que significa que no puedes hacer cambios, a menos que tomes el control."],"preview":["vista previa"],"Another user now has editing control of this post (<PreviewLink \/>). Don\u2019t worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved.":["Otro usuario tiene ahora el control de edici\u00f3n de esta entrada (<PreviewLink \/>). No te preocupes, se han guardado tus cambios hasta este momento."],"<strong>%s<\/strong> now has editing control of this post (<PreviewLink \/>). Don\u2019t worry, your changes up to this moment have been saved.":["<strong>%s<\/strong> tiene ahora el control de edici\u00f3n de esta entrada (<PreviewLink \/>). No te preocupes, se han guardado tus cambios hasta este momento."],"This post is already being edited":["Esta entrada ya est\u00e1 siendo editada"],"Someone else has taken over this post":["Alguien ha tomado el control de esta entrada"],"Exit editor":["Salir del editor"],"Apply suggested format: %s":["Aplicar el formato sugerido: %s"],"Post Format":["Formato de entrada:"],"Quote":["Cita"],"Chat":["Chat"],"Aside":["Minientrada"],"Edit or replace the image":["Editar o actualizar la imagen"],"Current image: %s":["Imagen actual: %s"],"To edit the featured image, you need permission to upload media.":["Para editar la imagen destacada necesitas permisos para subir medios."],"Set featured image":["Asignar imagen destacada"],"Learn more about manual excerpts":["Aprende m\u00e1s sobre los extractos manuales"],"https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/page-post-settings-sidebar\/#excerpt":["https:\/\/wordpress.org\/documentation\/article\/page-post-settings-sidebar\/#excerpt"],"Write an excerpt (optional)":["Escribe un extracto (opcional)"],"Allow comments":["Permitir comentarios"],"Template:":["Plantilla:"],"no title":["sin t\u00edtulo"],"Order":["Orden"],"Restore the backup":["Restaurar la copia de seguridad"],"The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below.":["La copia de seguridad de esta entrada en tu navegador es diferente de la siguiente versi\u00f3n."],"Copy Post Text":["Copiar el texto de la entrada"],"The following changes have been made to your site, templates, and content.":["Se han hecho los siguientes cambios a tu sitio, plantillas y contenido."],"Are you ready to save?":["\u00bfEst\u00e1s listo para guardar?"],"Maximum posts per page":["Entradas m\u00e1ximas por p\u00e1gina"],"Page on front":["P\u00e1gina en la portada"],"Show on front":["Mostrar en la portada"],"The following content has been modified.":["Se ha modificado el siguiente contenido."],"This change will affect pages and posts that use this template.":["Este cambio afectar\u00e1 a las p\u00e1ginas y entradas que usen esta plantilla.","Estos cambios afectar\u00e1 a las p\u00e1ginas y entradas que usen estas plantillas."],"These changes will affect your whole site.":["Estos cambios afectar\u00e1n a todo tu sitio."],"This change will affect your whole site.":["Este cambio afectar\u00e1 a todo tu sitio.","Estos cambios afectar\u00e1n a todo tu sitio."],"Selected":["Seleccionado"],"The content of your post doesn\u2019t match the template assigned to your post type.":["El contenido de tu entrada no se ajusta a la plantilla asignada a tu tipo de contenido."],"Reset the template":["Restablecer la plantilla"],"Keep it as is":["Mantenerla como est\u00e1"],"Resetting the template may result in loss of content, do you want to continue?":["Restablecer la plantilla puede ocasionar la p\u00e9rdida del contenido, \u00bfquieres continuar?"],"(Multiple H1 headings are not recommended)":["(No se recomiendan varios H1)"],"(Your theme may already use a H1 for the post title)":["(Puede que tu tema ya use un H1 para el t\u00edtulo de la entrada)"],"(Incorrect heading level)":["(Nivel de encabezado incorrecto)"],"(Empty heading)":["(Encabezado vac\u00edo)"],"Trashing failed":["Fallo al enviar a la papelera"],"Updating failed.":["Ha fallado la actualizaci\u00f3n."],"Scheduling failed.":["Ha fallado la programaci\u00f3n."],"Publishing failed.":["Ha fallado la publicaci\u00f3n."],"View Preview":["Ver una vista previa"],"Draft saved.":["Borrador guardado."],"You have unsaved changes. If you proceed, they will be lost.":["Tienes cambios sin guardar. Si contin\u00faas, se perder\u00e1n."],"Standard":["Est\u00e1ndar"],"Synced":["Sincronizado"],"Start writing with text or HTML":["Empieza a escribir texto o HTML"],"Type text or HTML":["Escribe el texto o el HTML"],"Search Openverse":["Buscar en Openverse"],"Openverse":["Openverse"],"Search audio":["Buscar audio"],"Search videos":["Buscar v\u00eddeos"],"Videos":["V\u00eddeos"],"Search images":["Buscar im\u00e1genes"],"caption\u0004\"%1$s\"\/ %2$s":["\u00ab%1$s\u00bb\/ %2$s"],"caption\u0004<a %1$s>Work<\/a> by %2$s\/ %3$s":["<a %1$s>Obra<\/a> por %2$s\/ %3$s"],"caption\u0004\"%1$s\" by %2$s\/ %3$s":["\"%1$s\" por %2$s\/ %3$s"],"%d Revision":["%d revisi\u00f3n","%d revisiones"],"Immediately":["Inmediatamente"],"Use a secure password":["Usa una contrase\u00f1a segura"],"Visible to everyone.":["Visible para todos"],"Only visible to site admins and editors.":["Solo visible para los administradores y editores del sitio."],"Time to read":["Tiempo de lectura"],"Words":["Palabras"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Status":["Estado"],"Saving failed.":["Fallo al guardar."],"Site updated.":["Sitio actualizado."],"Saving":["Guardando"],"Fully synced":["Totalmente sincronizado"],"Not synced":["No sincronizado"],"Allow comments on new posts":["Permitir comentarios en las entradas nuevas"],"Headings":["Encabezados"],"Visibility":["Visibilidad"],"View post":["Ver la entrada"],"Save your changes.":["Guarda tus cambios."],"Redo your last undo.":["Rehace tu \u00faltimo deshacer."],"Undo your last changes.":["Deshace tus \u00faltimos cambios."],"The editor has encountered an unexpected error.":["El editor ha encontrado un error inesperado."],"Copy Error":["Copiar el error"],"Category":["Categor\u00eda"],"Create":["Crear"],"Template Part":["Parte de plantilla","Partes de plantilla"],"Icon":["Icono"],"Featured image":["Imagen destacada"],"Avatar":["Avatar"],"Blocks":["Bloques"],"%d result found.":["%d resultado encontrado.","%d resultados encontrados."],"Video":["V\u00eddeo"],"The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %s":["La imagen actual no tiene texto alternativo. El nombre del archivo es: %s"],"Gallery":["Galer\u00eda"],"Audio":["Audio"],"Untitled":["Sin t\u00edtulo"],"(Untitled)":["(Sin t\u00edtulo)"],"Saved":["Guardado"],"Images":["Im\u00e1genes"],"Private":["Privada"],"Template Parts":["Partes de plantilla"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Select":["Seleccionar"],"Replace":["Reemplazar"],"Copied!":["\u00a1Copiado!"],"Details":["Detalles"],"Password protected":["Protegido con contrase\u00f1a"],"Parent Category":["Categor\u00eda superior"],"Word count type. 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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0